rombert / ereviewboard

A mylyn-based Eclipse integration for Review Board
46 stars 31 forks source link

No "Create Review Request" menu item under Team menu #98

Closed j-salvo closed 12 years ago

j-salvo commented 12 years ago


I am at a loss.

According to this page:

... one should get the "Create Review Request" under the Team menu option. However, I do not have that menu option. After installation of the plugin, I created a Mylyn Task Repository that uses the reviewboard connector, and the connection was validated, but the menu option does not appear at all ( not even greyed out ) when right-clicking on a Project that has local changes. It should appear between "Create Patch" and "Apply Patch" , but not in my case.

Any help appreciated.

The URL above indicated the following as requirements:

1)The Subclipse integration requires that Subclipse is already installed; 2)The ReviewBoard repository needs to be added as a task repository in Eclipse; 3)The URL for the SVN repository defined in Eclipse needs to match exactly the URL for the SVN repository defined in ReviewBoard.

For each of the above, respectively:

1) Subclipse is installed ( See the Eclipse configuration below ) 2) The ReviewBoard repository is "http://reviews.aas.priv" ( It is only accessible in our local network ) 3) The SVN URL is the same between reviewboard and eclipse. That is:

3a) The checked-out SVN project is called, say, WebServices, but it's Root is the same as the setting in reviewboard server.

URL: svn://source.aas.priv/aaspire/core/trunk/WebServices Repository Root: svn://source.aas.priv/aaspire/core Repository UUID: 5f0f73ab-1dbc-a143-b813-6604fa309596

3b) The HTTP GET /api/repositories return an XML that says:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

1 ok svn://source.aas.priv/aaspire/core Subversion 1 http://reviews.aas.priv/api/repositories/1/info/ GET http://reviews.aas.priv/api/repositories/1/ GET http://reviews.aas.priv/api/repositories/1/ PUT http://reviews.aas.priv/api/repositories/1/ DELETE aaspire SVN repository http://reviews.aas.priv/api/repositories/?start=0&max-results=50 GET http://reviews.aas.priv/api/repositories/ POST

Other relevant information:

ReviewBoard Server 1.6.5

Eclipse configuration:

Eclipse 3.7.2 Subclipse 1.8.8 ( which uses Subversion 1.7.x ) Mylyn Review Connector: ReviewBoard

org.eclipse.mylyn_feature (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Tasks" org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature (3.7.0.I20120314-2130) "Mylyn Tasks" org.eclipse.mylyn.commons (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Commons" org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity (0.9.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Commons" org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.notifications (0.9.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Commons" org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories (0.9.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Commons" org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Context" org.eclipse.mylyn.discovery (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Commons" org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Context" org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Context" org.eclipse.mylyn.monitor (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Commons" (0.9.0.v20120319-0200) "Mylyn Reviews (Incubation)" org.eclipse.mylyn.subclipse (0.9.0.I20120319-1745) "Mylyn Versions (Incubation)" org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ide (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Tasks" org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature (3.7.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn Context" org.eclipse.mylyn.versions (0.9.0.v20120319-0200) "Mylyn Versions (Incubation)" org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext_feature (1.6.1.v20120425-0100) "Mylyn WikiText"

org.review_board.ereviewboard ( "eReviewboard Core Plug-in" org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.feature (1.8.2) "Subversion Client Adapter" org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.javahl.feature ( "Subversion JavaHL" org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.svnkit.feature (1.7.4) "SVNKit Client Adapter" org.tigris.subversion.subclipse (1.8.8) "SVN Team Provider Core" org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.graph.feature (1.1.1) "Subversion Revision Graph" org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.mylyn (3.0.0) "Subclipse Integration for Mylyn 3.x" org.tmatesoft.svnkit (1.7.4.t20120412_2022) "SVNKit pure Java Subversion Library"

rombert commented 12 years ago

I think you're missing the Subclipse-Reviewboard integration - org.review_board.ereviewboard.subclipse.

j-salvo commented 12 years ago

That was quick. Thanks for the immediate feedback. The initial post was from the "Features" section of Eclipse. On the "Plugin" section of Eclipse, I only have:

org.review_board.ereviewboard.core ( "eReviewboard Core Plug-in" [Active] org.review_board.ereviewboard.ui ( "eReviewboard UI Plug-in" [Active]

.. .and no


I did install ereviewboard via the Eclipse Marketplace, so not sure why "org.review_board.ereviewboard.subclipse" is missing at all. I'll uninstall it and re-install it again.

rombert commented 12 years ago

I think that on the Marketplace we don't enable all features. Use the update manager ( Help -> Install new software ... ) to navigate to the ereviewboard site and install the subclipse integration.

j-salvo commented 12 years ago

That's it. Thanks. It was indeed not installed by default via the Eclipse Marketplace, but can be installed afterwards via the Update Manager as an optional component.

rombert commented 12 years ago

Great :-)