romanlykhnenko / pricing_kernels_and_implied_volatility

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yamldebugger #1

Open romanlykhnenko opened 7 years ago

romanlykhnenko commented 7 years ago

Before putting under version control (Git) such results were obtained:

> library(yamldebugger)
> workdir = "/home/rama/Masterarbeit/masterThesisRomanLykhnenko1/"
> d_init = yaml.debugger.init(workdir, show_keywords = TRUE)
  [1] "plot"                          "graphical representation"     
  [3] "visualization"                 "data visualization"           
  [5] "financial"                     "simulation"                   
  [7] "time-series"                   "distribution"                 
  [9] "option"                        "normal"                       
 [11] "returns"                       "density"                      
 [13] "scatterplot"                   "volatility"                   
 [15] "call"                          "black-scholes"                
 [17] "regression"                    "portfolio"                    
 [19] "estimation"                    "asset"                        
 [21] "var"                           "stochastic-process"           
 [23] "kernel"                        "pca"                          
 [25] "random"                        "stock-price"                  
 [27] "process"                       "stochastic"                   
 [29] "binomial"                      "cdf"                          
 [31] "eigenvalues"                   "normal-distribution"          
 [33] "implied-volatility"            "garch"                        
 [35] "option-price"                  "pdf"                          
 [37] "principal-components"          "put"                          
 [39] "random-number-generation"      "dsfm"                         
 [41] "nonparametric"                 "forecast"                     
 [43] "copula"                        "dimension-reduction"          
 [45] "dax"                           "index"                        
 [47] "autocorrelation"               "correlation"                  
 [49] "cluster-analysis"              "histogram"                    
 [51] "price"                         "boxplot"                      
 [53] "interest-rate"                 "discrete"                     
 [55] "3d"                            "approximation"                
 [57] "cat bond"                      "quantile"                     
 [59] "pareto"                        "standardize"                  
 [61] "empirical"                     "descriptive-statistics"       
 [63] "mean"                          "acf"                          
 [65] "scaling"                       "uniform"                      
 [67] "autoregressive"                "expectile"                    
 [69] "greeks"                        "screeplot"                    
 [71] "multivariate"                  "factor-loadings"              
 [73] "clayton"                       "moving-average"               
 [75] "log-returns"                   "hac"                          
 [77] "wiener-process"                "mds"                          
 [79] "univariate"                    "likelihood"                   
 [81] "factor analysis"               "european-option"              
 [83] "continuous"                    "transformation"               
 [85] "skewness"                      "standard-normal"              
 [87] "dendrogram"                    "gaussian"                     
 [89] "risk"                          "bond"                         
 [91] "linear"                        "smoothing"                    
 [93] "maximum-likelihood"            "linear-regression"            
 [95] "multi-dimensional"             "tail"                         
 [97] "neural-network"                "extreme-value"                
 [99] "multivariate normal"           "fpca"                         
[101] "gev"                           "credit risk"                  
[103] "kde"                           "standard"                     
[105] "variance"                      "pav"                          
[107] "delta"                         "kurtosis"                     
[109] "t-distribution"                "brownian-motion"              
[111] "arch"                          "stable"                       
[113] "frechet"                       "spectral-decomposition"       
[115] "descriptive"                   "testing"                      
[117] "expected shortfall"            "test"                         
[119] "bivariate"                     "classification"               
[121] "contour"                       "pot"                          
[123] "block-maxima"                  "eigenvectors"                 
[125] "decomposition"                 "svd"                          
[127] "loss-distribution"             "nonparametric estimation"     
[129] "normalization"                 "expected loss"                
[131] "five number summary"           "lasso"                        
[133] "weibull"                       "optimization"                 
[135] "interactive"                   "log-likelihood"               
[137] "tail area (of a distribution)" "mle"                          
[139] "crypto"                        "qq-plot"                      
[141] "term structure"                "confidence-interval"          
[143] "standardization"               "parameter"                    
[145] "filter"                        "equity tranche"               
[147] "derivative"                    "factor analysis"              
[149] "cdo"                           "exceedance"                   
[151] "bernoulli"                     "clt"                          
[153] "varimax"                       "stable distribution"          
[155] "risk measure"                  "linear-model"                 
[157] "chi-square"                    "factor"                       
[159] "multivariate analysis"         "quantile regression"          
[161] "variable selection"            "hedging"                      
[163] "delta-gamma-models"            "pp-plot"                      
[165] "risk process"                  "covariance"                   
[167] "confidence-bands"              "binwidth"                     
[169] "euclidean-distance-matrix"     "communalities"                
[171] "robust estimation"             "median"                       
[173] "ftse100"                       "pacf"                         
[175] "cir"                           "npca"                         
[177] "normal approximation"          "factorial"                    
[179] "r-squared"                     "kalman filter"                
[181] "projection-pursuit"            "linear programming"           
[183] "random-walk"                   "bandwidth"                    
[185] "poisson process"               "statistics"                   
[187] "hypothesis-testing"            "nadaraya watson"              
[189] "spline"                        "gumbel"                       
[191] "stationary"                    "student"                      
[193] "spectral"                      "correspondence-analysis"      
[195] "singular value"                "cauchy"                       
[197] "risk management"               "geometric-brownian-motion"    
[199] "logit"                         "parametric"                   
[201] "least-squares"                 "poisson"                      
[203] "ancova"                        "gamma"                        
[205] "partial"                       "l1-norm penalty"              
[207] "lasso"                         "tree"                         
[209] "hill-estimator"                "numeric"                      
[211] "mef"                           "vasicek"                      
[213] "yield"                         "orthogonal series"            
[215] "fft"                           "canonical"                    
[217] "flury faces"                   "silverman"                    
[219] "kernel smoothing"              "discrimination"               
[221] "summary"                       "rotation"                     
[223] "varimax"                       "probability"                  
[225] "hyperplain"                    "analysis"                     
[227] "local polynomial"              "risk aversion"                
[229] "binomial-tree"                 "currency"                     
[231] "epp"                           "population"                   
[233] "hexagon-plot"                  "error"                        
[235] "contingency-table"             "exchange-rate"                
[237] "lognormal"                     "iterative"                    
[239] "heavy-tailed"                  "spd"                          
[241] "fibonacci"                     "interpolation"                
[243] "uscrime"                       "loss function"                
[245] "caplet"                        "simplicial-depth"             
[247] "white noise"                   "edf"                          
[249] "principal factors method"      "gauss kronrod"                
[251] "numerical integration"         "integration"                  
[253] "characteristic function"       "us crime data set"            
[255] "semiparametric"                "svm"                          
[257] "covariance-matrix"             "quartic"                      
[259] "bitcoin"                       "mortality"                    
[261] "descriptive methods"           "systemic risk"                
[263] "sampling"                      "vdax"                         
[265] "exotic-option"                 "scale"                        
[267] "gauss"                         "archimedean"                  
[269] "canonical-analysis"            "model"                        
[271] "bar chart"                     "lasso shrinkage"              
[273] "bisection-method"              "proximity"                    
[275] "strike"                        "black"                        
[277] "shepard-kruskal"               "andrews curves"               
[279] "factorial-decomposition"       "profile"                      
[281] "ipfm"                          "pfm"                          
[283] "trinomial"                     "vega"                         
[285] "pcp"                           "eigenvalue-decomposition"     
[287] "backtesting"                   "covariance test"              
[289] "cross-validation"              "decision-tree"                
[291] "historical moving window"      "evt"                          
[293] "fractional-brownian-motion"    "long memory"                  
[295] "sparse"                        "f-test"                       
[297] "basis"                         "demography"                   
[299] "similarity"                    "projection"                   
[301] "nuclear norm"                  "randu"                        
[303] "rma"                           "ema"                          
[305] "strategy"                      "exponential"                  
[307] "surface"                       "apparent-error-rate"          
[309] "origin"                        "epanechnikov"                 
[311] "dynamic"                       "state-price-density"          
[313] "local polynomial regression"   "linear interpolation"         
[315] "ljung-box"                     "backtest"                     
[317] "fourier inversion"             "volatility smile"             
[319] "frank"                         "factor-model"                 
[321] "monte-carlo"                   "delta-gamma"                  
[323] "diagonalization"               "pullover data"                
[325] "breeden litzenberger"          "hurst-exponent"               
[327] "lorenz"                        "arfima"                       
[329] "farima"                        "asymptotic"                   
[331] "markov"                        "small-samples"                
[333] "fractional gaussian noise"     "asymptotic chisquare test"    
[335] "frequency"                     "ward algorithm"               
[337] "heston"                        "independence"                 
[339] "generalized-pareto-model"      "mace"                         
[341] "euclidean-norm"                "anisotropic"                  
[343] "sphering"                      "spectral-density"             
[345] "sinusoids"                     "levy"                         
[347] "single index model"            "cart"                         
[349] "bic"                           "lee-carter-method"            
[351] "fertility"                     "distance"                     
[353] "euclidean"                     "linkage"                      
[355] "european debt crisis"          "dependence"                   
[357] "atm"                           "mosaic-plot"                  
[359] "rbf"                           "sigmoid"                      
[361] "learning-rule"                 "short-rate"                   
[363] "standard deviation"            "common-principal-component"   
[365] "squared"                       "actual-error-rate"            
[367] "violators"                     "kullback-leibler"             
[369] "frank"                         "exercise-price"               
[371] "put-call-parity"               "vanna"                        
[373] "maturity"                      "conditional mean"             
[375] "huber"                         "laplace"                      
[377] "asymmetric"                    "heteroskedasticity"           
[379] "locap polynomial smoothing"    "partitioning"                 
[381] "grouping"                      "moneyness"                    
[383] "euler"                         "f-statistic"                  
[385] "dof"                           "bootstrap"                    
[387] "legendre polynomial"           "fisher"                       
[389] "newton"                        "conditional var"              
[391] "default"                       "sliced"                       
[393] "inverse"                       "american"                     
[395] "variable"                      "quadratic kernel"             
[397] "cumulant generating function"  "fourier transform"            
[399] "cumulant"                      "non-metric-mds"               
[401] "correlation-matrix"            "hotelling test"               
[403] "multivariate mean test"        "cv"                           
[405] "edr-directions"                "gini index"                   
[407] "volga"                         "conditional variance"         
[409] "gph"                           "mcculloch"                    
[411] "jarque-bera-test"              "fmri"                         
[413] "market"                        "coingecko"                    
[415] "diebold-mariano-test"          "complete linkage"             
[417] "single linkage"                "l1-norm"                      
[419] "covar"                         "adf-test"                     
[421] "kpss-test"                     "kendalls tau"                 
[423] "joe copula"                    "counts"                       
[425] "caviar model"                  "leverage effekt"              
[427] "curve"                         "change point"                 
[429] "beta"                          "sentiment"                    
[431] "barrier-option"                "blue chips"                   
[433] "arma"                          "error-surface"                
[435] "threshold"                     "descending-gradients"         
[437] "zero-coupon"                   "ornstein-uhlenbeck"           
[439] "extrapolation"                 "cost"                         
[441] "logarithmic"                   "principal-component-analysis" 
[443] "f"                             "response-model"               
[445] "likelihood ration"             "canonical-parameter"          
[447] "sir ii"                        "compound correlation"         
[449] "compound"                      "gaussian model"               
[451] "lower tranche loss"            "gaussian model"               
[453] "collaterized debt obligation"  "implied compound correlation" 
[455] "cpc"                           "likelihood-ratio-test"        
[457] "golden section"                "lske"                         
[459] "direct integration"            "dividend"                     
[461] "contaminated distribution"     "conditional distribution"     
[463] "conditional density"           "joint distribution"           
[465] "regions breakdown"             "industry breakdown"           
[467] "weighted least squares"        "risk capital exposure"        
[469] "risk contribution"             "nonstationary"                
[471] "preprocessing"                 "ridge regression"             
[473] "rookley"                       "ibt"                          
[475] "implied binomial tree"         "clustering"                   
[477] "nested archimedean copula"     "principal factors method"     
[479] "critical-value"                "fisher lda projection"        
[481] "pc projection"                 "lda"                          
[483] "park and marron"               "optimal bandwidth"            
[485] "multimodal"                    "dividends"                    
[487] "cauchy distribution"           "quartic"                      
[489] "sliced inverse regression"     "anitropic"                    
[491] "importance sampling"           "cornish-fisher expansion"     
[493] "difference based estimator"    "liu type estimator"           
[495] "multicollinearity"             "ridge regression estimator"   
[497] "semiparametric model"          "implied correlation"          
[499] "temperature"                   "weather derivatives"          
[501] "local linear"                  "loss-profit function"         
[503] "characteristic"                "function"                     
[505] "two"                           "levy"                         
[507] "root"                          "square"                       
[509] "student"                       "support vector machine"       
[511] "logistic"                      "one-factor gaussian copula"   
[513] "hyperbolic"                    "average squared error"        
[515] "cholesky decomposition"        "square root matrix"           
[517] "athletic data"                 "fractal"                      
[519] "gls"                           "least angle regression"       
[521] "variance-inflation factors"    "vif"                          
[523] "l1-constraint"                 "glm"                          
[525] "sir"                           "maximum process"              
[527] "cpc"                           "loopback option"              
[529] "whittle"                       "whitlle"                      
[531] "gse"                           "kogon-williams"               
[533] "tvarch"                        "cramer von mises test"        
[535] "lob"                           "limit order book"             
[537] "lobster"                       "kolmogorov-smirnov test"      
[539] "weron"                         "charles river indicator"      
[541] "jones and sibson index"        "group lasso"                  
[543] "capm model"                    "single-index model"           
[545] "effective dimension"           "anova"                        
[547] "heat-map"                      "calibration"                  
[549] "gplm"                          "general partial linear model" 
[551] "gam"                           "3d copula"                    
[553] "multivariate-copula"           "base tranche correlation"     
[555] "numrical integration"          "mannheim metric"              
[557] "manhattan metric"              "city block metric"            
[559] "karlsruhe metric"              "moscow metric"                
[561] "chi-square distance"           "specific variance"            
[563] "factor scores"                 "time varying"                 
[565] "tgarch"                        "aic"                          
[567] "migration"                     "transition matrix"            
[569] "relative frequency"            "stochastic integration"       
[571] "transition probability"        "migration correlation"        
[573] "migration rates"               "chi-square-test"              
[575] "dispersion analysis"           "data adjustment"              
[577] "hurricane"                     "tropical storm"               
[579] "squared norm"                  "slope"                        
[581] "panel-analysis"                "data mining"                  
[583] "text mining"                   "box-muller"                   
[585] "dafox"                         "treasury"                     
[587] "one-factor-gaussian-model"     "economy"                      
[589] "portfolio-insurance"           "dow-jones"                    
[591] "discriminant-analysis"         "kmeans"                       
[593] "random-forest"                 "lookback option"              
> qnames = yaml.debugger.get.qnames(d_init$RootPath)
[1] "6 Q folder(s) found:"
[1] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX"   "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX1m" "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX2m"
[4] "epkLocLinRndLocConstPD"  "epkLocLinRndLocLinPD"    "locLinBW"               
> d_results =, d_init)
[1] "1: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "2: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX1m"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "3: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX2m"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "4: epkLocLinRndLocConstPD"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "5: epkLocLinRndLocLinPD"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "6: locLinBW"
[1] "new/bad keywords: kernel regression"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
> OverView = yaml.debugger.summary(qnames, d_results, summaryType = "mini")
> OverView
     Q Names                   Missing Style Guide fields Descriptions stats            
[1,] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX"   ""                         "38 word(s), 210 Character(s)"
[2,] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX1m" ""                         "39 word(s), 219 Character(s)"
[3,] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX2m" ""                         "39 word(s), 220 Character(s)"
[4,] "epkLocLinRndLocConstPD"  ""                         "22 word(s), 127 Character(s)"
[5,] "epkLocLinRndLocLinPD"    ""                         "22 word(s), 127 Character(s)"
[6,] "locLinBW"                ""                         "11 word(s), 78 Character(s)" 
     Keywords stats            
[1,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"
[2,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"
[3,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"
[4,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"
[5,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"
[6,] "5: 4 (standard), 1 (new)"
romanlykhnenko commented 7 years ago

After putting under version control:

> library(yamldebugger)
> workdir = "/home/rama/Masterarbeit/masterThesisRomanLykhnenko/"
> d_init = yaml.debugger.init(workdir, show_keywords = TRUE)
  [1] "plot"                         
  [2] "graphical representation"     
  [3] "visualization"                
  [4] "data visualization"           
  [5] "financial"                    
  [6] "simulation"                   
  [7] "time-series"                  
  [8] "distribution"                 
  [9] "option"                       
 [10] "normal"                       
 [11] "returns"                      
 [12] "density"                      
 [13] "scatterplot"                  
 [14] "volatility"                   
 [15] "call"                         
 [16] "black-scholes"                
 [17] "regression"                   
 [18] "portfolio"                    
 [19] "estimation"                   
 [20] "asset"                        
 [21] "var"                          
 [22] "stochastic-process"           
 [23] "kernel"                       
 [24] "pca"                          
 [25] "random"                       
 [26] "stock-price"                  
 [27] "process"                      
 [28] "stochastic"                   
 [29] "binomial"                     
 [30] "cdf"                          
 [31] "eigenvalues"                  
 [32] "normal-distribution"          
 [33] "implied-volatility"           
 [34] "garch"                        
 [35] "option-price"                 
 [36] "pdf"                          
 [37] "principal-components"         
 [38] "put"                          
 [39] "random-number-generation"     
 [40] "dsfm"                         
 [41] "nonparametric"                
 [42] "forecast"                     
 [43] "copula"                       
 [44] "dimension-reduction"          
 [45] "dax"                          
 [46] "index"                        
 [47] "autocorrelation"              
 [48] "correlation"                  
 [49] "cluster-analysis"             
 [50] "histogram"                    
 [51] "price"                        
 [52] "boxplot"                      
 [53] "interest-rate"                
 [54] "discrete"                     
 [55] "3d"                           
 [56] "approximation"                
 [57] "cat bond"                     
 [58] "quantile"                     
 [59] "pareto"                       
 [60] "standardize"                  
 [61] "empirical"                    
 [62] "descriptive-statistics"       
 [63] "mean"                         
 [64] "acf"                          
 [65] "scaling"                      
 [66] "uniform"                      
 [67] "autoregressive"               
 [68] "expectile"                    
 [69] "greeks"                       
 [70] "screeplot"                    
 [71] "multivariate"                 
 [72] "factor-loadings"              
 [73] "clayton"                      
 [74] "moving-average"               
 [75] "log-returns"                  
 [76] "hac"                          
 [77] "wiener-process"               
 [78] "mds"                          
 [79] "univariate"                   
 [80] "likelihood"                   
 [81] "factor analysis"              
 [82] "european-option"              
 [83] "continuous"                   
 [84] "transformation"               
 [85] "skewness"                     
 [86] "standard-normal"              
 [87] "dendrogram"                   
 [88] "gaussian"                     
 [89] "risk"                         
 [90] "bond"                         
 [91] "linear"                       
 [92] "smoothing"                    
 [93] "maximum-likelihood"           
 [94] "linear-regression"            
 [95] "multi-dimensional"            
 [96] "tail"                         
 [97] "neural-network"               
 [98] "extreme-value"                
 [99] "multivariate normal"          
[100] "fpca"                         
[101] "gev"                          
[102] "credit risk"                  
[103] "kde"                          
[104] "standard"                     
[105] "variance"                     
[106] "pav"                          
[107] "delta"                        
[108] "kurtosis"                     
[109] "t-distribution"               
[110] "brownian-motion"              
[111] "arch"                         
[112] "stable"                       
[113] "frechet"                      
[114] "spectral-decomposition"       
[115] "descriptive"                  
[116] "testing"                      
[117] "expected shortfall"           
[118] "test"                         
[119] "bivariate"                    
[120] "classification"               
[121] "contour"                      
[122] "pot"                          
[123] "block-maxima"                 
[124] "eigenvectors"                 
[125] "decomposition"                
[126] "svd"                          
[127] "loss-distribution"            
[128] "nonparametric estimation"     
[129] "normalization"                
[130] "expected loss"                
[131] "five number summary"          
[132] "lasso"                        
[133] "weibull"                      
[134] "optimization"                 
[135] "interactive"                  
[136] "log-likelihood"               
[137] "tail area (of a distribution)"
[138] "mle"                          
[139] "crypto"                       
[140] "qq-plot"                      
[141] "term structure"               
[142] "confidence-interval"          
[143] "standardization"              
[144] "parameter"                    
[145] "filter"                       
[146] "equity tranche"               
[147] "derivative"                   
[148] "factor analysis"              
[149] "cdo"                          
[150] "exceedance"                   
[151] "bernoulli"                    
[152] "clt"                          
[153] "varimax"                      
[154] "stable distribution"          
[155] "risk measure"                 
[156] "linear-model"                 
[157] "chi-square"                   
[158] "factor"                       
[159] "multivariate analysis"        
[160] "quantile regression"          
[161] "variable selection"           
[162] "hedging"                      
[163] "delta-gamma-models"           
[164] "pp-plot"                      
[165] "risk process"                 
[166] "covariance"                   
[167] "confidence-bands"             
[168] "binwidth"                     
[169] "euclidean-distance-matrix"    
[170] "communalities"                
[171] "robust estimation"            
[172] "median"                       
[173] "ftse100"                      
[174] "pacf"                         
[175] "cir"                          
[176] "npca"                         
[177] "normal approximation"         
[178] "factorial"                    
[179] "r-squared"                    
[180] "kalman filter"                
[181] "projection-pursuit"           
[182] "linear programming"           
[183] "random-walk"                  
[184] "bandwidth"                    
[185] "poisson process"              
[186] "statistics"                   
[187] "hypothesis-testing"           
[188] "nadaraya watson"              
[189] "spline"                       
[190] "gumbel"                       
[191] "stationary"                   
[192] "student"                      
[193] "spectral"                     
[194] "correspondence-analysis"      
[195] "singular value"               
[196] "cauchy"                       
[197] "risk management"              
[198] "geometric-brownian-motion"    
[199] "logit"                        
[200] "parametric"                   
[201] "least-squares"                
[202] "poisson"                      
[203] "ancova"                       
[204] "gamma"                        
[205] "partial"                      
[206] "l1-norm penalty"              
[207] "lasso"                        
[208] "tree"                         
[209] "hill-estimator"               
[210] "numeric"                      
[211] "mef"                          
[212] "vasicek"                      
[213] "yield"                        
[214] "orthogonal series"            
[215] "fft"                          
[216] "canonical"                    
[217] "flury faces"                  
[218] "silverman"                    
[219] "kernel smoothing"             
[220] "discrimination"               
[221] "summary"                      
[222] "rotation"                     
[223] "varimax"                      
[224] "probability"                  
[225] "hyperplain"                   
[226] "analysis"                     
[227] "local polynomial"             
[228] "risk aversion"                
[229] "binomial-tree"                
[230] "currency"                     
[231] "epp"                          
[232] "population"                   
[233] "hexagon-plot"                 
[234] "error"                        
[235] "contingency-table"            
[236] "exchange-rate"                
[237] "lognormal"                    
[238] "iterative"                    
[239] "heavy-tailed"                 
[240] "spd"                          
[241] "fibonacci"                    
[242] "interpolation"                
[243] "uscrime"                      
[244] "loss function"                
[245] "caplet"                       
[246] "simplicial-depth"             
[247] "white noise"                  
[248] "edf"                          
[249] "principal factors method"     
[250] "gauss kronrod"                
[251] "numerical integration"        
[252] "integration"                  
[253] "characteristic function"      
[254] "us crime data set"            
[255] "semiparametric"               
[256] "svm"                          
[257] "covariance-matrix"            
[258] "quartic"                      
[259] "bitcoin"                      
[260] "mortality"                    
[261] "descriptive methods"          
[262] "systemic risk"                
[263] "sampling"                     
[264] "vdax"                         
[265] "exotic-option"                
[266] "scale"                        
[267] "gauss"                        
[268] "archimedean"                  
[269] "canonical-analysis"           
[270] "model"                        
[271] "bar chart"                    
[272] "lasso shrinkage"              
[273] "bisection-method"             
[274] "proximity"                    
[275] "strike"                       
[276] "black"                        
[277] "shepard-kruskal"              
[278] "andrews curves"               
[279] "factorial-decomposition"      
[280] "profile"                      
[281] "ipfm"                         
[282] "pfm"                          
[283] "trinomial"                    
[284] "vega"                         
[285] "pcp"                          
[286] "eigenvalue-decomposition"     
[287] "backtesting"                  
[288] "covariance test"              
[289] "cross-validation"             
[290] "decision-tree"                
[291] "historical moving window"     
[292] "evt"                          
[293] "fractional-brownian-motion"   
[294] "long memory"                  
[295] "sparse"                       
[296] "f-test"                       
[297] "basis"                        
[298] "demography"                   
[299] "similarity"                   
[300] "projection"                   
[301] "nuclear norm"                 
[302] "randu"                        
[303] "rma"                          
[304] "ema"                          
[305] "strategy"                     
[306] "exponential"                  
[307] "surface"                      
[308] "apparent-error-rate"          
[309] "origin"                       
[310] "epanechnikov"                 
[311] "dynamic"                      
[312] "state-price-density"          
[313] "local polynomial regression"  
[314] "linear interpolation"         
[315] "ljung-box"                    
[316] "backtest"                     
[317] "fourier inversion"            
[318] "volatility smile"             
[319] "frank"                        
[320] "factor-model"                 
[321] "monte-carlo"                  
[322] "delta-gamma"                  
[323] "diagonalization"              
[324] "pullover data"                
[325] "breeden litzenberger"         
[326] "hurst-exponent"               
[327] "lorenz"                       
[328] "arfima"                       
[329] "farima"                       
[330] "asymptotic"                   
[331] "markov"                       
[332] "small-samples"                
[333] "fractional gaussian noise"    
[334] "asymptotic chisquare test"    
[335] "frequency"                    
[336] "ward algorithm"               
[337] "heston"                       
[338] "independence"                 
[339] "generalized-pareto-model"     
[340] "mace"                         
[341] "euclidean-norm"               
[342] "anisotropic"                  
[343] "sphering"                     
[344] "spectral-density"             
[345] "sinusoids"                    
[346] "levy"                         
[347] "single index model"           
[348] "cart"                         
[349] "bic"                          
[350] "lee-carter-method"            
[351] "fertility"                    
[352] "distance"                     
[353] "euclidean"                    
[354] "linkage"                      
[355] "european debt crisis"         
[356] "dependence"                   
[357] "atm"                          
[358] "mosaic-plot"                  
[359] "rbf"                          
[360] "sigmoid"                      
[361] "learning-rule"                
[362] "short-rate"                   
[363] "standard deviation"           
[364] "common-principal-component"   
[365] "squared"                      
[366] "actual-error-rate"            
[367] "violators"                    
[368] "kullback-leibler"             
[369] "frank"                        
[370] "exercise-price"               
[371] "put-call-parity"              
[372] "vanna"                        
[373] "maturity"                     
[374] "conditional mean"             
[375] "huber"                        
[376] "laplace"                      
[377] "asymmetric"                   
[378] "heteroskedasticity"           
[379] "locap polynomial smoothing"   
[380] "partitioning"                 
[381] "grouping"                     
[382] "moneyness"                    
[383] "euler"                        
[384] "f-statistic"                  
[385] "dof"                          
[386] "bootstrap"                    
[387] "legendre polynomial"          
[388] "fisher"                       
[389] "newton"                       
[390] "conditional var"              
[391] "default"                      
[392] "sliced"                       
[393] "inverse"                      
[394] "american"                     
[395] "variable"                     
[396] "quadratic kernel"             
[397] "cumulant generating function" 
[398] "fourier transform"            
[399] "cumulant"                     
[400] "non-metric-mds"               
[401] "correlation-matrix"           
[402] "hotelling test"               
[403] "multivariate mean test"       
[404] "cv"                           
[405] "edr-directions"               
[406] "gini index"                   
[407] "volga"                        
[408] "conditional variance"         
[409] "gph"                          
[410] "mcculloch"                    
[411] "jarque-bera-test"             
[412] "fmri"                         
[413] "market"                       
[414] "coingecko"                    
[415] "diebold-mariano-test"         
[416] "complete linkage"             
[417] "single linkage"               
[418] "l1-norm"                      
[419] "covar"                        
[420] "adf-test"                     
[421] "kpss-test"                    
[422] "kendalls tau"                 
[423] "joe copula"                   
[424] "counts"                       
[425] "caviar model"                 
[426] "leverage effekt"              
[427] "curve"                        
[428] "change point"                 
[429] "beta"                         
[430] "sentiment"                    
[431] "barrier-option"               
[432] "blue chips"                   
[433] "arma"                         
[434] "error-surface"                
[435] "threshold"                    
[436] "descending-gradients"         
[437] "zero-coupon"                  
[438] "ornstein-uhlenbeck"           
[439] "extrapolation"                
[440] "cost"                         
[441] "logarithmic"                  
[442] "principal-component-analysis" 
[443] "f"                            
[444] "response-model"               
[445] "likelihood ration"            
[446] "canonical-parameter"          
[447] "sir ii"                       
[448] "compound correlation"         
[449] "compound"                     
[450] "gaussian model"               
[451] "lower tranche loss"           
[452] "gaussian model"               
[453] "collaterized debt obligation" 
[454] "implied compound correlation" 
[455] "cpc"                          
[456] "likelihood-ratio-test"        
[457] "golden section"               
[458] "lske"                         
[459] "direct integration"           
[460] "dividend"                     
[461] "contaminated distribution"    
[462] "conditional distribution"     
[463] "conditional density"          
[464] "joint distribution"           
[465] "regions breakdown"            
[466] "industry breakdown"           
[467] "weighted least squares"       
[468] "risk capital exposure"        
[469] "risk contribution"            
[470] "nonstationary"                
[471] "preprocessing"                
[472] "ridge regression"             
[473] "rookley"                      
[474] "ibt"                          
[475] "implied binomial tree"        
[476] "clustering"                   
[477] "nested archimedean copula"    
[478] "principal factors method"     
[479] "critical-value"               
[480] "fisher lda projection"        
[481] "pc projection"                
[482] "lda"                          
[483] "park and marron"              
[484] "optimal bandwidth"            
[485] "multimodal"                   
[486] "dividends"                    
[487] "cauchy distribution"          
[488] "quartic"                      
[489] "sliced inverse regression"    
[490] "anitropic"                    
[491] "importance sampling"          
[492] "cornish-fisher expansion"     
[493] "difference based estimator"   
[494] "liu type estimator"           
[495] "multicollinearity"            
[496] "ridge regression estimator"   
[497] "semiparametric model"         
[498] "implied correlation"          
[499] "temperature"                  
[500] "weather derivatives"          
[501] "local linear"                 
[502] "loss-profit function"         
[503] "characteristic"               
[504] "function"                     
[505] "two"                          
[506] "levy"                         
[507] "root"                         
[508] "square"                       
[509] "student"                      
[510] "support vector machine"       
[511] "logistic"                     
[512] "one-factor gaussian copula"   
[513] "hyperbolic"                   
[514] "average squared error"        
[515] "cholesky decomposition"       
[516] "square root matrix"           
[517] "athletic data"                
[518] "fractal"                      
[519] "gls"                          
[520] "least angle regression"       
[521] "variance-inflation factors"   
[522] "vif"                          
[523] "l1-constraint"                
[524] "glm"                          
[525] "sir"                          
[526] "maximum process"              
[527] "cpc"                          
[528] "loopback option"              
[529] "whittle"                      
[530] "whitlle"                      
[531] "gse"                          
[532] "kogon-williams"               
[533] "tvarch"                       
[534] "cramer von mises test"        
[535] "lob"                          
[536] "limit order book"             
[537] "lobster"                      
[538] "kolmogorov-smirnov test"      
[539] "weron"                        
[540] "charles river indicator"      
[541] "jones and sibson index"       
[542] "group lasso"                  
[543] "capm model"                   
[544] "single-index model"           
[545] "effective dimension"          
[546] "anova"                        
[547] "heat-map"                     
[548] "calibration"                  
[549] "gplm"                         
[550] "general partial linear model" 
[551] "gam"                          
[552] "3d copula"                    
[553] "multivariate-copula"          
[554] "base tranche correlation"     
[555] "numrical integration"         
[556] "mannheim metric"              
[557] "manhattan metric"             
[558] "city block metric"            
[559] "karlsruhe metric"             
[560] "moscow metric"                
[561] "chi-square distance"          
[562] "specific variance"            
[563] "factor scores"                
[564] "time varying"                 
[565] "tgarch"                       
[566] "aic"                          
[567] "migration"                    
[568] "transition matrix"            
[569] "relative frequency"           
[570] "stochastic integration"       
[571] "transition probability"       
[572] "migration correlation"        
[573] "migration rates"              
[574] "chi-square-test"              
[575] "dispersion analysis"          
[576] "data adjustment"              
[577] "hurricane"                    
[578] "tropical storm"               
[579] "squared norm"                 
[580] "slope"                        
[581] "panel-analysis"               
[582] "data mining"                  
[583] "text mining"                  
[584] "box-muller"                   
[585] "dafox"                        
[586] "treasury"                     
[587] "one-factor-gaussian-model"    
[588] "economy"                      
[589] "portfolio-insurance"          
[590] "dow-jones"                    
[591] "discriminant-analysis"        
[592] "kmeans"                       
[593] "random-forest"                
[594] "lookback option"              
> qnames = yaml.debugger.get.qnames(d_init$RootPath)
[1] "74 Q folder(s) found:"
 [1] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX"        
 [2] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX1m"      
 [3] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX2m"      
 [4] "epkLocLinRndLocConstPD"       
 [5] "epkLocLinRndLocLinPD"         
 [6] ".git"                         
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[71] ".git/refs/remotes"            
[72] ".git/refs/remotes/origin"     
[73] ".git/refs/tags"               
[74] "locLinBW"                     
> d_results =, d_init)
[1] "1: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "2: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX1m"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "3: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX2m"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "4: epkLocLinRndLocConstPD"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "5: epkLocLinRndLocLinPD"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "6: .git"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
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[1] "33: .git/objects/61"
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[1] "35: .git/objects/70"
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[1] "36: .git/objects/71"
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[1] "37: .git/objects/7a"
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[1] "38: .git/objects/7d"
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[1] "39: .git/objects/7e"
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[1] "58: .git/objects/e0"
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[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
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[1] "61: .git/objects/e6"
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[1] "63: .git/objects/e9"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
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[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
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[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
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[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
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[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
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[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "73: .git/refs/tags"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "74: locLinBW"
[1] "new/bad keywords: kernel regression"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
> OverView = yaml.debugger.summary(qnames, d_results, summaryType = "mini")
> OverView
      Q Names                   Missing Style Guide fields Descriptions stats            
 [1,] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX"   ""                         "38 word(s), 210 Character(s)"
 [2,] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX1m" ""                         "39 word(s), 219 Character(s)"
 [3,] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX2m" ""                         "39 word(s), 220 Character(s)"
 [4,] "epkLocLinRndLocConstPD"  ""                         "22 word(s), 127 Character(s)"
 [5,] "epkLocLinRndLocLinPD"    ""                         "22 word(s), 127 Character(s)"
 [6,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
 [7,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
 [8,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
 [9,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[10,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[11,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[12,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[13,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[14,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[15,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[16,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[17,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[18,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[19,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[20,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[21,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[22,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[23,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[24,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[25,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[26,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[27,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[28,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[29,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[30,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[31,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[32,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[33,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[34,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[35,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[36,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[37,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[38,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[39,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[40,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[41,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[42,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[43,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[44,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[45,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[46,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[47,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[48,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[49,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[50,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[51,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[52,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[53,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[54,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[55,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[56,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[57,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[58,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[59,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[60,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[61,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[62,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[63,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[64,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[65,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[66,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[67,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[68,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[69,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[70,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[71,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[72,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[73,] NA                        NA                         NA                            
[74,] "locLinBW"                ""                         "11 word(s), 78 Character(s)" 
      Keywords stats               
 [1,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"   
 [2,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"   
 [3,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"   
 [4,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"   
 [5,] "5: 0 (standard), 5 (new)"   
 [6,] "NA: NA (standard), NA (new)"
 [7,] "NA: NA (standard), NA (new)"
 [8,] "NA: NA (standard), NA (new)"
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[72,] "NA: NA (standard), NA (new)"
[73,] "NA: NA (standard), NA (new)"
[74,] "5: 4 (standard), 1 (new)"
romanlykhnenko commented 7 years ago

after adding Qs on 16.11.2016

> library(yamldebugger)
> workdir = "/home/rama/Masterarbeit/pricing_kernels_and_implied_volatility/"
> d_init = yaml.debugger.init(workdir, show_keywords = TRUE)
  [1] "plot"                         
  [2] "graphical representation"     
  [3] "visualization"                
  [4] "data visualization"           
  [5] "financial"                    
  [6] "simulation"                   
  [7] "time-series"                  
  [8] "distribution"                 
  [9] "option"                       
 [10] "normal"                       
 [11] "returns"                      
 [12] "density"                      
 [13] "scatterplot"                  
 [14] "volatility"                   
 [15] "call"                         
 [16] "black-scholes"                
 [17] "regression"                   
 [18] "portfolio"                    
 [19] "estimation"                   
 [20] "asset"                        
 [21] "var"                          
 [22] "stochastic-process"           
 [23] "kernel"                       
 [24] "pca"                          
 [25] "random"                       
 [26] "stock-price"                  
 [27] "process"                      
 [28] "stochastic"                   
 [29] "binomial"                     
 [30] "cdf"                          
 [31] "eigenvalues"                  
 [32] "normal-distribution"          
 [33] "implied-volatility"           
 [34] "garch"                        
 [35] "option-price"                 
 [36] "pdf"                          
 [37] "principal-components"         
 [38] "put"                          
 [39] "random-number-generation"     
 [40] "dsfm"                         
 [41] "nonparametric"                
 [42] "forecast"                     
 [43] "copula"                       
 [44] "dimension-reduction"          
 [45] "dax"                          
 [46] "index"                        
 [47] "autocorrelation"              
 [48] "correlation"                  
 [49] "cluster-analysis"             
 [50] "histogram"                    
 [51] "price"                        
 [52] "boxplot"                      
 [53] "interest-rate"                
 [54] "discrete"                     
 [55] "3d"                           
 [56] "approximation"                
 [57] "cat bond"                     
 [58] "quantile"                     
 [59] "pareto"                       
 [60] "standardize"                  
 [61] "empirical"                    
 [62] "descriptive-statistics"       
 [63] "mean"                         
 [64] "acf"                          
 [65] "scaling"                      
 [66] "uniform"                      
 [67] "autoregressive"               
 [68] "expectile"                    
 [69] "greeks"                       
 [70] "screeplot"                    
 [71] "multivariate"                 
 [72] "factor-loadings"              
 [73] "clayton"                      
 [74] "moving-average"               
 [75] "log-returns"                  
 [76] "hac"                          
 [77] "wiener-process"               
 [78] "mds"                          
 [79] "univariate"                   
 [80] "likelihood"                   
 [81] "factor analysis"              
 [82] "european-option"              
 [83] "continuous"                   
 [84] "transformation"               
 [85] "skewness"                     
 [86] "standard-normal"              
 [87] "dendrogram"                   
 [88] "gaussian"                     
 [89] "risk"                         
 [90] "bond"                         
 [91] "linear"                       
 [92] "smoothing"                    
 [93] "maximum-likelihood"           
 [94] "linear-regression"            
 [95] "multi-dimensional"            
 [96] "tail"                         
 [97] "neural-network"               
 [98] "extreme-value"                
 [99] "multivariate normal"          
[100] "fpca"                         
[101] "gev"                          
[102] "credit risk"                  
[103] "kde"                          
[104] "standard"                     
[105] "variance"                     
[106] "pav"                          
[107] "delta"                        
[108] "kurtosis"                     
[109] "t-distribution"               
[110] "brownian-motion"              
[111] "arch"                         
[112] "stable"                       
[113] "frechet"                      
[114] "spectral-decomposition"       
[115] "descriptive"                  
[116] "testing"                      
[117] "expected shortfall"           
[118] "test"                         
[119] "bivariate"                    
[120] "classification"               
[121] "contour"                      
[122] "pot"                          
[123] "block-maxima"                 
[124] "eigenvectors"                 
[125] "decomposition"                
[126] "svd"                          
[127] "loss-distribution"            
[128] "nonparametric estimation"     
[129] "normalization"                
[130] "expected loss"                
[131] "five number summary"          
[132] "lasso"                        
[133] "weibull"                      
[134] "optimization"                 
[135] "interactive"                  
[136] "log-likelihood"               
[137] "tail area (of a distribution)"
[138] "mle"                          
[139] "crypto"                       
[140] "qq-plot"                      
[141] "term structure"               
[142] "confidence-interval"          
[143] "standardization"              
[144] "parameter"                    
[145] "filter"                       
[146] "equity tranche"               
[147] "derivative"                   
[148] "factor analysis"              
[149] "cdo"                          
[150] "exceedance"                   
[151] "bernoulli"                    
[152] "clt"                          
[153] "varimax"                      
[154] "stable distribution"          
[155] "risk measure"                 
[156] "linear-model"                 
[157] "chi-square"                   
[158] "factor"                       
[159] "multivariate analysis"        
[160] "quantile regression"          
[161] "variable selection"           
[162] "hedging"                      
[163] "delta-gamma-models"           
[164] "pp-plot"                      
[165] "risk process"                 
[166] "covariance"                   
[167] "confidence-bands"             
[168] "binwidth"                     
[169] "euclidean-distance-matrix"    
[170] "communalities"                
[171] "robust estimation"            
[172] "median"                       
[173] "ftse100"                      
[174] "pacf"                         
[175] "cir"                          
[176] "npca"                         
[177] "normal approximation"         
[178] "factorial"                    
[179] "r-squared"                    
[180] "kalman filter"                
[181] "projection-pursuit"           
[182] "linear programming"           
[183] "random-walk"                  
[184] "bandwidth"                    
[185] "poisson process"              
[186] "statistics"                   
[187] "hypothesis-testing"           
[188] "nadaraya watson"              
[189] "spline"                       
[190] "gumbel"                       
[191] "stationary"                   
[192] "student"                      
[193] "spectral"                     
[194] "correspondence-analysis"      
[195] "singular value"               
[196] "cauchy"                       
[197] "risk management"              
[198] "geometric-brownian-motion"    
[199] "logit"                        
[200] "parametric"                   
[201] "least-squares"                
[202] "poisson"                      
[203] "ancova"                       
[204] "gamma"                        
[205] "partial"                      
[206] "l1-norm penalty"              
[207] "lasso"                        
[208] "tree"                         
[209] "hill-estimator"               
[210] "numeric"                      
[211] "mef"                          
[212] "vasicek"                      
[213] "yield"                        
[214] "orthogonal series"            
[215] "fft"                          
[216] "canonical"                    
[217] "flury faces"                  
[218] "silverman"                    
[219] "kernel smoothing"             
[220] "discrimination"               
[221] "summary"                      
[222] "rotation"                     
[223] "varimax"                      
[224] "probability"                  
[225] "hyperplain"                   
[226] "analysis"                     
[227] "local polynomial"             
[228] "risk aversion"                
[229] "binomial-tree"                
[230] "currency"                     
[231] "epp"                          
[232] "population"                   
[233] "hexagon-plot"                 
[234] "error"                        
[235] "contingency-table"            
[236] "exchange-rate"                
[237] "lognormal"                    
[238] "iterative"                    
[239] "heavy-tailed"                 
[240] "spd"                          
[241] "fibonacci"                    
[242] "interpolation"                
[243] "uscrime"                      
[244] "loss function"                
[245] "caplet"                       
[246] "simplicial-depth"             
[247] "white noise"                  
[248] "edf"                          
[249] "principal factors method"     
[250] "gauss kronrod"                
[251] "numerical integration"        
[252] "integration"                  
[253] "characteristic function"      
[254] "us crime data set"            
[255] "semiparametric"               
[256] "svm"                          
[257] "covariance-matrix"            
[258] "quartic"                      
[259] "bitcoin"                      
[260] "mortality"                    
[261] "descriptive methods"          
[262] "systemic risk"                
[263] "sampling"                     
[264] "vdax"                         
[265] "exotic-option"                
[266] "scale"                        
[267] "gauss"                        
[268] "archimedean"                  
[269] "canonical-analysis"           
[270] "model"                        
[271] "bar chart"                    
[272] "lasso shrinkage"              
[273] "bisection-method"             
[274] "proximity"                    
[275] "strike"                       
[276] "black"                        
[277] "shepard-kruskal"              
[278] "andrews curves"               
[279] "factorial-decomposition"      
[280] "profile"                      
[281] "ipfm"                         
[282] "pfm"                          
[283] "trinomial"                    
[284] "vega"                         
[285] "pcp"                          
[286] "eigenvalue-decomposition"     
[287] "backtesting"                  
[288] "covariance test"              
[289] "cross-validation"             
[290] "decision-tree"                
[291] "historical moving window"     
[292] "evt"                          
[293] "fractional-brownian-motion"   
[294] "long memory"                  
[295] "sparse"                       
[296] "f-test"                       
[297] "basis"                        
[298] "demography"                   
[299] "similarity"                   
[300] "projection"                   
[301] "nuclear norm"                 
[302] "randu"                        
[303] "rma"                          
[304] "ema"                          
[305] "strategy"                     
[306] "exponential"                  
[307] "surface"                      
[308] "apparent-error-rate"          
[309] "origin"                       
[310] "epanechnikov"                 
[311] "dynamic"                      
[312] "state-price-density"          
[313] "local polynomial regression"  
[314] "linear interpolation"         
[315] "ljung-box"                    
[316] "backtest"                     
[317] "fourier inversion"            
[318] "volatility smile"             
[319] "frank"                        
[320] "factor-model"                 
[321] "monte-carlo"                  
[322] "delta-gamma"                  
[323] "diagonalization"              
[324] "pullover data"                
[325] "breeden litzenberger"         
[326] "hurst-exponent"               
[327] "lorenz"                       
[328] "arfima"                       
[329] "farima"                       
[330] "asymptotic"                   
[331] "markov"                       
[332] "small-samples"                
[333] "fractional gaussian noise"    
[334] "asymptotic chisquare test"    
[335] "frequency"                    
[336] "ward algorithm"               
[337] "heston"                       
[338] "independence"                 
[339] "generalized-pareto-model"     
[340] "mace"                         
[341] "euclidean-norm"               
[342] "anisotropic"                  
[343] "sphering"                     
[344] "spectral-density"             
[345] "sinusoids"                    
[346] "levy"                         
[347] "single index model"           
[348] "cart"                         
[349] "bic"                          
[350] "lee-carter-method"            
[351] "fertility"                    
[352] "distance"                     
[353] "euclidean"                    
[354] "linkage"                      
[355] "european debt crisis"         
[356] "dependence"                   
[357] "atm"                          
[358] "mosaic-plot"                  
[359] "rbf"                          
[360] "sigmoid"                      
[361] "learning-rule"                
[362] "short-rate"                   
[363] "standard deviation"           
[364] "common-principal-component"   
[365] "squared"                      
[366] "actual-error-rate"            
[367] "violators"                    
[368] "kullback-leibler"             
[369] "frank"                        
[370] "exercise-price"               
[371] "put-call-parity"              
[372] "vanna"                        
[373] "maturity"                     
[374] "conditional mean"             
[375] "huber"                        
[376] "laplace"                      
[377] "asymmetric"                   
[378] "heteroskedasticity"           
[379] "locap polynomial smoothing"   
[380] "partitioning"                 
[381] "grouping"                     
[382] "moneyness"                    
[383] "euler"                        
[384] "f-statistic"                  
[385] "dof"                          
[386] "bootstrap"                    
[387] "legendre polynomial"          
[388] "fisher"                       
[389] "newton"                       
[390] "conditional var"              
[391] "default"                      
[392] "sliced"                       
[393] "inverse"                      
[394] "american"                     
[395] "variable"                     
[396] "quadratic kernel"             
[397] "cumulant generating function" 
[398] "fourier transform"            
[399] "cumulant"                     
[400] "non-metric-mds"               
[401] "correlation-matrix"           
[402] "hotelling test"               
[403] "multivariate mean test"       
[404] "cv"                           
[405] "edr-directions"               
[406] "gini index"                   
[407] "volga"                        
[408] "conditional variance"         
[409] "gph"                          
[410] "mcculloch"                    
[411] "jarque-bera-test"             
[412] "fmri"                         
[413] "market"                       
[414] "coingecko"                    
[415] "diebold-mariano-test"         
[416] "complete linkage"             
[417] "single linkage"               
[418] "l1-norm"                      
[419] "covar"                        
[420] "adf-test"                     
[421] "kpss-test"                    
[422] "kendalls tau"                 
[423] "joe copula"                   
[424] "counts"                       
[425] "caviar model"                 
[426] "leverage effekt"              
[427] "curve"                        
[428] "change point"                 
[429] "beta"                         
[430] "sentiment"                    
[431] "barrier-option"               
[432] "blue chips"                   
[433] "arma"                         
[434] "error-surface"                
[435] "threshold"                    
[436] "descending-gradients"         
[437] "zero-coupon"                  
[438] "ornstein-uhlenbeck"           
[439] "extrapolation"                
[440] "cost"                         
[441] "logarithmic"                  
[442] "principal-component-analysis" 
[443] "f"                            
[444] "response-model"               
[445] "likelihood ration"            
[446] "canonical-parameter"          
[447] "sir ii"                       
[448] "compound correlation"         
[449] "compound"                     
[450] "gaussian model"               
[451] "lower tranche loss"           
[452] "gaussian model"               
[453] "collaterized debt obligation" 
[454] "implied compound correlation" 
[455] "cpc"                          
[456] "likelihood-ratio-test"        
[457] "golden section"               
[458] "lske"                         
[459] "direct integration"           
[460] "dividend"                     
[461] "contaminated distribution"    
[462] "conditional distribution"     
[463] "conditional density"          
[464] "joint distribution"           
[465] "regions breakdown"            
[466] "industry breakdown"           
[467] "weighted least squares"       
[468] "risk capital exposure"        
[469] "risk contribution"            
[470] "nonstationary"                
[471] "preprocessing"                
[472] "ridge regression"             
[473] "rookley"                      
[474] "ibt"                          
[475] "implied binomial tree"        
[476] "clustering"                   
[477] "nested archimedean copula"    
[478] "principal factors method"     
[479] "critical-value"               
[480] "fisher lda projection"        
[481] "pc projection"                
[482] "lda"                          
[483] "park and marron"              
[484] "optimal bandwidth"            
[485] "multimodal"                   
[486] "dividends"                    
[487] "cauchy distribution"          
[488] "quartic"                      
[489] "sliced inverse regression"    
[490] "anitropic"                    
[491] "importance sampling"          
[492] "cornish-fisher expansion"     
[493] "difference based estimator"   
[494] "liu type estimator"           
[495] "multicollinearity"            
[496] "ridge regression estimator"   
[497] "semiparametric model"         
[498] "implied correlation"          
[499] "temperature"                  
[500] "weather derivatives"          
[501] "local linear"                 
[502] "loss-profit function"         
[503] "characteristic"               
[504] "function"                     
[505] "two"                          
[506] "levy"                         
[507] "root"                         
[508] "square"                       
[509] "student"                      
[510] "support vector machine"       
[511] "logistic"                     
[512] "one-factor gaussian copula"   
[513] "hyperbolic"                   
[514] "average squared error"        
[515] "cholesky decomposition"       
[516] "square root matrix"           
[517] "athletic data"                
[518] "fractal"                      
[519] "gls"                          
[520] "least angle regression"       
[521] "variance-inflation factors"   
[522] "vif"                          
[523] "l1-constraint"                
[524] "glm"                          
[525] "sir"                          
[526] "maximum process"              
[527] "cpc"                          
[528] "loopback option"              
[529] "whittle"                      
[530] "whitlle"                      
[531] "gse"                          
[532] "kogon-williams"               
[533] "tvarch"                       
[534] "cramer von mises test"        
[535] "lob"                          
[536] "limit order book"             
[537] "lobster"                      
[538] "kolmogorov-smirnov test"      
[539] "weron"                        
[540] "charles river indicator"      
[541] "jones and sibson index"       
[542] "group lasso"                  
[543] "capm model"                   
[544] "single-index model"           
[545] "effective dimension"          
[546] "anova"                        
[547] "heat-map"                     
[548] "calibration"                  
[549] "gplm"                         
[550] "general partial linear model" 
[551] "gam"                          
[552] "3d copula"                    
[553] "multivariate-copula"          
[554] "base tranche correlation"     
[555] "numrical integration"         
[556] "mannheim metric"              
[557] "manhattan metric"             
[558] "city block metric"            
[559] "karlsruhe metric"             
[560] "moscow metric"                
[561] "chi-square distance"          
[562] "specific variance"            
[563] "factor scores"                
[564] "time varying"                 
[565] "tgarch"                       
[566] "aic"                          
[567] "migration"                    
[568] "transition matrix"            
[569] "relative frequency"           
[570] "stochastic integration"       
[571] "transition probability"       
[572] "migration correlation"        
[573] "migration rates"              
[574] "chi-square-test"              
[575] "dispersion analysis"          
[576] "data adjustment"              
[577] "hurricane"                    
[578] "tropical storm"               
[579] "squared norm"                 
[580] "slope"                        
[581] "panel-analysis"               
[582] "data mining"                  
[583] "text mining"                  
[584] "box-muller"                   
[585] "dafox"                        
[586] "treasury"                     
[587] "one-factor-gaussian-model"    
[588] "economy"                      
[589] "portfolio-insurance"          
[590] "dow-jones"                    
[591] "discriminant-analysis"        
[592] "kmeans"                       
[593] "random-forest"                
[594] "lookback option"              
> qnames = yaml.debugger.get.qnames(d_init$RootPath)
[1] "53 Q folder(s) found:"
 [1] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX"        
 [2] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX1m"      
 [3] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX2m"      
 [4] "epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX3m"      
 [5] "epkLocLinRndLocConstPD"       
 [6] "epkLocLinRndLocLinPD"         
 [7] ".git"                         
 [8] ".git/branches"                
 [9] ".git/hooks"                   
[10] ".git/info"                    
[11] ".git/logs"                    
[12] ".git/logs/refs"               
[13] ".git/logs/refs/heads"         
[14] ".git/logs/refs/remotes"       
[15] ".git/logs/refs/remotes/origin"
[16] ".git/objects"                 
[17] ".git/objects/02"              
[18] ".git/objects/0d"              
[19] ".git/objects/0e"              
[20] ".git/objects/12"              
[21] ".git/objects/14"              
[22] ".git/objects/1a"              
[23] ".git/objects/1b"              
[24] ".git/objects/29"              
[25] ".git/objects/2d"              
[26] ".git/objects/47"              
[27] ".git/objects/55"              
[28] ".git/objects/5c"              
[29] ".git/objects/69"              
[30] ".git/objects/76"              
[31] ".git/objects/79"              
[32] ".git/objects/7f"              
[33] ".git/objects/88"              
[34] ".git/objects/9a"              
[35] ".git/objects/9b"              
[36] ".git/objects/a4"              
[37] ".git/objects/ba"              
[38] ".git/objects/c2"              
[39] ".git/objects/ca"              
[40] ".git/objects/cb"              
[41] ".git/objects/ce"              
[42] ".git/objects/d9"              
[43] ".git/objects/e7"              
[44] ".git/objects/f7"              
[45] ".git/objects/info"            
[46] ".git/objects/pack"            
[47] ".git/refs"                    
[48] ".git/refs/heads"              
[49] ".git/refs/remotes"            
[50] ".git/refs/remotes/origin"     
[51] ".git/refs/tags"               
[52] "locLinBW"                     
[53] "termStructurePK"              
> d_results =, d_init)
[1] "1: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "2: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX1m"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "3: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX2m"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "4: epk3VolaIntervalsVDAX3m"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "5: epkLocLinRndLocConstPD"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "6: epkLocLinRndLocLinPD"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "7: .git"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "8: .git/branches"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "9: .git/hooks"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "10: .git/info"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "11: .git/logs"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "12: .git/logs/refs"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "13: .git/logs/refs/heads"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "14: .git/logs/refs/remotes"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "15: .git/logs/refs/remotes/origin"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "16: .git/objects"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "17: .git/objects/02"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "18: .git/objects/0d"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "19: .git/objects/0e"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "20: .git/objects/12"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "21: .git/objects/14"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "22: .git/objects/1a"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "23: .git/objects/1b"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "24: .git/objects/29"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "25: .git/objects/2d"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "26: .git/objects/47"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "27: .git/objects/55"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "28: .git/objects/5c"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "29: .git/objects/69"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "30: .git/objects/76"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "31: .git/objects/79"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "32: .git/objects/7f"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "33: .git/objects/88"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "34: .git/objects/9a"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "35: .git/objects/9b"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "36: .git/objects/a4"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "37: .git/objects/ba"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "38: .git/objects/c2"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "39: .git/objects/ca"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "40: .git/objects/cb"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "41: .git/objects/ce"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "42: .git/objects/d9"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "43: .git/objects/e7"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "44: .git/objects/f7"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "45: .git/objects/info"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "46: .git/objects/pack"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "47: .git/refs"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "48: .git/refs/heads"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "49: .git/refs/remotes"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "50: .git/refs/remotes/origin"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "51: .git/refs/tags"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "52: locLinBW"
[1] "new/bad keywords: kernel regression"
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
[1] "53: termStructurePK"
[1] "new/bad keywords: pricing kernel, risk neutral density, physical density, kernel regression, volatility."
[1] "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
> OverView = yaml.debugger.summary(qnames, d_results, summaryType = "mini")