romelo333 / notenoughwands

This mod gives the player a number of very configurable and versatile wands
MIT License
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player corrupted caused #11

Closed SDUBZ closed 8 years ago

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

player data corruption caused by the protection wand on server

McJty commented 8 years ago

Can you give more information please? First what version of Minecraft. Secondly why do you think it is caused by the protection wand? What happened exactly?

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

it only happends when its in my inventory and when i nbt'ed my palyer.dat and removed i could get back on my server it was when i logged off after crafting it and it was in my inventory when i left the server and then when i came back online later it would let me join and then kick me after 20 seconds and when it wasnt there it would let me join i did many resets of my folder and everything it was exactly the wand of protection and the log didnt help one bit either

McJty commented 8 years ago

I still need to know what version of Minecraft and Not Enough Wands. And I also need a crashlog

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

using forge forge-1.8.9- and not enough wands version notenoughwands-1.8.9-1.2.7

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

any more info needed?

McJty commented 8 years ago

I need logs (both server and client side)

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

but the logs didnt report anything

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

okay got the logs but where would you like them posted?

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

server log and client log both close as possible to conflict happening you know before nbt'ed my inventory

McJty commented 8 years ago

I really need the full logs. I can't do anything with logs that are cut down because there are relevant parts of information at many spots. Can you upload them to That has a higher limit

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

nah thats full reports from me entering and getting kicked from server

McJty commented 8 years ago

There is a lot missing from those logs. Like which mods are in the pack and so on.

SDUBZ commented 8 years ago

im on modlister mc swh65458 but its down :(

McJty commented 8 years ago

It is possible that I found the issue. I will later today post an update and then you can see if it is really fixed

McJty commented 8 years ago

Yes, this will be the issue. Fixed in next release