rom-rb / rom

Data mapping and persistence toolkit for Ruby
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`schema(infer: true)` overrides command's input #360

Closed solnic closed 8 years ago

solnic commented 8 years ago

From @Kukunin on November 4, 2016 17:56

In my application, I have different attributes format between schema (legacy tables) and my domain models. So I need to use mappers to both save and restore an entity.

While it's easy to use mappers for Relation, I haven't found a way to use for Command. So, I use command's input for this purpose.

It works great, until I want to set association for my relation. schema(infer: true) breaks everything.

After some investigation, I've found that inferred schema overrides my custom input for any commands.

So, without schema(infer: true), I get custom mapper as input

From: /Users/kukunin/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/rom-sql-0.8.0/lib/rom/sql/commands/create.rb @ line 24 ROM::SQL::Commands::Create#execute:

    22: def execute(tuples)
    23:   insert_tuples = with_input_tuples(tuples) do |tuple|
 => 24:     attributes = input[tuple]
    26:     attributes.to_h
    27:   end
    29:   if insert_tuples.length > 1
    30:     multi_insert(insert_tuples)
    31:   else
    32:     insert(insert_tuples)
    33:   end
    34: end

[6] pry(#<Persistence::Commands::Hoi::CreateCaseFromModel>)> input
=> #<Method: Persistence::Mappers::Hoi::CasesTuple#to_tuple>

But with schema(infer: true), it is:

[5] pry(#<Persistence::Commands::Hoi::CreateCaseFromModel>)> input
=> #<Dry::Types::Constructor type=#<Dry::Types::Hash::Schema primitive=Hash options={:member_types=>{:id=>#<Dry::Types::Constrained type=#<Dry::Types::Definition primitive=Integer options={}> options={:rule=>#<Dry::Logic::Operations::And rules=[#<Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate predicate=#<Method: Module(Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods)#type?> options={:args=>[Integer]}>, #<Dry::Logic::Rule::Predicate predicate=#<Method: Module(Dry::Logic::Predicates::Methods)#gt?> options={:args=>[0]}>] options={}>, :meta=>{:primary_key=>true, :name=>:id}}.....A LOT OF TEXT

So, because It doesn't map my domain entity, it crashes.

My relation: ```ruby class Relations::Cases < ROM::Relation[:sql] register_as :hoi_cases dataset :cases end ``` and command with custom mapper: ```ruby class Commands::CreateCaseFromModel < ROM::Command::Create[:sql] relation :hoi_cases register_as :create_from_model input end ``` and just for clarity, my mapper code: ```ruby class CasesTuple < ROM::Mapper relation :hoi_quotes register_as :tuple # mapping rules here def to_tuple(params) call([params]).first end end ```

P.S. If you know a better way to map entity to underlying schema in 2-directions more easily - tell me, please.


solnic commented 8 years ago

We can tweak commands in a way that if there's an input handler configured which is not the default proc, then we'll compose it with the schema handler. Would that work?

solnic commented 8 years ago

From @flash-gordon on November 4, 2016 18:57

This is possible to override method in this way

      class Commands::CreateCaseFromModel < ROM::Command::Create[:sql]
        relation :hoi_cases
        register_as :create_from_model

        def, options = {})
          # pass any input you want, you can access schema's input via relation.schema_hash
          super(relation, options.merge(input: ...)) 

This will do the trick for now ^ But I agree we need to make it more user-friendly :) See sources:

solnic commented 8 years ago

@Kukunin this has been fixed in rom 2.0.2, this illustrates how it works now:

require 'rom'
require 'securerandom'

config =, 'sqlite::memory')

config.default.create_table :posts do
  primary_key :id
  column :title, String, null: false
  column :uuid, String

config.relation(:posts) do
  schema(infer: true)

class CreatePost < ROM::Command::Create[:sql]
  relation :posts
  register_as :create
  input -> tuple { tuple.key?(:uuid) ? tuple : tuple.merge(uuid: SecureRandom.uuid) }


rom = ROM.container(config)

puts rom.commands[:posts][:create].call(title: "Hello World").inspect
# [{:id=>1, :title=>"Hello World", :uuid=>"fd2eafb6-30c1-46aa-9a9d-770a90a30a2a"}]

Now, schema hash is used as the second processing step, this means that your input handler is used first, and its result is passed to schema hash.

In example here we configure our schema with a constrained type for :uuid attribute:

require 'rom'
require 'securerandom'

config =, 'sqlite::memory')

config.default.create_table :posts do
  primary_key :id
  column :title, String, null: false
  column :uuid, String

config.relation(:posts) do
  schema do
    attribute :id, ROM::SQL::Types::Serial
    attribute :title, ROM::SQL::Types::Strict::String
    attribute :uuid, ROM::SQL::Types::Strict::String.constrained(format: /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i)

class CreatePost < ROM::Command::Create[:sql]
  relation :posts
  register_as :create
  input -> tuple { tuple.key?(:uuid) ? tuple : tuple.merge(uuid: SecureRandom.uuid) }


rom = ROM.container(config)

rom.commands[:posts][:create].call(title: "Hello World", uuid: 'not-uuid').inspect
# "not-uuid" (String) has invalid type for :uuid (Dry::Types::SchemaError)
Kukunin commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot!