rombert / ereviewboard

A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
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Dependcy error when installing ReviewBoard Subclipse Integration 0.13.3 #155

Open dfiver opened 7 years ago

dfiver commented 7 years ago

Error when installing ReviewBoard Subclipse Integration 0.13.3

Missing requirement: Mylyn Reviews Connector: ReviewBoard Subclipse Integration (Optional) 0.13.3 ( 0.13.3) requires ' [1.4.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found

I have installed subclipse version 4.2.0. I cannot find the version 1.4.0 or 2.0.0. Which real version did it depended ?

rombert commented 7 years ago

We just released 0.13.4 with some Subclipse fixes, including one related to installation. Can you try with that one and let me know if it works?