romainbutteaud / Kaffeine

Keeping free Heroku apps awake.
1.05k stars 112 forks source link

feature-request: Add a bedtime/wake-up range to better manage free dyno time usage #43

Open ericmjalbert opened 4 years ago

ericmjalbert commented 4 years ago

I have multiple free dyno's setup and when I use kaffeine to keep them both awake I hit the monthly limit of 1000 hrs before the end of the month (18hrs 2 dynos 28 days > 1000 hrs). The requested feature is to control the hours slept (instead of the default 6) or to control the exact wake-up time (ie. "I want a bedtime! [12:00 AM] to [8:00AM] (GMT)").

If you need help on this I'd love to help out since I very much appreciate the simple solution that Kaffeine presents.

amamenko commented 3 years ago

Why not just create a new Heroku account for every app with free dynos that you want Kaffeine to ping? You'll never surpass Heroku's monthly limits this way.