romanzipp / Laravel-Queue-Monitor

Monitoring Laravel Jobs with your Database
MIT License
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Get rid of failed jobs when retrying the same job (and this finally had succeed) #134

Open adantart opened 10 months ago

adantart commented 10 months ago

Maybe I'm using it wrong ...

I have a Job and goes to Laravel's "job" table normally. (in my testing case I have something to FAIL this job the first 2 times ...)

So it fails... and goes to Laravel's failed_jobs table. Because the Job retry configuration it goes again to job table.

It runs, it fails again (second time, because I want to do it ;-) Go to failed_jobs and retry ...

Third time, it's OK !

Everything run perfectly in Laravel.

But in Laravel Queue Monitor UI I see this:


and in the queue_monitor table I have this:


I have the third attempt success .. but also 2 lines with the button RETRY.

If I hit those buttons, it does nothing ... just refresh the page and then dissapear.

But my question is (and that's because I wonder I'm using it wrong ;-) : how can I get rid of those retryjobs in monitor ?

I mean, they have the same job_uuid, so I guess Monitor knows are part of the same ORIGINAL job.

I don't need them anymore ... the attempts 1 and 2 should not be there if the attempt 3 succeded.

No ?

THNK YOU in advance

romanzipp commented 10 months ago

I can look into hiding the retry button if a job has been retried. But the queue monitor is more a backlog of job activity rather than a dashboard. And indeed the UUIDs are the same but the numeric IDs provided by Laravel are different so this behavior is expected

freyca commented 2 months ago

Hi there, not only gets the Failed ones, some of theme get stucked as "queued", although they had failed stuck_jobs