romanoh / Mp3tag

Mp3tag tools
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Goodreads isn't listing index results #3

Closed seanap closed 3 years ago

seanap commented 3 years ago

I think the goodreads source is broken. Something seems to be going on with the Index section, it's not parsing the results. It looks like it is skipping to the last result and not presenting the options. I looked over the Title, URL, and Author sections and everything looks OK.

romanoh commented 3 years ago

@seanap yes there was something wrong in "the do While", they keep changing the html. I also made some other changes, although is is not finished yet. thank you for noticed. i use it manly to improve my audiobooks (also with the other one to get author image and bio).

cerinawithasea commented 6 months ago

I know this is closed but i have a goodreads source that was

created by FidoFuz

2021-02-27 Initial Release

2021-02-28 Miscellaneous Fixes

2023-02-27 Updated by SeaNap

2023-06-06 Updated by CerinawithaSea

I cant tell you what i did, I'm bipolar when i get hypo....i just do stuff and maybe it's still broken i rarely use it, but i do get choices

# Mp3tag parsing for, created by FidoFuz
# 2021-02-27 Initial Release
# 2021-02-28 Miscellaneous Fixes
# 2023-02-27 Updated by SeaNap
# 2023-06-06 Updated by CerinawithaSea
# This file should be saved in your mp3tag sources folder: %AppData%\Roaming\Mp3tag\data\sources

[SearchBy]=%artist% $regexp(%album%,'[- ]+cd ?\d+$',,1)

# ###################################################################
#                   I  N  D  E  X
# ###################################################################
#DebugWriteInput "C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\goodreads\search.html"
#Debug "ON" "C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\goodreads\search_debug.txt"

findline "<meta content='Search results" 1 1
if "<meta"
    findline "<tr itemscope itemtype=\"\">" 1 1
        #  Title
        findline "<a title=\""
        findinline "<a title=\""
        sayuntil "\""
        say "|"

        # Url
        findinline "href=\""    
        sayuntil "\">"
        say "|"

        # Author
        findline "class=\"authorName\""
        joinuntil "</a>"
        findinline "\"name\">"
        sayuntil "<"

        findline "<tr itemscope itemtype=\"\">" 1 1
    while "<tr" 20
    gotoline 1
    # redirected straight to the page instead of a search page, just pass it to the Album Parser
    # usually when an ISDB or ASIN is provided as the search
    say "|"
    sayoutput "currenturl"
    say "|"

# ###################################################################
#                   A  L  B  U  M
# ###################################################################
#DebugWriteInput "C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\goodreads\detail.html"
#Debug "ON" "C:\Users\%user%\Desktop\goodreads\detail_debug.txt"

# Album
findline "type\":\"Book\",\"name\":\""
joinuntil "\",\"image\""
Replace "&apos;" "'"
findinline "type\":\"Book\",\"name\":\""
outputto "album"
sayuntil "\",\""

# Cover
findline "\",\"image\":\""
findinline "\",\"image\":\""
outputto "coverurl"
sayuntil "\",\""

# Author
findline "type\":\"Person\",\"name\":\""
findinline "type\":\"Person\",\"name\":\""
outputto "albumartist"
sayuntil "\",\""

# Summary
gotoline 1
findline "<span class=\"Formatted\">"
findinline "<span class=\"Formatted\">"
#regexpreplace "</?[^><]+>" ""
#replace "<br />" " "
outputto "comment"
sayuntil "</span>"

# Series
#findline "Series\",\"title\":\""
#findinline "Series\",\"title\":\""
#outputto "Series"
#sayuntil "\",\""

# Series-part
#findline "<!-- --> #"
#findinline "<!-- --> #"
#outputto "Series-part"
#sayuntil "<"

# Year
findline "publicationInfo\">"
findinline "publicationInfo\">"
findinline "<"
movechar -5
outputto "year"
sayuntil "<"