romaonthego / REFrostedViewController

iOS 7/8 style blurred view controller that appears on top of your view controller.
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iOS 9 blurTintColor doesnt work #150

Closed loki187 closed 8 years ago

loki187 commented 8 years ago


I have side menu with semi-transparent BLACK color. Configuration of side menu is:

REFrostedViewController sideMenuRootVC = (REFrostedViewController)self.window.rootViewController; sideMenuRootVC.liveBlur = NO; sideMenuRootVC.blurTintColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.088 alpha:0.75]; sideMenuRootVC.limitMenuViewSize = YES;

on iOS 6, 7 and 8 everything works OK. On iOS 9 is side menu WHITE. Can you tell me, where is the problem ? Thanks.

loki187 commented 8 years ago

Whit this configuration BLUR doesn't work anymore on iOS 9.

loki187 commented 8 years ago

I fixed this problem when I put this lines in SideMenuViewController if(SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(@"9.0")){ self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; }