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fix(bbye): fix switch window failure again with 'pcall' #584

Closed linrongbin16 closed 1 month ago

linrongbin16 commented 1 month ago

Fix #583 .

Previous PR: #579 .

This PR try to avoid throwing exception when fail to set current window to the window_number variable.

When testing this PR with my personal nvim config, it can really delete the lazy-lock.json buffer, but there shows up another error:


I guess the root cause is, when delete or edit a new buffer, the command triggers the DiagnosticChanged autocommands.

Note: I use this key mapping to test the BufferClose: `vim.keymap.set("n", "bd", "BufferClose", {silent=true, noremap=true, desc = "Delete buffer"}

So I update the key mapping to: "<cmd>noautocmd BufferClose<CR>", but the bbye module's behavior still seems not correct!

linrongbin16 commented 1 month ago

Update: this PR is ready for review now.

Actually after spend some time to study the [vim-bbye](], I believe the behavior of execute window . "wincmd w" and set_current_win(window_number) are different, and is the root cause of this issue. But I didn't dig into the source code inside Neovim, so I can't tell the reason inside it.

This PR (#584) is using the pcall wrapper solution to avoid throwing exception when calling set_current_win API.

I also submit another PR (#585), it's using the execute window . "wincmd w" code.

Both PR work correctly in my testing, I personally prefer #585, since wrap a pcall actually just ignore the error, instead of fixing it.

Here's the screen recording of this PR: