romgrk / doom-one.vim

A dark colorschme for vim, ported from doom-emacs' doom-one theme.
104 stars 19 forks source link

Scheme not working, all black and white #1

Closed ner0-m closed 4 years ago

ner0-m commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm tried this color scheme and sadly all I get is grey and white. No highlighting at all. I'm still a quite new to the vim script stuff, so I'm not sure what is the problem. I just wanted to let you know, would love to try this theme.

If you need more info, just let me know.

romgrk commented 4 years ago

A few questions:

ner0-m commented 4 years ago

An here a screenshot of how it looks for me, after running colorscheme doom-one


romgrk commented 4 years ago

Just to be sure, you do have syntax enable and filetype on? And what happens if you do :source ~/.config/nvim/bundle/doom-one.vim/colors/doom-one.vim?

Edit: and btw if you're looking for a tabs bar plugin I've written this one recently.

ner0-m commented 4 years ago

Yes to both. I tried it again with these options enabled again specifically, but still the same result. Same with sourcing the file directly.

Yes, I tried barbar (just the lines above). I'll give it a more serious try the next couple of days. I just wanted to remove all the plugins, to see if any mess with the color scheme.

EDIT: grammer

romgrk commented 4 years ago

That is mystifying. But other colorschemes work? So let's try this.

Open the doom-one.vim file, and run this: :%g/^$/s:^:\='echom ' . line('.') Then run :source %, and tell me which line numbers you see. If you don't have time to see and it disappears, you can find them again in :messages.

ner0-m commented 4 years ago

At least the buildin neovim ones work.

The message output rather long ``` 2 6 8 38 41 52 66 75 82 83 86 88 92 98 104 107 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 113 14 24 14 24 116 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 121 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 126 14 24 14 24 129 14 24 14 24 14 24 134 135 14 24 14 24 138 14 24 140 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 145 14 24 14 24 148 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 154 158 162 14 24 14 24 14 24 166 14 24 14 24 14 24 170 14 24 14 24 14 24 174 14 24 14 24 14 24 178 14 24 180 193 196 199 14 24 14 24 14 24 203 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 209 210 14 24 14 24 213 14 24 215 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 220 14 24 222 224 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 239 241 243 251 252 255 14 24 14 24 14 24 260 14 24 14 24 14 24 268 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 275 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 280 14 24 282 14 24 284 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 289 14 24 14 24 14 24 293 14 24 14 24 296 14 24 298 299 14 24 14 24 302 303 14 24 14 24 14 24 307 14 24 14 24 310 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 315 14 24 14 24 318 319 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 325 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 330 333 14 24 14 24 336 341 14 24 14 24 14 24 14 24 346 14 24 14 24 14 24 350 14 24 14 24 14 24 354 14 24 14 24 14 24 358 360 365 370 371 374 14 24 14 24 377 379 14 24 381 387 389 391 393 395 397 408 410 412 414 419 425 429 432 436 437 439 445 447 449 451 453 460 462 472 474 ```

Does it help you in any way?

EDIT: My english today is really bad :D

romgrk commented 4 years ago

Not, your output is the same output I get, which means that the colorscheme ran without problem.

What is the output of :hi Function?

ner0-m commented 4 years ago


Output: Function xxx guifg=#ECBE7B, which seems correct. Tried it for a couple of other groups and all seem to be set correctly, but not rendered correctly.

ner0-m commented 4 years ago

Ah it seems I need to set termguicolors, then it looks correct. Thanks for all the walk through! Now I can try barbar :+1:

romgrk commented 4 years ago

LOL that took some time. Yes I also always forget about termguicolors. Good then.

kmarzic commented 2 years ago


I am using VIm 8.2 and Nvim v0.5.1, and have the same problem (seeing gray and white colors). I am using the following config:

Plug 'romgrk/doom-one.vim'
set t_Co=256
set background=dark
syntax on
colorscheme doom-one

Command set termguicolors is not helping. Can you, please, give hints how to resolve this problem.

romgrk commented 2 years ago

Is that all your config? Are you using vim-plug? Do you have the proper call plug#begin($vim . '/bundle') and call plug#end() calls?

kmarzic commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for helping. My test .vimrc is here:

kmarzic@dle5570:~ $ cat .vimrc
" vimrc
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
Plug 'romgrk/doom-one.vim'
call plug#end()
filetype on
set t_Co=256
set background=dark
" set background=light
syntax on
colorscheme doom-one
" colorscheme base16-apathy
"" eof
kmarzic@dle5570:~ $

screenshot_20220109 175633

screenshot_20220109 175710

romgrk commented 2 years ago

Maybe ? Not sure about termguicolors behavior in vim, I only use neovim.

kmarzic commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks! I finally made it to work. I added 3 additional options in .vimrc:

set termguicolors
let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"

Complete minimal .vimrc is:

kmarzic@dle5570:~ $ cat .vimrc
" vimrc
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'
Plug 'romgrk/doom-one.vim'
call plug#end()
filetype on
set t_Co=256
set background=dark
" set background=light
syntax on
colorscheme doom-one
" colorscheme base16-apathy
set termguicolors
let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
"" eof
kmarzic@dle5570:~ $