rom-rb / rom

Data mapping and persistence toolkit for Ruby
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relation.wrap should respect association view #407

Closed johnnoone closed 6 years ago

johnnoone commented 7 years ago

I've defined 2 relations, one with a custom view (to filter some columns), and an association to that view.

When I use relation.combine_children, it works as expected and linked entity returns only the wanted fields. But when I use relation.wrap, it does not respect the custom view.

For example this script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rom-sql'
require 'rom-repository'
require 'dry-types'

module Types
  include Dry::Types.module

rom = ROM.container(:sql, 'sqlite::memory') do |c|
  c.gateways[:default].create_table :users do
    primary_key :id, Integer
    column :name, String
    column :secret, String

  c.gateways[:default].create_table :goods do
    primary_key :id, Integer
    column :name, String
    column :owner_id, Integer


  c.relation(:users) do
    schema(:users, infer: false) do
      attribute :id, Types::Int.meta(primary_key: true)
      attribute :name, Types::String
      attribute :secret, Types::String

    view(:as_owner, [:id, :name]) do
      select(:id, :name)

  c.relation(:goods) do
    schema(:goods, infer: false) do
      attribute :id, Types::Int.meta(primary_key: true)
      attribute :name, Types::String
      attribute :owner_id, Types::Int.meta(foreign_key: true)

      associations do
        a = belongs_to :users, as: :owner, foreign_key: :owner_id, view: :as_owner

jane = rom.relations[:users].insert(name: "Jane", secret: "not so secret")
fred = rom.relations[:users].insert(name: "Fred")

rom.relations[:goods].insert(name: 'pen', owner_id: jane)
rom.relations[:goods].insert(name: 'bag', owner_id: fred)

class GoodRepo < ROM::Repository[:goods]
  relations :users

  def query_with_combine
      .combine_children(one: { owner: users.as_owner })

  def query_with_wrap

repo =

puts ""
puts "With combine, it returns wanted columns"
puts repo.query_with_combine.to_a.inspect

puts ""
puts "With wrap, it does not filters columns"
puts repo.query_with_wrap.to_a.inspect

Wrap query returns

SELECT `goods`.`id`,
       `users`.`id` AS 'users_id',
       `users`.`name` AS 'users_name',
       `users`.`secret` AS 'users_secret'
FROM `goods`
  INNER JOIN `users` ON (`goods`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`)
ORDER BY `goods`.`id`
[#<ROM::Struct::Good id=1 name="pen" owner_id=1 owner=#<ROM::Struct::Owner id=1 name="Jane" secret="not so secret">>,
 #<ROM::Struct::Good id=2 name="bag" owner_id=2 owner=#<ROM::Struct::Owner id=2 name="Fred" secret=nil>>]


SELECT `goods`.`id`,
       `users`.`id` AS 'users_id',
       `users`.`name` AS 'users_name'
FROM `goods`
  INNER JOIN `users` ON (`goods`.`owner_id` = `users`.`id`)
ORDER BY `goods`.`id`
[#<ROM::Struct::Good id=1 name="pen" owner_id=1 owner=#<ROM::Struct::Owner id=1 name="Jane">>,
 #<ROM::Struct::Good id=2 name="bag" owner_id=2 owner=#<ROM::Struct::Owner id=2 name="Fred">>]
solnic commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure if we want to support :view option along with wraps, because they use joins instead of composition so it's really hard to tell how such a custom view is supposed to be used. Good news is that in rom 4.0 wrap will be part of the core API (already in master) so that you'll be able to easily define your own relation view that uses wrap and do whatever you want there.

I'll leave this open for further discussion.

solnic commented 7 years ago

@flash-gordon do you have any idea how this could be done?

flash-gordon commented 7 years ago

🤔 @solnic what if we join base relations by default? I.e. users has many visible_comments, where visible_comments is a view defined to comments, then we just do join on = comments.user_id, no matter how visible_comments is defined (user_id might not present in visible_comments we should raise an error in this case, I think it's fine for now). And in other cases we could leverage the block syntax you proposed in the chat

solnic commented 7 years ago

@flash-gordon I'm not sure if I follow :)

flash-gordon commented 7 years ago

@solnic lol, let's put it in another form, what's the problem with joining a view? RDMS has a similar concept of a "database view" and it's absolutely legal to join a view. We can do something very similar by, say, joining a subquery. WDYT?

solnic commented 7 years ago

ah yeah, this makes sense

solnic commented 6 years ago

This issue was moved to rom-rb/rom-sql#251