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can not login into intranet server - incorrect login/password #87

Open anton-potapov opened 12 years ago

anton-potapov commented 12 years ago

server version is 1.5. Indigo eclipse, last repository version.

I',m trying to log into a intranet server. I'm sure that credentials are correct because I do can log in via a browser. But the plugin says that my credentials are not acceptable.

BTW, is it possible to see somehow exact server response ?

rombert commented 12 years ago


I am not sure what the problem is here. You can try using something like wireshark and capture the complete HTTP response.

rombert commented 12 years ago

BWT, I see that you've opened this issue both here and in the original project. Which version of the connector are you using?

anton-potapov commented 12 years ago

Hi, it looks like the problem is in "GET /api/info/ " request. Note that in the case of the “GET /api” request, 3950 bytes of data are being transferred from the server to the user agent (browser/client) in response. From looking at requests from other user agents in the log, 3950 bytes is the typical response, so this looks okay. However, for the GET /api/info/ requests, only 70 bytes are being sent back. Other clients who make this request usually typically get 253 bytes back in response

Below there a part of the ssl_request_log server log ( - is the client ip), (as well please note that there were no references to this IP address in the log files: reviewboard-xfer.log, or reviewboard-error.log):

[27/Mar/2012:11:25:07 -0700] TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "GET /api/ HTTP/1.1" 3950 "-" "Mylyn/3.7.0 eReviewBoard Eclipse/3.7.2 (org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product) HttpClient/3.1 Java/1.6.0_29 (Sun) Windows XP/5.1 (x86; ru_RU)" [27/Mar/2012:11:25:09 -0700] TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "GET /api/info/ HTTP/1.1" 70 "-" "Mylyn/3.7.0 eReviewBoard Eclipse/3.7.2 (org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product) HttpClient/3.1 Java/1.6.0_29 (Sun) Windows XP/5.1 (x86; ru_RU)" [27/Mar/2012:11:27:00 -0700] TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "GET /api/ HTTP/1.1" 3950 "-" "Mylyn/3.7.0 eReviewBoard Eclipse/3.7.2 (org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product) HttpClient/3.1 Java/1.6.0_29 (Sun) Windows XP/5.1 (x86; ru_RU)" [27/Mar/2012:11:27:01 -0700] TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "GET /api/info/ HTTP/1.1" 70 "-" "Mylyn/3.7.0 eReviewBoard Eclipse/3.7.2 (org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product) HttpClient/3.1 Java/1.6.0_29 (Sun) Windows XP/5.1 (x86; ru_RU)" [27/Mar/2012:11:28:55 -0700] TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "GET /api/ HTTP/1.1" 3950 "-" "Mylyn/3.7.0 eReviewBoard Eclipse/3.7.2 (org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product) HttpClient/3.1 Java/1.6.0_29 (Sun) Windows XP/5.1 (x86; ru_RU)" [27/Mar/2012:11:28:57 -0700] TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "GET /api/info/ HTTP/1.1" 70 "-" "Mylyn/3.7.0 eReviewBoard Eclipse/3.7.2 (org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product) HttpClient/3.1 Java/1.6.0_29 (Sun) Windows XP/5.1 (x86; ru_RU)" [27/Mar/2012:11:30:26 -0700] TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "GET /api/ HTTP/1.1" 3950 "-" "Mylyn/3.7.0 eReviewBoard Eclipse/3.7.2 (org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product) HttpClient/3.1 Java/1.6.0_29 (Sun) Windows XP/5.1 (x86; ru_RU)" [27/Mar/2012:11:30:27 -0700] TLSv1 RC4-MD5 "GET /api/info/ HTTP/1.1" 70 "-" "Mylyn/3.7.0 eReviewBoard Eclipse/3.7.2 (org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product) HttpClient/3.1 Java/1.6.0_29 (Sun) Windows XP/5.1 (x86; ru_RU)"

rombert commented 12 years ago

Is there any way you can see the response what information is returned to the client?

anton-potapov commented 12 years ago

Unfortunately, as i did not manage to setup Wireshark to decode SSL traffic, the only hope is logs in the plugin. Is there any way to enable the plugin to log HTTP responses?

rombert commented 12 years ago

Not directly. I'll have to push a few changes, perhaps during the weekend.

anton-potapov commented 12 years ago

It would be great.

rombert commented 12 years ago

In the meantime, you could use a trial of and use it to intercept even SSL traffic.

rombert commented 11 years ago

Is this still an issue?

anton-potapov commented 10 years ago

yes, I'm still experiencing it

rombert commented 10 years ago

Can you try configuring HTTP Client to use debug logging? has some good info, you probably need to add this to eclipse.ini ( YMMV, haven't tried it )

-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime=true -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire.header=debug