romgrk / barbar.nvim

The neovim tabline plugin.
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Delete json buffer cause bug #583

Closed ThaiDuy12345 closed 1 month ago

ThaiDuy12345 commented 1 month ago


Using BufferClose cmd on a .json buffer filetype cause this error

Error message:

E5108: Error executing lua: vim/_editor.lua:0: nvim_exec2(): Vim:...e/.local/share/nvim/lazy/barbar.nvim/lua/barbar/bbye.lua:60: nvim_exec2()..DiagnosticChanged Autocommands for "*": Vim(append):E315: ml_get: Invalid lnum: 1

To Reproduce

my config:

barbar_opts = {
    animation = true,
    auto_hide = false,
    tabpages = true,
    clickable = true,
    focus_on_close = 'left',
    hide = {extensions = false, inactive = false},
    highlight_alternate = false,
    highlight_inactive_file_icons = false,
    highlight_visible = true,
    icons = {
      buffer_index = false,
      buffer_number = false,
      button = '',
      diagnostics = {
       -- [vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR] = {enabled = false},
       -- [vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN] = {enabled = false},
       -- [vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO] = {enabled = false},
       -- [vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT] = {enabled = false},
      gitsigns = {
       added = {enabled = false, icon = '+'},
       changed = {enabled = false, icon = '~'},
       deleted = {enabled = false, icon = '-'},
      filetype = {
       custom_colors = false,
       enabled = true,
      inactive = {
       separator = {left = '', right = ''},
      -- separator = {left = '▎', right = ''},
      separator = {left = '', right = ''},
      separator_at_end = false,
      modified = {button = '●'},
      pinned = {button = '', filename = true},
      -- Use a preconfigured buffer appearance— can be 'default', 'powerline', or 'slanted'
      preset = 'default',

      -- Configure the icons on the bufferline based on the visibility of a buffer.
      -- Supports all the base icon options, plus `modified` and `pinned`.
      -- alternate = {filetype = {enabled = false}},
      -- current = {buffer_index = true},
      -- inactive = {button = '×'},
      -- visible = {modified = {buffer_number = false}},

    insert_at_end = false,
    insert_at_start = false,
    maximum_padding = 4,
    minimum_padding = 2,
    maximum_length = 30,
    minimum_length = 0,
    semantic_letters = true,

    sidebar_filetypes = {
      NvimTree = true,
    letters = 'asdfjkl;ghnmxcvbziowerutyqpASDFJKLGHNMXCVBZIOWERUTYQP',
    no_name_title = nil,

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open a .json file
  2. Then exec BufferClose

Informations Neovim version: 0.10 ( also using Neovide 0.12.2 but this is not relevant ) OS: WSL Ubuntu 22.04 - Window 11

linrongbin16 commented 1 month ago

I can also reproduce this issue:


Though the error message seems different.

There're two more facts (info) I want to share:

  1. Actually I had met this error long time ago, with another lua plugin: bufdelete.nvim.
  2. This error never show up in the vimscript plugin: vim-bbye.

This is super strange, because after #579, the window_number variable should be first check is a valid window number before calling set_current_win API:

So the fact of this error must be, the window_number is truly a valid window number, but still failed to be set as current window.

Based on my limited Neovim plugin developing knowledge:

  1. We could simply wrap the set_current_win API with pcall, it should help avoid directly throw the exception to user. We can simply silently swallow/ignore the error.
  2. The heading part of the error message Error executing Lua callback: reminds me something: the Neovim editor sometimes can have conflict behavior with the uv module. I am not an expert in this part, so maybe we could try wrap the flow after the set_current_win API with the vim.schedule.
linrongbin16 commented 1 month ago

Update: I submit PR #584 to try to fix this issue, but this issue seems to be much more complicated than I thought.

For now I simply go back to use vim-bbye plugin.

ThaiDuy12345 commented 1 month ago

Update: I submit PR #584 to try to fix this issue, but this issue seems to be much more complicated than I thought.

For now I simply go back to use vim-bbye plugin.

Okay, will try it out when the PR is up 😊

romgrk commented 1 month ago

That's messy :| Thanks for the details, I'll review the PR when it's ready.

Zheng-ying-rong commented 1 month ago


linrongbin16 commented 1 month ago

hi @romgrk ,

After spend some time to study vim-bbye, I believe the behavior of execute window . "wincmd w" - bbye.vim#L28 and set_current_win(window_number) - bbye.lua#L160 are different, and is the root cause of this issue.

I submit two PRs: #584 and #585 , using two solutions to fix this issue.

Both PR work correctly in my manual testing, here's the screen recording:

swahpy commented 1 month ago

Hi, I have the same issue. It happened when I go to definition using lsp navigation and then close the newly opened source file buffer. Hope we could have this fixed. For now I just filter this out in noice. Thank you.

Iron-E commented 1 month ago

Is this reproducible on earlier versions of Neovim, by chance?

Edit: Couldn't reproduce on 0.10, so update incompatibilities seem unlikely

romgrk commented 1 month ago

@swahpy I'm not sure I understand what happens in your case, details & screenshots appreciated.

Iron-E commented 1 month ago

Can someone who experiences this post a minimal reproduction? I have a template here:

--[[ minimal.lua ]]
local lazy = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/lazy/'
vim.opt.rtp:prepend {
  lazy .. 'barbar.nvim',
  lazy .. 'nvim-web-devicons',

vim.g.barbar_auto_setup = false
require('barbar').setup { 
  -- additional options

-- additional code

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('VimEnter', { 
  callback = vim.schedule_wrap(function()
    -- additional post-startup code
    vim.cmd [[
      edit foo.json
      edit bar.json

Looking to run nvim --clean -u minimal.lua and see the error

ThaiDuy12345 commented 1 month ago

Can someone who experiences this post a minimal reproduction? I have a template here:

--[[ minimal.lua ]]
local lazy = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/lazy/'
vim.opt.rtp:prepend {
  lazy .. 'barbar.nvim',
  lazy .. 'nvim-web-devicons',

vim.g.barbar_auto_setup = false
require('barbar').setup { 
  -- additional options

-- additional code

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('VimEnter', { 
  callback = vim.schedule_wrap(function()
    -- additional post-startup code
    vim.cmd [[
      edit foo.json
      edit bar.json

Looking to run nvim --clean -u minimal.lua and see the error

Been testing with a minimal config, tested with the barbar plugin alone didn't happen anything, but cause when I setup LSPconfig along. Maybe the bug come from the LSP server itself? In this video I also use bdelete, the result is the same as BufferClose and it only happen on .html, .json, .css ...Didn't seem to catch this bug when I install others LspServer

init.lua file:

local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
    "--branch=stable", -- latest stable release
  { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },
  { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", event = "VeryLazy" },
  { "williamboman/mason.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" },
    keys = {
       { "<A-h>", "<cmd>BufferPrevious<CR>", desc = "Navigate to the previous buffer" },
       { "<A-l>", "<cmd>BufferNext<CR>", desc = "Navigate to the next buffer" },
       { "<A-H>", "<cmd>BufferMovePrevious<CR>",  desc = "Move the buffer to the previous" },
       { "<A-L>", "<cmd>BufferMoveNext<CR>",  desc = "Move the buffer to the next" },
       { "<A-c>", "<cmd>BufferClose<CR>", desc = "Delete current buffer and then navigate to the previous one" },
    event = "VimEnter",
    config = function() require('barbar').setup() end
    event = "VeryLazy",
    config = function()
      -- NOTE: Disabled LSP generate logging file


      -- local setupLSP = 
        ensure_installed = {
          "jsonls",                          -- json
          "html",                            -- html
        handlers = { 
        automatic_installation = true,
ThaiDuy12345 commented 1 month ago

According to

The LSP causing the bug when delete the buffer are from

ravibrock commented 1 month ago

For what it's worth, I run into this bug when using basedpyright LSP to go to definition of library functions in Python and then running :bdelete afterwards. What I noticed, though, is that it only throws the error once, and after that (i.e. after clicking <CR> to clear the error messages) it seems to work fine, even if I repeat the go to definition -> close buffer process. Additionally, something else that seems to fix it is running :BarbarDisable followed by :BarbarEnable after opening Neovim. Not sure why this is.

ThaiDuy12345 commented 1 month ago

For what it's worth, I run into this bug when using basedpyright LSP to go to definition of library functions in Python and then running :bdelete afterwards. What I noticed, though, is that it only throws the error once, and after that (i.e. after clicking <CR> to clear the error messages) it seems to work fine, even if I repeat the go to definition -> close buffer process. Additionally, something else that seems to fix it is running :BarbarDisable followed by :BarbarEnable after opening Neovim. Not sure why this is.

Agree, I also getting this error once, after pressing <CR>, repeat the step didnt catch the bug until I restart neovim...

while waiting to have this bug fix, Im right now using Telescope buffers to navigate between among buffers, pretty annoying since im coding an angular project, but no bug is showed up 🐞

linrongbin16 commented 1 month ago

After several days back (I spent some days with family), I opened my macbook and upgrade all plugins and LSP servers (managed by mason.nvim) as usual.

And this issue is just gone..... I didn't do anything. I will notify if I have this issue again.

ravibrock commented 1 month ago

Still happening to me, though for some reason the bug appears on my work Macbook but not my personal one. As before, it's resolved by toggling Barbar on and off before closing buffers--this could perhaps be an easy, if somewhat hacky, fix for this issue.

EDIT: seems like it's not being resolved by toggling Barbar anymore. Strange.

ThaiDuy12345 commented 1 month ago

After several days back (I spent some days with family), I opened my macbook and upgrade all plugins and LSP servers (managed by mason.nvim) as usual.

And this issue is just gone..... I didn't do anything. I will notify if I have this issue again.


Still happening the me

romgrk commented 1 month ago

So it should be fixed with the PR above but I haven't had time to reproduce. If you still experience the issue let me know I'll reopen this.

ThaiDuy12345 commented 1 month ago

So it should be fixed with the PR above but I haven't had time to reproduce. If you still experience the issue let me know I'll reopen this.

Thanks, will try it after my work hour 😊