Closed benoitberanger closed 2 years ago
its not realistic to have a userfriendly function, since this involves many regex that have to be mannualy defined but here is a snippet :
run_all = e.getSerie('run').removeEmpty();
% in AFNI, outside the mask is NaN
% in SPM, outise the mask is 0
% so convert NaN to 0
clear par
if CLUSTER = 0;
par.sge = 1;
par.sge_queu = 'normal,bigmem';
else = 1;
par.sge = 0;
job_afni_remove_nan( run_all.getVolume('^wts_OC'), par );
% get physio files & check if some are missing
info = e.getSerie('phy').getPhysio('info'); info = info(:); missing_info = cellfun( 'isempty', info(:).getPath() );
puls = e.getSerie('phy').getPhysio('puls'); puls = puls(:); missing_puls = cellfun( 'isempty', puls(:).getPath() );
resp = e.getSerie('phy').getPhysio('resp'); resp = resp(:); missing_resp = cellfun( 'isempty', resp(:).getPath() );
idx_missing = missing_info | missing_puls | missing_resp;
idx_ok = ~idx_missing;
run_phy_missing = run_all( idx_missing );
run_phy_ok = run_all( idx_ok );
volume_phy_ok = run_phy_ok.getVolume('^nwts_OC');
outdir_phy_ok = volume_phy_ok.getDir();
rp_phy_ok = run_phy_ok.getRP('rp_spm');
mask_phy_ok = run_phy_ok.getExam().getSerie('anat').getVolume('^rwp[23]');
info_ok = info( idx_ok );
puls_ok = puls( idx_ok );
resp_ok = resp( idx_ok );
volume_phy_missing = run_phy_missing.getVolume('^nwts_OC');
outdir_phy_missing = volume_phy_missing.getDir();
rp_phy_missing = run_phy_missing.getRP('rp_spm');
mask_phy_missing = run_phy_missing.getExam().getSerie('anat').getVolume('^rwp[23]');
% info_missing = info( idx_missing );
% puls_missing = puls( idx_missing );
% resp_missing = resp( idx_missing );
the code is done, need to wrap it in a function