rombert / ereviewboard

A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
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Can't validate setting when setting up repository #95

Closed rfayle closed 12 years ago

rfayle commented 12 years ago

I have build installed with the Subclipse integration and when setting up the reviewboard repository the validate settings always fails. Using WireShark it is reaching the repository fine and getting api information back but eventually gets the message "you are not logged in" back. Our authentication is via ldap.

rombert commented 12 years ago
  1. What RB version do you use?
  2. How is authentication set up for your RB instance - do you need to authenticate for all pages or just to post reviews?
rfayle commented 12 years ago

Problem resolved itself. When I installed the extension I did a restart of Eclipse and had the failure to authenticate. I exited Eclipse and when I went back into Eclipse I was able to create the reviewboard repository.

rombert commented 12 years ago

Good to know :-)