rombert / ereviewboard

A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
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Subversive/Subclipse 1.8 Support #111

Open ctooley opened 11 years ago

ctooley commented 11 years ago


Any plan on updating eReviewBoard to support these newer clients? Anything I can help with?

Chris Tooley

rombert commented 11 years ago

Hi Chris,

Sorry, I'm not able to check right now. What is the status - does it install ? Run? What error messages come up?


jscharett commented 10 years ago

Any update on this? The plugin installs with no issues, just doesn't seem to be fully integrated into the Team aspect, at least with Subversive. No option to create a review request. I know I can migrate to Subclipse, but was hoping would not have to.

rombert commented 10 years ago

For me Subversive is not on the roadmap. I think one SVN plugin is enough, given the time that I have for development right now.

But I'd be happy to support anyone trying to contribute support for Subversive.