rombert / ereviewboard

A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
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eReviewBoard can't raise review request #129

Closed amritpals closed 10 years ago

amritpals commented 10 years ago

I have my reviewboard 1.7 configured and I am using eReviewBoard and Subclipse plugins in Eclipse IDE.

The issue is when I try to raise the review request it fails giving "timed out" as "Failed creating new review request : Exception executing PutMethod on : Read timed out"

When I checked the info at "" I can't find the PUT method for "" instead it is only for ""

Below is the xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

ok pending 2014-01-22T07:38:34Z Testing... GET GET Repository GET GET PUT GET GET GET GET GET amritpal GET DELETE 1 GET team No yes demo branch 2014-01-22T07:35:24Z Test 380

I don't know what to do next. I understand this info is generated and read by the plugin itself??!!

Has anyone faced this issue?

rombert commented 10 years ago

Looks like a networking issue or a RB problem. I have tested this code against RB 1.7 . Can you see anything related in the RB logs?

amritpals commented 10 years ago

Yes, it seems that the issue is due to the email configurations are not correct. Is it getting blocked due to that.

Once I removed email configuration then it all started working normally. Thank you.

BTW, do you know how we can remove unncessary review requests from the reviewboard?

rombert commented 10 years ago

Yes, it seems that the issue is due to the email configurations are not correct. Is it getting blocked due to that.

Once I removed email configuration then it all started working normally. Thank you.

Sounds like you need to report the problem to the ReviewBoard project.

BTW, do you know how we can remove unncessary review requests from the reviewboard?

Mark them as submitted?

amritpals commented 10 years ago

No no, I want to delete them completely from the RB. Say some of the reviews were for testing RB connection with IDE. Then how can I do it. I dont want to remove the repo however. Is there any method to do so?

rombert commented 10 years ago

You should be able to remove them using the admin interface.

amritpals commented 10 years ago

ok. thank you.