romaonthego / RETableViewManager

Powerful data driven content manager for UITableView.
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REPickerItem not working in swift #242

Open thankmelater23 opened 8 years ago

thankmelater23 commented 8 years ago

This piece of code does not work in swift 2/xcode 7.0/cocoapods version 1.6

var pickerExmp = REPickerItem(title: "Brands", value: ["one"], placeholder: "Brands", options: ["one"])

//Returning error code:

2015-10-22 02:00:19.690 MyFitZ[5489:103813] -[Swift._NSContiguousString count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1566efb50 -[Swift._NSContiguousString count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1566efb50

I've taken care of the requirements and I can't get the picketItem to work. Please help last piece needed.

aasatt commented 8 years ago

Here's how the options should be formatted.

let options : [AnyObject]! = [ ["Male", "Female"] ]