rom1504 / rbot

bot made with mineflayer which can do task
MIT License
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bot fails at the command of stop watch #38

Open lastuniverse opened 8 years ago

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

/home/......./rbot/task/blockTask.js:96 bot.removeListener('blockUpdate',wa[1]); ^

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined at stopWatch (/home/......./rbot/task/blockTask.js:96:37) at /home/......./rbot/achieve.js:53:11 at /home/......./rbot/lib/stringTo.js:39:192 at /home/......./rbot/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:232:13 at async.each (/home/......./rbot/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:107:20) at _asyncMap (/home/......./rbot/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:226:9) at (/home/......./rbot/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:204:23) at Object.stringTo (/home/......./rbot/lib/stringTo.js:39:8) at applyAction (/home/......./rbot/achieve.js:52:12) at Immediate._onImmediate (/home/......./rbot/achieve.js:87:28)

rom1504 commented 8 years ago

Yeah I know that's broken, not sure why. I'll try fixing it sometime.

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

rom I tried to understand myself. in the code function watch, wa the array is initialized.

wa = ["done", function ...... ]

can't understand why in the stopWatch it is not already initialized

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

just tell me where to look

rom1504 commented 8 years ago

maybe because is never executed.

Try adding some console.log there maybe.

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

did so:

var watch_result = {};

function watch(ent,done)
    console.log("start watch");
    var firstPosition=ent.position.floored();
        watch_result.status = done;
        watch_result.cb = function(oldBlock,newBlock){
            if(newBlock==null) return;
                var action;
                if(isBlockEmpty(newBlock)) action="dig";
                else if(isBlockNotEmpty(newBlock)) action="build";
                else action="";
                    var d=newBlock.position.floored().minus(firstPosition);
                    var c=action+" r"+positionToString(d)
                    com+=(com!="" ? " then " : "")+c;

        return watch_result.cb;

function stopWatch(done)
    console.log("stoped watch");
    com="do "+com+" done";

in console got:

watch lastuniverse
stop watch
["stop watch",[]]
I'm going to achieve task ["stop watch",[]]
stoped watch
        throw new TypeError('listener must be a function');

TypeError: listener must be a function
    at Bot.removeListener (events.js:276:15)
    at stopWatch (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at /home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at /home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at /home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at async.each (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at _asyncMap (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at Object.stringTo (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at applyAction (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/

it is seen that console.log("watch start"); the functions of the watch didn't work. that is, the function watch(...) was never called.

where calls the function watch(...)?

rom1504 commented 8 years ago

It's after watch_result.status = done; that you should try to put a console.log("test"); to see if it goes there.

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago


function watch(ent,done)
    console.log("start watch");
    var firstPosition=ent.position.floored();
        watch_result.status = done;
        console.log("test watch");

in console:

watch lastuniverse
stop watch
["stop watch",[]]
I'm going to achieve task ["stop watch",[]]
stoped watch
        throw new TypeError('listener must be a function');

all the same. in the console did not get any start watch and test watch

if the function call is the watch(......) in the console is to be displayed start watch

function watch(ent,done)
    console.log("start watch");
lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

therefore it can be argued that the function call to watch(...) is not performed

perhaps it is because the command watch is the argument <entity>. And as a result entry "watch" in the file task.js does not work.

this may be the cause?

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

found a place which may be an error:

modified the function processMessage in file achieve.js

function processMessage(message,username,done)
    console.log("task debug ["+message+"] in achieve.js 161");
    if(username !=bot.username && (username===master || master===undefined))
        var parsedMessage;
        if(parsedMessage[0] in tasks ||parsedMessage[0] in parameterized_alias) achieve(parsedMessage,username,done);
    console.log("task debug ["+message+"] in achieve.js 177");

adding the following line: console.log("task debug ["+message+"] in achieve.js 161"); console.log("task debug ["+message+"] in achieve.js 177");

in console:

task debug [watch lastuniverse] in rbot.js 41
task debug [watch lastuniverse] in achieve.js 161
watch lastuniverse

it is seen that execution of the line XXX is not happening for the following reason:


it remains only to find the bug :(

rom1504 commented 8 years ago

oh yes of course. it's watch <entity> if you want to watch a player, the entity should be player <playerName>

so for example watch player lastuniverse

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

still crashes. But the watch command is already processing

watch player lastuniverse
["watch",[["entity","player lastuniverse"]]]
task debug [watch] in achieve.js 78
task debug [watch] in achieve.js 67
I'm going to achieve task ["watch",[["entity","player lastuniverse"]]]
task debug [watch player lastuniverse] in achieve.js 177
start watch
test watch
build r2,0,1
build r2,1,1
build r2,1,0
task debug [stop watch] in rbot.js 41
task debug [stop watch] in achieve.js 161
stop watch
["stop watch",[]]
task debug [stop watch] in achieve.js 78
task debug [stop watch] in achieve.js 67
I'm going to achieve task ["stop watch",[]]
task debug [stop watch] in achieve.js 177
stoped watch

TypeError: watch_result.status is not a function
    at stopWatch (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at /home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at /home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at /home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at async.each (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at _asyncMap (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at Object.stringTo (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at applyAction (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
    at Immediate._onImmediate (/home/roman/work/electron/apps/
rom1504 commented 8 years ago

hmm can you print the done of watch_result.status = done; ? see what's in it

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

in watch_result.status my nick :)

stop watch
["stop watch",[]]
task debug [stop watch] in achieve.js 78
task debug [stop watch] in achieve.js 67
I'm going to achieve task ["stop watch",[]]
task debug [stop watch] in achieve.js 177
stoped watch
test stopwatch [lastuniverse] in blockTask.js 106

what there should be?

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

in done my nick too

function watch(ent,done)
    console.log("start watch. done = "+done);


start watch. done = lastuniverse
rom1504 commented 8 years ago

Really ? there's your nick in done ??? It should be a function.

rom1504 commented 8 years ago

I was talking about the done of watch.

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

sorry, I took the kids to roller skate. Yes, there really is my nickname. I see what function is required. But couldn't find where it comes from this option.

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

Now the wife sends you to the market. She is one of those women who can not refuse :) As the store comes, I will look for an error further.

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

I came. Tell me which of the files is the primary function call watch? And in what file the setting is done privatives function?

rom1504 commented 8 years ago

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

this is without the latest commit

in code:

function watch(ent,done,done1,done2)
    console.log("start watch")
    console.log("done = "+done);
    console.log("done1 = "+done1);
    console.log("done2 = "+done2);

in console:

start watch. 
done = lastuniverse 
done1 = function (result){
                                if(result!=null && !result) {applyAction(task,username,parsedTask,done);} 
                                else {
                                        if(result) reportFailOfTask(parsedTask)(); 
                                        else reportEndOfTask(parsedTask,done)()
done2 = undefined
lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

thank you very much. Children already overcome with requests to make them a bot:)

lastuniverse commented 8 years ago

now errors out when using any commands. Mostly errors about type mismatch of one of the passed arguments to the expected type. And the lack of initialized parameters.

To post here the errors?