romanz / electrs

An efficient re-implementation of Electrum Server in Rust
MIT License
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`electrs` uses `bitcoincore-rpc` #1033

Open tcharding opened 1 month ago

tcharding commented 1 month ago

I have just realised that electrs uses rust-bitcoincore-rpc in production <insert shocked face emoji here>. Until just now I thought that bitcoincore-rpc was only ever used in testing.

I have, as of today, decided to put some effort into rust-bitcoincore-rcp (after having recently been made a maintainer and also being granted publish permissions on the crate).

I would like to please request that electrs drives feature requests and bug reports.

Please accept my apology for the lack of support for a crate that exists in the rust-bitcoin github org (not that I speak for the org, but I am funded to work on crates in the org so I feel responsible).

Please file any and every issue, bug report, feature request and I will personally prioritise them.

tcharding commented 1 month ago

I've smashed a bunch of PRs into rust-bitcoincore-rpc, if you have any clock cycles spare to review, ACK, NACK, or comment, that would be super useful, thanks.

romanz commented 1 month ago

@tcharding sorry for my delayed response, and many thanks for the help with maintaining and releasing rust-bitcoin projects!

romanz commented 1 month ago

I'll be happy to help with reviewing rust-bitcoincore-rpc PRs - please let me know where can I help :)

tcharding commented 1 month ago

At the moment I'm investigating what's the best way to achieve what we want to achieve. I'm playing around in a fresh repo just because I don't know where the eventual code will go. If you have time, your input on would be great, thanks!