roman-kudinov1 / swiss-attorneys-online

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Some URLs end with dashes #4

Closed daniel-gato closed 7 years ago

daniel-gato commented 7 years ago

Some URLS end with dashes and have to be replaced.


speeeechless commented 7 years ago

Le CMS réécrit les URLS en remplacant tous les caractères spéciaux par des -, comme les titres de ces pages se terminent par des "?" ceux-ci sont automatiquement remplacé. Je ne peux pas changer ce comportement.

daniel-gato commented 7 years ago

Dans ce cas on a un problème car google trim les urls de caractères spéciaux

C'est à @roman-kudinov1 de choisir ce qu'il veut faire car moi j'ai déjà reporté le problèmes multiples fois et je ne peux rien faire de plus.

daniel-gato commented 7 years ago

Task transfered from @speeeechless to @bogoslavskiy

daniel-gato commented 7 years ago

Apparently, it's because of the question marks on the titles, lets refine them then.

"Are you a lawyer?" -> "Become a partner lawyer" "Vous êtes avocat?" -> "Devenir avocat partenaire" "Sind Sie ein Rechtsanwalt ?" -> "Werden Sie unser Partner Rechtsanwalt"

I think this 2 links get a dash because of the space at the end. to be confirmed @bogoslavskiy:

bogoslavskiy commented 7 years ago

Yes. This problem with framework Yii. Framework converts the characters "?" at "-"

bogoslavskiy commented 7 years ago

To change the URL, need to access the administrative zone. I do not have it now. As Roman said, access will be after August 7.

bogoslavskiy commented 7 years ago

Done. After a long search, I found a solution. I changed addresses through a database

daniel-gato commented 7 years ago

This is not a good solution, it will explode in our face later on.

Did you read my message 3 days ago (just before your messages) ?

Just simply rename the pages with the new titles and it will be fixed.

bogoslavskiy commented 7 years ago

Ok, i rename now.

bogoslavskiy commented 7 years ago

@daniel-costa Done?

daniel-gato commented 7 years ago

Insure the urls are in lower case.

daniel-gato commented 7 years ago

The german is too big UI wise.


bogoslavskiy commented 7 years ago
