romainkp / stremr

Streamlined Estimation for Static, Dynamic and Stochastic Treatment Regimes in Longitudinal Data
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using stremr without monitoring #38

Open marycombs opened 6 years ago

marycombs commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to use stremr without a monitoring variable? There does not seem to be a default for MONITOR in defineIntervedTRT(), so do I have to construct a pseudo monitoring variable for the function to work?


osofr commented 6 years ago

Certainly, everything should work fine without monitoring variable. Just never use any propensity scores for monitoring and don't define the monitoring variable name when loading the data (i.e., leave it as the default)

marycombs commented 6 years ago

I believe I have done as you describe -- can you help identify what is wrong with my minimal working example below? It breaks at the defineIntervedTRT() step.


test_dat <-, key=c(ID, t))
test_dat <- test_dat[ , !c( "CatC" , "N" , "lastNat1") ]

# Regressions for modeling the exposure (TRT)
gform_TRT <- "TI ~ CVD + highA1c"

# Regressions for modeling censoring (CENS)
gform_CENS <- c("C ~ highA1c")

# Define dynamic rule: dhigh
test_dat <- defineIntervedTRT(test_dat, theta = c(1), ID = "ID", t = "t",
 I = "highA1c", CENS = "C", TRT = "TI", new.TRT.names = c( "dhigh" ), 
 return.allcolumns = TRUE)

# Estimate IPW-based hazard and survival (KM) for a rule "dhigh":
IPW_KM_res <- stremr(test_dat , intervened_TRT = "dhigh",
  ID = "ID", t = "t", covars = c("highA1c"),
  CENS = "C", gform_CENS = gform_CENS,
  TRT = "TI", gform_TRT = gform_TRT, OUTCOME = "Y.tplus1")

# Survival estimates by time:
# Input data:

Edit: Changed a reference to MONITOR and lastNat1 in the stremr call. This is downstream of the defineIntervedTRT call though, so does not alter where the code first breaks.

osofr commented 6 years ago

Sure, happy to help, would you mind copy pastying the entire log, including all errors?

Also, why are you testing the example with categorical censoring, any specific reason for that?

marycombs commented 6 years ago

I want to use a dynamic treatment rule, and the example I found in stremr documentation with DTR has categorical censoring -- you'll notice, however, that I am not using CatC, I am using C for censoring which is binary.

Also, I have altered the code in my original post to include libraries and exclude a errant reference to MONITOR (that was downstream of the defineIntervedTRT call, so I do not think affected where the code is breaking).

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> require(stremr)
R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30) -- "Single Candle"
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> require(stremr)
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> data(OdataCatCENS)
> test_dat <-, key=c(ID, t))
> test_dat <- test_dat[ , !c( "CatC" , "N" , "lastNat1") ]
> # Regressions for modeling the exposure (TRT)
> gform_TRT <- "TI ~ CVD + highA1c"
> # Regressions for modeling censoring (CENS)
> gform_CENS <- c("C ~ highA1c")
> # Define dynamic rule: dhigh
> test_dat <- defineIntervedTRT(test_dat, theta = c(1), ID = "ID", t = "t",
+  I = "highA1c", CENS = "C", TRT = "TI", new.TRT.names = c( "dhigh" ), 
+  return.allcolumns = TRUE)
Error in names(data) %in% varname : 
  argument "MONITOR" is missing, with no default
> # Estimate IPW-based hazard and survival (KM) for a rule "dhigh":
> IPW_KM_res <- stremr(test_dat , intervened_TRT = "dhigh",
+   ID = "ID", t = "t", covars = c("highA1c"),
+   CENS = "C", gform_CENS = gform_CENS,
+   TRT = "TI", gform_TRT = gform_TRT, OUTCOME = "Y.tplus1")
Error in CheckVarNameExists(OData$dat.sVar, Nnode) : 
  variable name N not found in data input
> # Survival estimates by time:
> IPW_KM_res$IPW_estimates
Error: object 'IPW_KM_res' not found
> # Input data:
> IPW_KM_res$dataDT
Error: object 'IPW_KM_res' not found
osofr commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting,

Indeed this seems like a bug. My suggestion would be to take the code defineIntervention function and rewrite it to your own dynamic rule needs. Here is the link to the source code for the function:

Basically the monitoring variable is hardcoded into that function because we based it on our particular use case. You could easily comment that dependency out though. In general I would recommend writing your own functions for dynamic rule definitions (or any counterfactual intervention), because each rule is so different and no single function can accommodate them all. Perhaps you could use this function as a starting point.

Another point is that I would highly advice against using stremr function for getting all estimators at once. This will never provide you with the level of flexibility that individual estimator functions can provide, so I would just call each estimator function separately.

marycombs commented 6 years ago

Thank you!

marycombs commented 6 years ago

FYI noticed I had an older version of stremr -- the bug does not appear in the newer version. Thanks for your help, Oleg!