romanzipp / Laravel-Queue-Monitor

Monitoring Laravel Jobs with your Database
MIT License
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Custom textarea background color #148

Open freyca opened 3 months ago

freyca commented 3 months ago

Hi there,

when using custom values, textarea shows with a white background color. This breaks all the schema.

I suggest to apply the classes 'bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700' to the textearea in table.blade.php

-                        <textarea rows="4"
-                                  class="w-64 text-xs p-1 border rounded"
-                                  readonly>{{ json_encode($job->getData(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) }}
-                        </textarea>
+                        <textarea rows="4"
+                                  class="w-64 text-xs p-1 border rounded bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700"
+                                  readonly>{{ json_encode($job->getData(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) }}
+                        </textarea>