romancin / rutorrent-docker

A repository for creating a docker container including rtorrent with rutorrent interface.
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autodl plugin window looks bad on Firefox #32

Open la55u opened 5 years ago

la55u commented 5 years ago

It is probably not directly related to your repo, so apologies for that. I'm asking here because I couldn't find the step where the plugin for ruTorrent is installed. (I thought it has to be installed separetely and I was looking for this repo in your Dockerfile but couldn't find it and I don't know how perl works...)

Anyway, the issue is that the plugin looks broken but only in Firefox (it looks normal on Chrome): 38dZ8KU (left: Firefox, right: Chrome) The input fields are too big and the window size is too small so some of the elements are cut off. If you could direct me to the right repo where this issue could be potentially fixed that would be great. Thanks

Update: It's not just the autodl plugin, see below:


romancin commented 4 years ago

Is this problem happening with current versions? I have tested it and no problem for me on both browsers.