rombert / ereviewboard

A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
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Server URL changes from https to http #124

Open pvgopinath opened 11 years ago

pvgopinath commented 11 years ago


I have a created a Review Board task repository. The URL entered in the properties screen is https://xx.xx.xx.xx/rb/s. The credentials are valid.

Right click on Task Repository click update Repository configuration failed with the message that it cannot fetch extended information.

When I right click Project, select Team and select Create Review Request I get an error

Failed updating the repository data for {Task Repository Name} : There was an error fetching extended information for this repository.

I enabled Eclipse debugging. It quitely changed the URL from HTTPS to HTTP and complaining on the non existence of the task repository. The debug statements are given below. Note that the client url changed from HTTPS to HTTP. Teh Task Repositories properites are still in HTTPS only.

ENTRY org.review_board.ereviewboard.subclipse.ui 2 0 2013-04-02 15:17:21.522 !MESSAGE No repository for clientUrl http://xx.xx.xx.xx/rb/s skipping.

Let me know if I need to perform additional steps to resolve this. The same plug-in works fine if I configure another Review Board installation on HTTP.

rombert commented 11 years ago

I don't see where this can happen in the code. Maybe the server is sending a redirect from https to http? A wireshark or similar network trace would be useful.