romainberger / yeoman-flask

Yeoman generator for Flask project
MIT License
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Corrected included stylesheet to use bootstrap.css #17

Closed omgmog closed 10 years ago

omgmog commented 10 years ago

Noticed when using this generator that the base.html template refers to a main.css, but one is not included, and it includes a bootstrap.css but it isn't referenced.

This should fix that.

romainberger commented 10 years ago

Hi thanks for this, but it's not needed actually (sorry). There is a main.scss that is generated (without template) which imports bootstrap. It's then compiled to main.css.

omgmog commented 10 years ago

This only generated if you're using SCSS though?

Perhaps there should be an initial main.css for people who are using this generator without using SCSS.

romainberger commented 10 years ago

This only generated if you're using SCSS though?

Well this makes me realize if you don't choose bootstrap at the beginning it doesn't even creates a main.scss so there is something kinda broken here. But yes as it is now it assumes you'll be using scss. I wonder if it would be great to ask in the prompt or if it would be an overkill?

omgmog commented 10 years ago

How about if the response to using SCSS Bootstrap is no it moves bootstrap.css to main.css?

romainberger commented 10 years ago

Yeah that's probably the best solution.

romainberger commented 10 years ago

Changed it in 98b674c7043a20054a24b5f9872549dcf2e7973a

omgmog commented 10 years ago

Perfect, thanks!