romgrk / barbar.nvim

The neovim tabline plugin.
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strange filename in one case #458

Closed otavioschwanck closed 1 year ago

otavioschwanck commented 1 year ago

(Without the hide = {extensions = true} it works correctly)

The real filename is loan_request_disburse_and_start_loan.rb

When this happens, it also break the next buffers:



        hide = {extensions = true},
        icons = {
          -- Configure the base icons on the bufferline.
          buffer_index = false,
          buffer_number = false,
          button = '',
          -- Enables / disables diagnostic symbols
          diagnostics = {
            [vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR] = {enabled = true, icon = 'ff'},
            [vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN] = {enabled = false},
            [vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO] = {enabled = false},
            [vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT] = {enabled = false},
          filetype = {
            -- Sets the icon's highlight group.
            -- If false, will use nvim-web-devicons colors
            custom_colors = false,

            -- Requires `nvim-web-devicons` if `true`
            enabled = true,
          separator = {left = '', right = '▕'},

          -- Configure the icons on the bufferline when modified or pinned.
          -- Supports all the base icon options.
          modified = {button = '●'},
          pinned = {buffer_index = true, filename = true, button = '', separator = { right = '▕', left = ''} },

          -- Configure the icons on the bufferline based on the visibility of a buffer.
          -- Supports all the base icon options, plus `modified` and `pinned`.
          alternate = {filetype = {enabled = false}},
          current = {buffer_index = false},
          inactive = {button = '', separator = {left = '', right = '▕'}},
          visible = {modified = {buffer_number = false}},
        sidebar_filetypes = {
          ['neo-tree'] = {event = 'BufWipeout'},
        -- icon_pinned = '󰐃',
        exclude_ft = {'netrw'},
        -- closable = false,
        highlight_visible = false,
Iron-E commented 1 year ago

Have you updated recently? I just fixed one bug that was oddly similar

otavioschwanck commented 1 year ago

It is already fixed, just missed the upgrade. sorry =(