romgere / text2stl

3D text generator for 3D printing. EmberJs / Typescript / Three.js
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Font manifold edges/disappearing chars error that didn't happen previously. #134

Closed sccpsteve closed 4 weeks ago

sccpsteve commented 4 weeks ago

Font manifold edges/disappearing chars error that didn't happen previously

Note: I will be using a known good older version of the editor while this problem is fixed

Note 2: This is an issue that stems from a very recent change


I am experiencing an issue with the CAD Editor that generates 3D text as an STL or OBJ file. The problem pertains to font manifold edges and disappearing characters for a particular font, which was not present previously. In the meantime, I plan on using an older version of the editor that is hosted by another user.


Whitney font family (You must import this as a custom font file.)

Why this font?

This font was chosen for our family ("SPH") and we use this font for physical signage.


Date when the issue was not present: May 26, 2024 Date when the issue was noticed: June 1, 2024 (yesterday)

Steps to Reproduce:

Import the Whitney Medium (or any other Whitney font variant) font as a custom font file. Use the CAD Editor to generate 3D text as an STL or OBJ file. Observe the manifold edges and character rendering for glitches.

Expected Behavior:

The 3D text should generate correctly without any manifold edges or disappearing characters, as it did on May 26, 2024.

Actual Behavior:

Non-Manifold geometry is present, and the majority of specific characters are disappearing in the generated 3D text files.


Operating System: Windows 11 Home Microsoft Edge


The font file I used:





romgere commented 4 weeks ago

Hey @sccpsteve Thanks for reporting this issue & thanks for the detailed description ❤️ Issue has been fixed & everything should be as it was in couple of minutes...