rombert / ereviewboard

A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
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Allow "Create Review Request" on multiple projecs, if they are from the same SVN repository #117

Open haraldreingruber opened 11 years ago

haraldreingruber commented 11 years ago

It would be nice, if the creation of a review request would be possible for changes over multiple projects. I guess the problem would be that different projects can be from different repositories. But as the many subclipse actions, it would be sufficient to allow the creation of reviews requests if all selected projects are from the same SVN repository.

haraldreingruber commented 11 years ago

Maybe I should mention that we use Subclipse. Don't know if it works with Subversive.

rombert commented 11 years ago

This is related to #115 . Right now I won't have time to implement this. Would you be willing to try and contribute this feature? I'm here to assist.

haraldreingruber commented 11 years ago

I will try, but finding time is also for me difficult. Maybe I can work out a patch for a first proposal in the next months. I'll let you know.

philippecade commented 11 years ago

We've been looking into how to implement this one. What we came up so far is:

This seems to work, however it is then not possible to apply the patch in Eclipse directly when doing a "Download Diff" from RB. We could then of course adapt the "Apply Diff" functionality provided by the plugin to remove the base directory from the patch again and make it possible.

@rombert: you think this would be a viable solution? Or you have an alternative?


rombert commented 11 years ago

Well, if you have a working change it's great! Can you create a pull request?