rombert / ereviewboard

A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
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When the last comment is my own, don't show it as 'not seen' #110

Open fabioz opened 11 years ago

fabioz commented 11 years ago

First let me begin with thanking for ereviewboard... it's a really nice plugin and made my life much easier :)

Now, on to the request ... I'm not sure this is something you can control or not, but ideally I'd like the issue to be marked as already read when I was the last person that changed it.

My use case is the following:

When I do reviews on projects I do not have loaded in Eclipse or when there are too many files changes in the review, I use the review board UI directly (i.e.: open the browser after from the task shown in mylyn), in that situation, after doing a ship it or doing some comment, if I refresh the tasks, it'll show a changed icon saying that I still haven't seen the latest changes on that task -- ideally, as I was the last person that did the change, ereviewboard should already signal to mylyn that although there were changes, the task should be considered seen already.

As the repository was already registered with my username and as the change will also appear under my username, I think ereviewboard should have enough information to make that happen :)

rombert commented 11 years ago

First of all, thanks for the kind words :-) I'm happy that the plugin works well for you.

Second of all, this improvement sounds like a good idea, and I'm tempted to say that this fits better in the Mylyn Tasks project. This project provides the framework which ereviewboard uses and would be a good place to fill in this enhancement.

Can you please open a bug request on, Mylyn Tasks project and link it back here? Thanks

fabioz commented 11 years ago

Reported a Mylyn:



rombert commented 11 years ago

CC'ed myself to that bug, thanks.