romanszewczyk / JAmodel

Jiles-Atherton model library for OCTAVE
MIT License
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Calculus of dMah_iso #1

Open francoisreme opened 5 years ago

francoisreme commented 5 years ago


Reading the source code section 1(isotropic materials), I was surprised in finding a numerical différentiation : result=(Mah_iso(a,Ms,He+1e-6)-Mah_iso(a,Ms,He-1e-6))./2e-6; Why not using Mah_iso prime ? (easely available in

romanszewczyk commented 5 years ago


Hysteresis in J-A model is not an obvious task. There are different variations of models of hysteresis. dMah/dH <=> dMah/dHe conversion is described in:

Peng Cheng, Roman Szewczyk "Modified Description of Magnetic Hysteresis in Jiles-Atherton Model"

Implementation of these ideas you can find in sub-directory Automation2018. However, I am open for the propositions of further improvements of scripts.

With best regards,

Roman Szewczyk