romgrk / barbar.nvim

The neovim tabline plugin.
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Separators missing after opening sidebar #560

Closed nottyl closed 3 months ago

nottyl commented 3 months ago


When I open and close the sidebar (e.g. Undotree, NvimTree), the leftmost separator gets replaced with "<". I don't know if this is a bug, or if I had configured it incorrectly.

To Reproduce


    dependencies = "nvim-web-devicons",
    init = function()
      vim.g.barbar_auto_setup = false
    version = "^1.0.0",


require("barbar").setup {
  custom_colors = true,
  animation = true,
  tabpages = false,
  auto_hide = true,
  clickable = true,
  sidebar_filetypes = {
    NvimTree = { text = "Everything Bagel", align = "center" },
    UndoTree = { text = "UndoTree" },
  preset = "default",
  no_name_title = nil,
  separator = {left = '▎', right = ''},

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start up your neovim and load a file
  2. Open and close the sidebar (e.g. Undotree)
  3. See error

Screenshots Before opening the sidebar:


After opening and closing the sidebar:


Informations NVIM v0.9.5 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.1710088188

Iron-E commented 3 months ago

I can reproduce


Looks like there is an extra space appearing from somehere:

%#BufferCurrentSign#%#BufferCurrent#                          %#DevIconDefaultCurrent# %#BufferCurrent#a%#BufferCurrent#                          %#BufferCurrent#%#BufferCurrentSignRight#%#BufferInactiveSign#%#BufferInactive#                          %#BufferInactive# %#BufferInactive#b%#BufferInactive#                          %#BufferInactive#%#BufferInactiveSignRight#%#BufferInactiveSign#%#BufferInactive#                          %#BufferInactive# %#BufferInactive#c%#BufferInactive#                          %#BufferInactive#%#BufferInactiveSignRight#%#BufferTabpageFill#   %#BufferTabpageFill#
%#BufferCurrentSign#%#BufferCurrent#                          %#DevIconDefaultCurrent# %#BufferCurrent#a%#BufferCurrent#                          %#BufferCurrent#%#BufferCurrentSignRight#%#BufferInactiveSign#%#BufferInactive#                          %#BufferInactive# %#BufferInactive#b%#BufferInactive#                          %#BufferInactive#%#BufferInactiveSignRight#%#BufferInactiveSign#%#BufferInactive#                          %#BufferInactive# %#BufferInactive#c%#BufferInactive#                          %#BufferInactive#%#BufferInactiveSignRight#%#BufferTabpageFill#    %#BufferTabpageFill#