romgrk / barbar.nvim

The neovim tabline plugin.
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ref: granularize imports #451

Closed Iron-E closed 1 year ago

Iron-E commented 1 year ago

This PR is based on #446, so its diff will look better after that merges.

A few things here, which I think will help maintenance in the long term:

  1. Split up utils. It was a large module with several distinct groups of functions, all put together.
    • utils.hl has been moved to a new module, utils.Hl.
      • There was a whole caching system for highlight definitions, and it crowded the other utils.
    • utils methods operating on any[] were moved to utils.List.
      • Many modules only needed to import utils to access List.index_of, or List.slice_from_end, and there were imports in utils only existing to implement these functions.
    • utils methods operating on {[string]: any} were moved to utils.Table for the same reason as the utils.List split.
    • utils.basename, etc were moved to barbar.Fs.
      • We have a whole module for functions related to getting information about the file system, so it probably belongs there.
      • (Plus, like before, there were imports in utils just for implementing these methods.)
  2. If a module imports Foo, but only uses it for, import bar instead.
    • This avoids doing repeated hashtable lookups on Foo for bar when possible
    • This cannot be done in the case where bar is a table, since Foo might reassign bar and the import would become stale.
  3. Put parens around requires as per #430
  4. Make all imports snake_case
romgrk commented 1 year ago

I am going to work on the pin animation, we might have conflicts, try to focus this PR on the essentials.

Iron-E commented 1 year ago

@romgrk I just pushed an update that removed PascalCase imports, and changed the name of the utils.hl file.

Should the pin animations be based on this PR? It would be easier to work on #453 and #454 with this as a base for me as well

romgrk commented 1 year ago

I just pushed an update that removed PascalCase imports, and changed the name of the utils.hl file.

I still see some imports with the PascalCase.

Should the pin animations be based on this PR? It would be easier to work on and with this as a base for me as well

imho this PR has a lot of noise for the benefits that it provides. The only changes I'm happy to see are the highlight split and the fs functions. I'd rather do linting changes after we're done with the more complex ongoing changes.

Iron-E commented 1 year ago

I still see some imports with the PascalCase.

Oops, forgot to force push my last change. Done :)

imho this PR has a lot of noise for the benefits that it provides

Can you elaborate on why this seems like noise? It's all for the sake of trying to make things more consistent:

I'd rather do linting changes after we're done with the more complex ongoing changes.

We do have a precedent of making maintenance changes before shaking things up (e.g. #418), because it makes further changes easier to make

romgrk commented 1 year ago

As I mentionned in formatting rules, I'd rather we incrementally do linting changes as we touch the code but it's really not a priority.

The noise also comes from things like local notify = utils.notify. Sometimes having the module+function makes things easier to read, e.g. jump_mode.get_letter(...) tells me more than just get_letter(...), so I'm not sure we should 100% of the time unwrap everything at the top. OTOH, I don't like seeing vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(...) because the noise makes it less readable than just win_get_width(...).

For now, could you revert the changes in render.lua? I'm refactoring in #455 so it's going to conflict. For the rest of the changes, they're already done so we might as well merge them.

Iron-E commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately the render code is tied in with it, because it also uses the split utils and had the mixed naming conventions (which is why I'd hoped we could base new code off of this, since there's going to be a lot of conflicts otherwise).

Either way, I've been using this for a bit so we can merge if you give the OK. If you want to wait until after your PR that's understandable, though I think applying #455 after this one is probably better since you're more familiar with the fixes that need to get patched in.

Just let me know— don't want to mess up what you're working on :)