romainsi / zabbix-VEEAM_B-R

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Issue with Template OS Windows #38

Closed keliansb closed 3 years ago

keliansb commented 5 years ago

If I try to link the Windows OS template to a host with the Veeam template associated, I receive the following error :

Discovery rule "service.discovery" already exists on "backup", inherited from another template.

It is because both templates have the same key service.discovery in discovery rules. Is there a solution to use both templates on the same host ?

romainsi commented 5 years ago


I know, this problem persists... I don't really have a solution at the moment except to record the items for veeam services manually.

Provisionally, it will be necessary to delete the item service.discovery in the OS WINDOWS template if it is not used, otherwise if you do not want the Veeam services you can remove it from the template Veeam B&R.

oryfoxer commented 5 years ago

It seems to make sense to just remove the service discovery for Veeam and use the Zabbix Windows Template for monitoring services. As long as the Veeam services are set to automatic and you remove the exclusion from the expression, then all your Veeam services will be monitored anyways.

mtxadmin commented 3 years ago

I faced the same problem. Seems @Ceillian 's words are reasonable.

podshivalovdv commented 1 year ago

A bit late, but perhaps would be useful for others... The workaround would be to add an alias into zabbix agent config on the host like this:


And then replace service.discovery in the Zabbix template with service.discovery[hyperv]

Unfortunately the "workaround" would need to be applied on all the hosts where the Zqabbix template will be used.