Closed omarbaza closed 5 years ago
Can you reproduce this with all plugins disabled? For example, do you get this error when executing the following command?
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset
local tmp && tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/p10k.XXXXXXXXXX)
cd $tmp
git clone --depth 1
echo "source ${(q)tmp}/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>$tmp/.zshrc
} always {
cd || true
rm -rf $tmp
I just installed zsh, oh my zsh and powerlevel10k.
I got this (after executing the code you posted):
Cloning into 'powerlevel10k'... remote: Enumerating objects: 39, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34/34), done. remote: Total 39 (delta 1), reused 16 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (39/39), done. [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
Run the following command to retry with extra diagnostics:
omarbaza@c4b301d3c8fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.EC3S1V93cO
from my config file, the only plugin I have is git:
# Which plugins would you like to load?
# Standard plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*
# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
# Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup.
from my config file, the only plugin I have is git:
This doesn't matter as you were able to reproduce this problem when none of your config files are sourced.
Is there anything unusual about your system?
What is the output of zsh --version
Can you reproduce this after running brew install util-linux
I installed a newer version of zsh using brew:
zsh --version zsh 5.7.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0)
I ran it after running the brew install util-linux, same errors.
Last login: Sat Aug 10 01:36:19 on ttys000 [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
Run the following command to retry with extra diagnostics:
GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG gitstatus_start -s -1 -u -1 -d -1 -c -1 -m -1 POWERLEVEL9K
I did NOT did the "echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/util-linux/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc"
Last login: Sat Aug 10 01:38:34 on ttys000 [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
Run the following command to retry with extra diagnostics:
GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG gitstatus_start -s -1 -u -1 -d -1 -c -1 -m -1 POWERLEVEL9K
~ GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG gitstatus_start -s -1 -u -1 -d -1 -c -1 -m -1 POWERLEVEL9K [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.xtrace.ZGIjLsYwUX (gitstatus_start_impl xtrace):
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> local os
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=+gitstatus_start_impl:11> uname -s
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=Darwin
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> [[ -n Darwin ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:12> [[ Darwin != Linux ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> local arch
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=+gitstatus_start_impl:13> uname -m
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> [[ -n x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:15> local daemon=/Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:16> [[ -f /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:18> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.lock.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.lock.CsF0scTkf8
+gitstatus_start_impl:19> zsystem flock -f lock_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.lock.CsF0scTkf8
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:21> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.req.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.req.wG6ZqbWX3R
+gitstatus_start_impl:22> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.req.wG6ZqbWX3R
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:24> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.resp.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.resp.KGG8c3BzDm
+gitstatus_start_impl:25> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.resp.KGG8c3BzDm
+gitstatus_start_impl:27> [[ -n DEBUG ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:28> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.daemon-log.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.daemon-log.wDjm4Yjeem
+gitstatus_start_impl:30> typeset -g 'GITSTATUS_DAEMON_LOG_POWERLEVEL9K=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.daemon-log.wDjm4Yjeem'
+gitstatus_start_impl:32> local -i threads=0
+gitstatus_start_impl:33> (( threads > 0 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:34> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (FreeBSD)
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (*)
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> (( ! 1 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=+gitstatus_start_impl:37> getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:39> (( threads <= 32 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:42> local -a daemon_args=( '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=31792' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=-1' '--max-num-unstaged=-1' '--max-num-conflicted=-1' '--max-num-untracked=-1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG' )
+gitstatus_start_impl:53> local cmd=$'\n echo $$\n /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=31792 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=-1 --max-num-unstaged=-1 --max-num-conflicted=-1 --max-num-untracked=-1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n if [[ $? != (0|10) && $? -le 128 &&\n -z \'\' &&\n -f /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static ]]; then\n /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=31792 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=-1 --max-num-unstaged=-1 --max-num-conflicted=-1 --max-num-untracked=-1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n fi\n echo -nE $\'bye\\x1f0\\x1e\''
+gitstatus_start_impl:62> local setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:63> [[ -f /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:63> setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:64> cmd='cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=31792\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=-1\ --max-num-unstaged=-1\ --max-num-conflicted=-1\ --max-num-untracked=-1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ \!=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=31792\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=-1\ --max-num-unstaged=-1\ --max-num-conflicted=-1\ --max-num-untracked=-1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:73> sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.req.wG6ZqbWX3R
+gitstatus_start_impl:74> sysopen -r -o cloexec -u resp_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.resp.KGG8c3BzDm
+gitstatus_start_impl:76> read -u 15 daemon_pid
+gitstatus_start_impl:71> zsh -dfmxc 'cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=31792\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=-1\ --max-num-unstaged=-1\ --max-num-conflicted=-1\ --max-num-untracked=-1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ \!=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=31792\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=-1\ --max-num-unstaged=-1\ --max-num-conflicted=-1\ --max-num-untracked=-1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:78> rm -f /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.req.wG6ZqbWX3R /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.pipe.resp.KGG8c3BzDm /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.lock.CsF0scTkf8
+gitstatus_start_impl:89> zle -F 15 _gitstatus_process_response_POWERLEVEL9K
+gitstatus_start_impl:91> local reply IFS=''
+gitstatus_start_impl:92> echo -nE $'hello\C-_\C-^'
+gitstatus_start_impl:93> read -r -d $'\C-^' -u 15 -t 5.0000000000 reply
^ this command failed
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.31792.daemon-log.wDjm4Yjeem (gitstatus daemon log):
+zsh:1> cd /
+zsh:1> /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\n echo $$\n /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=31792 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=-1 --max-num-unstaged=-1 --max-num-conflicted=-1 --max-num-untracked=-1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n if [[ $? != (0|10) && $? -le 128 &&\n -z \'\' &&\n -f /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static ]]; then\n /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=31792 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=-1 --max-num-unstaged=-1 --max-num-conflicted=-1 --max-num-untracked=-1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n fi\n echo -nE $\'bye\\x1f0\\x1e\''
+zsh:2> echo 31894
+zsh:3> /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=31792' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=-1' '--max-num-unstaged=-1' '--max-num-conflicted=-1' '--max-num-untracked=-1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG'
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[0]: "/Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[1]: "--lock-fd=3"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[2]: "--parent-pid=31792"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[3]: "--num-threads=8"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[4]: "--max-num-staged=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[5]: "--max-num-unstaged=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[6]: "--max-num-conflicted=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[7]: "--max-num-untracked=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[8]: "--dirty-max-index-size=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] argv[9]: "--log-level=DEBUG"
[2019-08-10 01:39:07 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] Spawning 8 thread(s)
[2019-08-10 01:39:12 00000001119b75c0 INFO src/] EOF. Exiting.
Your system information:
zsh: 5.7.1
uname -a: Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Thu Jun 20 18:42:21 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.270.47~4/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
If you need help, open an issue and attach this whole error message to it:
More logs:
+gitstatus_start_impl:93> read -r -d $'\C-^' -u 15 -t 5.0000000000 reply
^ this command failed
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.32603.daemon-log.BsaOlgvWwT (gitstatus daemon log):
+zsh:1> cd /
+zsh:1> /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\n echo $$\n /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=32603 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=-1 --max-num-unstaged=-1 --max-num-conflicted=-1 --max-num-untracked=-1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n if [[ $? != (0|10) && $? -le 128 &&\n -z \'\' &&\n -f /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static ]]; then\n /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=32603 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=-1 --max-num-unstaged=-1 --max-num-conflicted=-1 --max-num-untracked=-1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n fi\n echo -nE $\'bye\\x1f0\\x1e\''
+zsh:2> echo 32662
+zsh:3> /Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=32603' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=-1' '--max-num-unstaged=-1' '--max-num-conflicted=-1' '--max-num-untracked=-1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG'
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[0]: "/Users/omarbaza/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[1]: "--lock-fd=3"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[2]: "--parent-pid=32603"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[3]: "--num-threads=8"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[4]: "--max-num-staged=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[5]: "--max-num-unstaged=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[6]: "--max-num-conflicted=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[7]: "--max-num-untracked=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[8]: "--dirty-max-index-size=-1"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] argv[9]: "--log-level=DEBUG"
[2019-08-10 01:51:39 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] Spawning 8 thread(s)
[2019-08-10 01:51:44 0000000118ca75c0 INFO src/] EOF. Exiting.
I did NOT did the "echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/util-linux/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc"
That's fine. gitstatus can find it. It doesn't help though.
Is there anything unusual about your system? Some non-default filesystem? Antivirus software? The whole thing is a VM? Some sandboxed environment?
Basically, you are the first person to encounter this error. If I could figure out how to reproduce, I'll likely be able to fix it quickly. The other options is to engage in remote debugging where I send you commands and you send me responses. From past experience this is extremely time consuming for both of us so I'd like to avoid it.
By the way, does it fail instantly or does it hang for 5 seconds before failing?
this happens more often when I just open iTerm2.
I open iTerm2, waits 3-5 seconds, and then I get this error.
Would appreciate if you can answer questions from
I did NOT did the "echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/util-linux/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc"
That's fine. gitstatus can find it. It doesn't help though.
Is there anything unusual about your system? Some non-default filesystem? Antivirus software? The whole thing is a VM? Some sandboxed environment?
Nope, is a mac 2015 with Mojave. Is from my work, but other themes / software work just fine.
Basically, you are the first person to encounter this error. If I could figure out how to reproduce, I'll likely be able to fix it quickly. The other options is to engage in remote debugging where I send you commands and you send me responses. From past experience this is extremely time consuming for both of us so I'd like to avoid it.
I can help running as many commands as you want. Hopefully you don;t need to do that
No antivirus, No sandbox, no weird filesystem, no VM, No sandbox, I can install everything I want (sudo and everything)
I can help running as many commands as you want.
Thanks. It is more time consuming for me than for you though because I need to write the commands, push patched code, etc. Last time a similar issue took ~40 hours of my time.
Do you get the same error when using a different terminal?
this happens more often when I just open iTerm2.
When does it happen less often? When you open a new tab? When you type exec zsh
I made some tests... issue happens no matter if I use terminal or exec zsh.
I just tried opening different panels in iTerm. Around 30% are failing this with this error opening a new panel every 2-3 seconds.
OK, let's try the first experiment. See if you can reproduce the error with this:
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset
local tmp && tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/p10k.XXXXXXXXXX)
cd $tmp
git clone -b dev --depth 1
echo "source ${(q)tmp}/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>$tmp/.zshrc
} always {
cd || true
rm -rf $tmp
~ ( ✔ emulate -L zsh setopt err_return no_unset local tmp && tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/p10k.XXXXXXXXXX) { cd $tmp git clone -b dev --depth 1 echo "source ${(q)tmp}/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>$tmp/.zshrc ZDOTDIR=$tmp POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_CONFIGURATION_WIZARD=true zsh -d } always { cd || true rm -rf $tmp } ) Cloning into 'powerlevel10k'... remote: Enumerating objects: 39, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34/34), done. remote: Total 39 (delta 1), reused 15 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (39/39), done. [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
Run the following command to retry with extra diagnostics:
GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG gitstatus_start -s 1 -u 1 -d 1 -c 1 -m -1 POWERLEVEL9K
omarbaza@c4b301d3c8fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG gitstatus_start -s 1 -u 1 -d 1 -c 1 -m -1 POWERLEVEL9K [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.xtrace.5NMr8iE9Gu (gitstatus_start_impl xtrace):
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> local os
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=+gitstatus_start_impl:11> uname -s
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=Darwin
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> [[ -n Darwin ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:12> [[ Darwin != Linux ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> local arch
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=+gitstatus_start_impl:13> uname -m
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> [[ -n x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:15> local daemon=/private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:16> [[ -f /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:18> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.lock.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.lock.HayprjlMUU
+gitstatus_start_impl:19> zsystem flock -f lock_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.lock.HayprjlMUU
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:21> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.req.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.req.yw8f0wTrco
+gitstatus_start_impl:22> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.req.yw8f0wTrco
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:24> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.resp.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.resp.Ru1c5TCA1w
+gitstatus_start_impl:25> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.resp.Ru1c5TCA1w
+gitstatus_start_impl:27> [[ -n DEBUG ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:28> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.daemon-log.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.daemon-log.32lDA6J8hc
+gitstatus_start_impl:30> typeset -g 'GITSTATUS_DAEMON_LOG_POWERLEVEL9K=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.daemon-log.32lDA6J8hc'
+gitstatus_start_impl:32> local -i threads=0
+gitstatus_start_impl:33> (( threads > 0 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:34> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (FreeBSD)
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (*)
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> (( ! 1 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=+gitstatus_start_impl:37> getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:39> (( threads <= 32 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:42> local -a daemon_args=( '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=54740' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=1' '--max-num-unstaged=1' '--max-num-conflicted=1' '--max-num-untracked=1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG' )
+gitstatus_start_impl:53> local cmd=$'\n exec </var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.req.yw8f0wTrco >/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.resp.Ru1c5TCA1w 2>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.daemon-log.32lDA6J8hc 3</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.lock.HayprjlMUU\n echo $$\n /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=54740 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=1 --max-num-unstaged=1 --max-num-conflicted=1 --max-num-untracked=1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n if [[ $? != (0|10) && $? -le 128 &&\n -z \'\' &&\n -f /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static ]]; then\n /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=54740 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=1 --max-num-unstaged=1 --max-num-conflicted=1 --max-num-untracked=1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n fi\n echo -nE $\'bye\\x1f0\\x1e\''
+gitstatus_start_impl:63> local setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:64> [[ -f /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:64> setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:65> cmd='cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ exec\ \</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.req.yw8f0wTrco\ \>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.resp.Ru1c5TCA1w\ 2\>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.daemon-log.32lDA6J8hc\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.lock.HayprjlMUU$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=54740\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ \!=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=54740\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:74> sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.req.yw8f0wTrco
+gitstatus_start_impl:75> sysopen -r -o cloexec -u resp_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.resp.Ru1c5TCA1w
+gitstatus_start_impl:72> zsh -dfmc 'cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ exec\ \</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.req.yw8f0wTrco\ \>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.resp.Ru1c5TCA1w\ 2\>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.daemon-log.32lDA6J8hc\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.lock.HayprjlMUU$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=54740\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ \!=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=54740\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:77> read -u 15 daemon_pid
+gitstatus_start_impl:79> rm -f /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.req.yw8f0wTrco /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.pipe.resp.Ru1c5TCA1w /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.lock.HayprjlMUU
+gitstatus_start_impl:90> zle -F 15 _gitstatus_process_response_POWERLEVEL9K
+gitstatus_start_impl:92> local reply IFS=''
+gitstatus_start_impl:93> echo -nE $'hello\C-_\C-^'
+gitstatus_start_impl:94> read -r -d $'\C-^' -u 15 -t 5.0000000000 reply
^ this command failed
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.54740.daemon-log.32lDA6J8hc (gitstatus daemon log):
+zsh:3> echo 54784
+zsh:4> /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=54740' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=1' '--max-num-unstaged=1' '--max-num-conflicted=1' '--max-num-untracked=1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG'
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[0]: "/private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[1]: "--lock-fd=3"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[2]: "--parent-pid=54740"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[3]: "--num-threads=8"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[4]: "--max-num-staged=1"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[5]: "--max-num-unstaged=1"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[6]: "--max-num-conflicted=1"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[7]: "--max-num-untracked=1"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[8]: "--dirty-max-index-size=-1"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] argv[9]: "--log-level=DEBUG"
[2019-08-10 02:35:45 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] Spawning 8 thread(s)
[2019-08-10 02:35:50 00000001094235c0 INFO src/] EOF. Exiting.
Your system information:
zsh: 5.7.1
uname -a: Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Thu Jun 20 18:42:21 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.270.47~4/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
If you need help, open an issue and attach this whole error message to it:
omarbaza@c4b301d3c8fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.BKOunPRJJy
Another one:
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset
local tmp && tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/p10k.XXXXXXXXXX)
cd $tmp
git clone -b dev --depth 1
echo "source ${(q)tmp}/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>$tmp/.zshrc
} always {
cd || true
rm -rf $tmp
Last login: Sat Aug 10 02:41:27 on ttys000 ~ ( ✔ emulate -L zsh setopt err_return no_unset local tmp && tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/p10k.XXXXXXXXXX) { cd $tmp git clone -b dev --depth 1 echo "source ${(q)tmp}/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>$tmp/.zshrc ZDOTDIR=$tmp GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_CONFIGURATION_WIZARD=true zsh -d } always { cd || true rm -rf $tmp } ) Cloning into 'powerlevel10k'... remote: Enumerating objects: 39, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34/34), done. remote: Total 39 (delta 1), reused 15 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (39/39), done. [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.xtrace.5CSqLrMS5A (gitstatus_start_impl xtrace):
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> local os
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=+gitstatus_start_impl:11> uname -s
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=Darwin
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> [[ -n Darwin ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:12> [[ Darwin != Linux ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> local arch
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=+gitstatus_start_impl:13> uname -m
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> [[ -n x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:15> local daemon=/private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:16> [[ -f /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:18> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.lock.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.lock.MNp40971EZ
+gitstatus_start_impl:19> zsystem flock -f lock_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.lock.MNp40971EZ
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:21> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.req.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.req.wPsiAwti4v
+gitstatus_start_impl:22> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.req.wPsiAwti4v
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:24> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.resp.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.resp.IERsh5NAaH
+gitstatus_start_impl:25> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.resp.IERsh5NAaH
+gitstatus_start_impl:27> [[ -n DEBUG ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:28> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.daemon-log.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.daemon-log.CMaD8tIorV
+gitstatus_start_impl:30> typeset -g 'GITSTATUS_DAEMON_LOG_POWERLEVEL9K=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.daemon-log.CMaD8tIorV'
+gitstatus_start_impl:32> local -i threads=0
+gitstatus_start_impl:33> (( threads > 0 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:34> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (FreeBSD)
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (*)
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> (( ! 1 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=+gitstatus_start_impl:37> getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:39> (( threads <= 32 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:42> local -a daemon_args=( '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=55348' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=1' '--max-num-unstaged=1' '--max-num-conflicted=1' '--max-num-untracked=1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG' )
+gitstatus_start_impl:53> local cmd=$'\n exec </var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.req.wPsiAwti4v >/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.resp.IERsh5NAaH 2>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.daemon-log.CMaD8tIorV 3</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.lock.MNp40971EZ\n echo $$\n /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=55348 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=1 --max-num-unstaged=1 --max-num-conflicted=1 --max-num-untracked=1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n if [[ $? != (0|10) && $? -le 128 &&\n -z \'\' &&\n -f /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static ]]; then\n /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=55348 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=1 --max-num-unstaged=1 --max-num-conflicted=1 --max-num-untracked=1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG\n fi\n echo -nE $\'bye\\x1f0\\x1e\''
+gitstatus_start_impl:63> local setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:64> [[ -f /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:64> setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:65> cmd='cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ exec\ \</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.req.wPsiAwti4v\ \>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.resp.IERsh5NAaH\ 2\>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.daemon-log.CMaD8tIorV\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.lock.MNp40971EZ$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=55348\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ !=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=55348\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:74> sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.req.wPsiAwti4v
+gitstatus_start_impl:75> sysopen -r -o cloexec -u resp_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.resp.IERsh5NAaH
+gitstatus_start_impl:72> zsh -dfmc 'cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ exec\ \</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.req.wPsiAwti4v\ \>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.pipe.resp.IERsh5NAaH\ 2\>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.daemon-log.CMaD8tIorV\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.lock.MNp40971EZ$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=55348\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ !=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=55348\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:77> read -u 15 daemon_pid
+gitstatus_start_impl:88> zle -F 15 _gitstatus_process_response_POWERLEVEL9K
+gitstatus_start_impl:90> local reply IFS=''
+gitstatus_start_impl:91> echo -nE $'hello\C-_\C-^'
+gitstatus_start_impl:92> read -r -d $'\C-^' -u 15 -t 5.0000000000 reply
^ this command failed
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.55348.daemon-log.CMaD8tIorV (gitstatus daemon log):
+zsh:3> echo 55368
+zsh:4> /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=55348' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=1' '--max-num-unstaged=1' '--max-num-conflicted=1' '--max-num-untracked=1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG'
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[0]: "/private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[1]: "--lock-fd=3"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[2]: "--parent-pid=55348"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[3]: "--num-threads=8"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[4]: "--max-num-staged=1"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[5]: "--max-num-unstaged=1"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[6]: "--max-num-conflicted=1"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[7]: "--max-num-untracked=1"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[8]: "--dirty-max-index-size=-1"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] argv[9]: "--log-level=DEBUG"
[2019-08-10 02:41:38 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] Spawning 8 thread(s)
[2019-08-10 02:41:43 00000001198925c0 INFO src/] EOF. Exiting.
Your system information:
zsh: 5.7.1
uname -a: Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Thu Jun 20 18:42:21 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.270.47~4/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
If you need help, open an issue and attach this whole error message to it:
omarbaza@c4b301d3c8fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.hefANxqOH7 ✔ 1 02:41:43
I made an experiment...
Previously I updated the zsh version of shell using brew and this instructions:
I rolled back those changes (using default zsh 5.3) uninstalling (brew uninstall zsh) and running "sudo dscl . -create /Users/$USER UserShell /bin/zsh"
I noticed that I'm not getting that error anymore... HOWEVER, it takes from 3-10 seconds to give me a prompt... that is pretty long isn't it?
Let's deal with one problem at a time. Please revert back to the state where you were getting errors. Then run the same command as last time.
Ok, back to 5.7.1
Last login: Sat Aug 10 03:01:46 on ttys000 [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
Run the following command to retry with extra diagnostics:
GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG gitstatus_start -s -1 -u -1 -d -1 -c -1 -m -1 POWERLEVEL9K
~ ( ✔ emulate -L zsh setopt err_return no_unset local tmp && tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/p10k.XXXXXXXXXX) { cd $tmp git clone -b dev --depth 1 echo "source ${(q)tmp}/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>$tmp/.zshrc ZDOTDIR=$tmp GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_CONFIGURATION_WIZARD=true zsh -d } always { cd || true rm -rf $tmp } ) Cloning into 'powerlevel10k'... remote: Enumerating objects: 39, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34/34), done. remote: Total 39 (delta 1), reused 15 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (39/39), done. [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.xtrace.XA6hJUSXp2 (gitstatus_start_impl xtrace):
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> local os
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=+gitstatus_start_impl:11> uname -s
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=Darwin
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> [[ -n Darwin ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:12> [[ Darwin != Linux ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> local arch
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=+gitstatus_start_impl:13> uname -m
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> [[ -n x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:15> local daemon=/private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:16> [[ -f /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:18> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.9VlzNgUxDZ
+gitstatus_start_impl:19> zsystem flock -f lock_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.9VlzNgUxDZ
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:21> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu
+gitstatus_start_impl:22> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:24> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.resp.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.resp.0N1L1vK9F3
+gitstatus_start_impl:25> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.resp.0N1L1vK9F3
+gitstatus_start_impl:27> [[ -n DEBUG ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:28> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.daemon-log.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.daemon-log.23LEHaQWW2
+gitstatus_start_impl:30> typeset -g 'GITSTATUS_DAEMON_LOG_POWERLEVEL9K=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.daemon-log.23LEHaQWW2'
+gitstatus_start_impl:32> local -i threads=0
+gitstatus_start_impl:33> (( threads > 0 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:34> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (FreeBSD)
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (*)
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> (( ! 1 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=+gitstatus_start_impl:37> getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:39> (( threads <= 32 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:42> local -a daemon_args=( '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=58461' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=1' '--max-num-unstaged=1' '--max-num-conflicted=1' '--max-num-untracked=1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG' )
+gitstatus_start_impl:53> local cmd=$'\n exec >/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.resp.0N1L1vK9F3 2>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.daemon-log.23LEHaQWW2\n echo $$\n /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=58461 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=1 --max-num-unstaged=1 --max-num-conflicted=1 --max-num-untracked=1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG </var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu 3</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.9VlzNgUxDZ\n if [[ $? != (0|10) && $? -le 128 &&\n -z \'\' &&\n -f /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static ]]; then\n /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=58461 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=1 --max-num-unstaged=1 --max-num-conflicted=1 --max-num-untracked=1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG </var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu 3</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.9VlzNgUxDZ\n fi\n echo -nE $\'bye\\x1f0\\x1e\''
+gitstatus_start_impl:63> local setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:64> [[ -f /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:64> setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:65> cmd='cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ exec\ \>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.resp.0N1L1vK9F3\ 2\>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.daemon-log.23LEHaQWW2$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=58461\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG\ \</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.9VlzNgUxDZ$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ !=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=58461\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG\ \</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.9VlzNgUxDZ$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:74> sysopen -r -o cloexec -u resp_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.resp.0N1L1vK9F3
+gitstatus_start_impl:72> zsh -dfmc 'cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ exec\ \>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.resp.0N1L1vK9F3\ 2\>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.daemon-log.23LEHaQWW2$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=58461\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG\ \</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.9VlzNgUxDZ$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ !=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=58461\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG\ \</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.lock.9VlzNgUxDZ$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:75> read -u 14 daemon_pid
+gitstatus_start_impl:76> sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.pipe.req.0Ouoxd7iPu
+gitstatus_start_impl:87> zle -F 14 _gitstatus_process_response_POWERLEVEL9K
+gitstatus_start_impl:89> local reply IFS=''
+gitstatus_start_impl:90> echo -nE $'hello\C-_\C-^'
+gitstatus_start_impl:91> read -r -d $'\C-^' -u 14 -t 5.0000000000 reply
^ this command failed
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.58461.daemon-log.23LEHaQWW2 (gitstatus daemon log):
+zsh:3> echo 58487
+zsh:4> /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=58461' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=1' '--max-num-unstaged=1' '--max-num-conflicted=1' '--max-num-untracked=1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG'
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[0]: "/private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[1]: "--lock-fd=3"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[2]: "--parent-pid=58461"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[3]: "--num-threads=8"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[4]: "--max-num-staged=1"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[5]: "--max-num-unstaged=1"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[6]: "--max-num-conflicted=1"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[7]: "--max-num-untracked=1"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[8]: "--dirty-max-index-size=-1"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] argv[9]: "--log-level=DEBUG"
[2019-08-10 03:02:03 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] Spawning 8 thread(s)
[2019-08-10 03:02:08 00000001170a75c0 INFO src/] EOF. Exiting.
Your system information:
zsh: 5.7.1
uname -a: Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Thu Jun 20 18:42:21 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.270.47~4/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
If you need help, open an issue and attach this whole error message to it:
omarbaza@c4b301d3c8fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.FCifKlIWfd ✔ 1 03:02:08
Still would like to know the answer to
By the way, does it fail instantly or does it hang for 5 seconds before failing?
hangs for 5 seconds before failing.
If I open terminal/iTerm and it takes 5-10 seconds to give me prompt, I know for sure it will fail. Usually If I run those commands they will fail as well.
If I open terminal and gives me prompt within 1-2 seconds, then the commands won't fail
Please run the same command again.
Also this:
launchctl limit maxfiles
lsof -p $$ | wc -l
lsof | wc -l
Last login: Sat Aug 10 08:33:42 on ttys000 [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
Run the following command to retry with extra diagnostics:
GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG gitstatus_start -s -1 -u -1 -d -1 -c -1 -m -1 POWERLEVEL9K
~ ( ✔ emulate -L zsh setopt err_return no_unset local tmp && tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/p10k.XXXXXXXXXX) { cd $tmp git clone -b dev --depth 1 echo "source ${(q)tmp}/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme" >>$tmp/.zshrc ZDOTDIR=$tmp GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_CONFIGURATION_WIZARD=true zsh -d } always { cd || true rm -rf $tmp } ) Cloning into 'powerlevel10k'... remote: Enumerating objects: 39, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34/34), done. remote: Total 39 (delta 1), reused 15 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (39/39), done. [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.xtrace.yL8sCAGwtd (gitstatus_start_impl xtrace):
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> local os
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=+gitstatus_start_impl:11> uname -s
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> os=Darwin
+gitstatus_start_impl:11> [[ -n Darwin ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:12> [[ Darwin != Linux ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> local arch
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=+gitstatus_start_impl:13> uname -m
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> arch=x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:13> [[ -n x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:15> local daemon=/private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64
+gitstatus_start_impl:16> [[ -f /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:18> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:18> lock_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.5ACVrfveyc
+gitstatus_start_impl:19> zsystem flock -f lock_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.5ACVrfveyc
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:21> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.req.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:21> req_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.req.Pic8b5oTfI
+gitstatus_start_impl:22> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.req.Pic8b5oTfI
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=+gitstatus_start_impl:24> mktemp -u /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.resp.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:24> resp_fifo=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.resp.G9jJgdslMX
+gitstatus_start_impl:25> mkfifo /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.resp.G9jJgdslMX
+gitstatus_start_impl:27> [[ -n DEBUG ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=+gitstatus_start_impl:28> mktemp /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.daemon-log.XXXXXXXXXX
+gitstatus_start_impl:28> log_file=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.daemon-log.ofgVZZC3YF
+gitstatus_start_impl:30> typeset -g 'GITSTATUS_DAEMON_LOG_POWERLEVEL9K=/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.daemon-log.ofgVZZC3YF'
+gitstatus_start_impl:32> local -i threads=0
+gitstatus_start_impl:33> (( threads > 0 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:34> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (FreeBSD)
+gitstatus_start_impl:35> case Darwin (*)
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> (( ! 1 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=+gitstatus_start_impl:37> getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
+gitstatus_start_impl:37> threads=8
+gitstatus_start_impl:39> (( threads <= 32 ))
+gitstatus_start_impl:42> local -a daemon_args=( '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=59757' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=1' '--max-num-unstaged=1' '--max-num-conflicted=1' '--max-num-untracked=1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG' )
+gitstatus_start_impl:53> local cmd=$'\n exec >/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.resp.G9jJgdslMX 2>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.daemon-log.ofgVZZC3YF\n echo $$\n zmodload zsh/system\n sysopen -r -u req_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.req.Pic8b5oTfI\n /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=59757 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=1 --max-num-unstaged=1 --max-num-conflicted=1 --max-num-untracked=1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG <&$req_fd 3</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.5ACVrfveyc\n if [[ $? != (0|10) && $? -le 128 &&\n -z \'\' &&\n -f /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static ]]; then\n /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static --lock-fd=3 --parent-pid=59757 --num-threads=8 --max-num-staged=1 --max-num-unstaged=1 --max-num-conflicted=1 --max-num-untracked=1 --dirty-max-index-size=-1 --log-level=DEBUG <&$req_fd 3</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.5ACVrfveyc\n fi\n echo -nE $\'bye\\x1f0\\x1e\''
+gitstatus_start_impl:65> local setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:66> [[ -f /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid ]]
+gitstatus_start_impl:66> setsid=/usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid
+gitstatus_start_impl:67> cmd='cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ exec\ \>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.resp.G9jJgdslMX\ 2\>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.daemon-log.ofgVZZC3YF$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ zmodload\ zsh/system$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ sysopen\ -r\ -u\ req_fd\ /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.req.Pic8b5oTfI$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=59757\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG\ \<\&\$req_fd\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.5ACVrfveyc$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ !=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=59757\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG\ \<\&\$req_fd\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.5ACVrfveyc$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:76> sysopen -r -o cloexec -u resp_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.resp.G9jJgdslMX
+gitstatus_start_impl:74> zsh -dfmc 'cd /; /usr/local/opt/util-linux/bin/setsid zsh -dfxc $'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ exec\ \>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.resp.G9jJgdslMX\ 2\>/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.daemon-log.ofgVZZC3YF$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ \$\$$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ zmodload\ zsh/system$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ sysopen\ -r\ -u\ req_fd\ /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.req.Pic8b5oTfI$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=59757\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG\ \<\&\$req_fd\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.5ACVrfveyc$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \[\[\ \$\?\ !=\ \(0\|10\)\ \&\&\ \$\?\ -le\ 128\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -z\ \'\''\'\''\ \&\&$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -f\ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ \]\]\;\ then$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64-static\ --lock-fd=3\ --parent-pid=59757\ --num-threads=8\ --max-num-staged=1\ --max-num-unstaged=1\ --max-num-conflicted=1\ --max-num-untracked=1\ --dirty-max-index-size=-1\ --log-level=DEBUG\ \<\&\$req_fd\ 3\</var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.lock.5ACVrfveyc$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ fi$'\''\n'\''\ \ \ \ \ \ echo\ -nE\ \$\'\''bye\\x1f0\\x1e\'\'' &!'
+gitstatus_start_impl:77> read -u 14 daemon_pid
+gitstatus_start_impl:78> sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.req.Pic8b5oTfI
+gitstatus_start_impl:89> zle -F 14 _gitstatus_process_response_POWERLEVEL9K
+gitstatus_start_impl:91> local reply IFS=''
+gitstatus_start_impl:92> echo -nE $'hello\C-_\C-^'
+gitstatus_start_impl:93> read -r -d $'\C-^' -u 14 -t 5.0000000000 reply
^ this command failed
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.daemon-log.ofgVZZC3YF (gitstatus daemon log):
+zsh:3> echo 59783
+zsh:4> zmodload zsh/system
+zsh:5> sysopen -r -u req_fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.59757.pipe.req.Pic8b5oTfI
+zsh:6> /private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64 '--lock-fd=3' '--parent-pid=59757' '--num-threads=8' '--max-num-staged=1' '--max-num-unstaged=1' '--max-num-conflicted=1' '--max-num-untracked=1' '--dirty-max-index-size=-1' '--log-level=DEBUG'
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[0]: "/private/var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43/powerlevel10k/gitstatus/bin/gitstatusd-darwin-x86_64"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[1]: "--lock-fd=3"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[2]: "--parent-pid=59757"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[3]: "--num-threads=8"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[4]: "--max-num-staged=1"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[5]: "--max-num-unstaged=1"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[6]: "--max-num-conflicted=1"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[7]: "--max-num-untracked=1"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[8]: "--dirty-max-index-size=-1"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] argv[9]: "--log-level=DEBUG"
[2019-08-10 08:33:56 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] Spawning 8 thread(s)
[2019-08-10 08:34:01 00000001185335c0 INFO src/] EOF. Exiting.
Your system information:
zsh: 5.7.1
uname -a: Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Thu Jun 20 18:42:21 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.270.47~4/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
If you need help, open an issue and attach this whole error message to it:
omarbaza@c4b301d3c8fd /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T/p10k.smeWizUq43 launchctl limit maxfiless ✔ 1 08:34:01 lsof -p $$ | wc -l lsof | wc -l maxfiles 256 unlimited 21
The output from this command is missing:
lsof | wc -l
Could you send it?
FYI: I'm going to put this on back burner for some time. As I mentioned, this sort of remote debugging where I cannot attach a debugger or strace things is extremely time consuming (think a full week of work), and I'm currently busy with other projects. If you figure out how your system is special so that I have at least some clue for the reasons fifos are broken, let me know.
lsof | wc -l
lsof | wc -l ✔ 2 11:13:27 8707
FYI: I'm going to put this on back burner for some time. As I mentioned, this sort of remote debugging where I cannot attach a debugger or strace things is extremely time consuming (think a full week of work), and I'm currently busy with other projects. If you figure out how your system is special so that I have at least some clue for the reasons fifos are broken, let me know.
No worries, I know is hard. thanks for the time you spent on this.
I made an experiment...
Previously I updated the zsh version of shell using brew and this instructions:
I rolled back those changes (using default zsh 5.3) uninstalling (brew uninstall zsh) and running "sudo dscl . -create /Users/$USER UserShell /bin/zsh"
I noticed that I'm not getting that error anymore... HOWEVER, it takes from 3-10 seconds to give me a prompt... that is pretty long isn't it?
I'm encountering the same issue as described in this thread.
@obazavil if you're willing to use the default system zsh (5.3) on macOS, this one line patch/hack in the powerlevel10k source fixed the slow load time for me:
diff --git a/internal/p10k.zsh b/internal/p10k.zsh
index 7ba7b69..4ee7e35 100755
--- a/internal/p10k.zsh
+++ b/internal/p10k.zsh
@@ -4202,12 +4202,13 @@ _p9k_init() {
gitstatus_start \
+ -t 0.1 \
@yukunlin Are you also using an Amazon-issued MacBook Pro?
Can any of you check whether the following code works on your machine?
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace
zmodload zsh/system
local lock_file req_fifo resp_fifo
local -i lock_fd=-1 daemon_pid=-1 req_fd=-1 resp_fd=-1
lock_file=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/lock.XXXXXXXXXX)
zsystem flock -f lock_fd $lock_file
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
resp_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/resp_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
mkfifo $resp_fifo
local cmd=$'
echo $$
read -t1 -rd "\x1e" msg
echo -nE "${msg}\x1e"'
cmd="cd /; zsh -dfxeuc ${(q)cmd} &!"
zsh -dfmxeuc $cmd <$req_fifo >$resp_fifo 3<$lock_file &!
sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd $req_fifo
sysopen -r -o cloexec -u resp_fd $resp_fifo
read -u $resp_fd daemon_pid
rm -f $req_fifo $resp_fifo $lock_file
function on-resp-hook() {}
zle -F $resp_fd on-resp-hook
local reply IFS=''
echo -nE $'hello\x1f\x1e' >&$req_fd
read -t1 -rd $'\x1e' -u $resp_fd reply
[[ $reply == $'hello\x1f' ]]
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( resp_fd > 0 )) && { zle -F $resp_fd; exec {resp_fd}>&- }
(( req_fd > 0 )) && exec {req_fd}>&-
(( lock_fd > 0 )) && zsystem flock -u $lock_fd
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- -$daemon_pid &>/dev/null
(( $+functions[on-resp-hook] )) && unfunction on-resp-hook
rm -f $lock_file $req_fifo $resp_fifo
This is a stripped-down version of gitstatus initialization. It's supposed to exit with status 0 and to have green SUCCESS
in its output. Try putting it in your ~/.zshrc
and opening a bunch of terminal windows.
@yukunlin Are you also using an Amazon-issued MacBook Pro?
Yes, it may have something to do with how those laptops are setup; I don't have this issue on my personal machine. You can probably rule out different versions of macOS as a cause; my work machine is on 10.14, and @obazavil's is on 10.15
Can any of you check whether the following code works on your machine? .... .... This is a stripped-down version of gitstatus initialization. It's supposed to exit with status 0 and to have green
in its output. Try putting it in your~/.zshrc
and opening a bunch of terminal windows.
Using the system zsh (5.3), it always succeeds. About 1 out of 10 times, there is a one second delay before the green SUCCESS
Using the homebrew zsh (5.7.1), it fails intermittently, about 1 out of 5 times. Interestingly, the failures of the code above is independent of the failure of the gitstatus initialization of the prompt (which also fails about 1 out of 5 times).
Yes, it may have something to do with how those laptops are setup
Back when I worked at Google, corp MacBooks were getting slower, buggier and more restrictive over time. Eventually they became virtually unusable and I switched to Linux.
I gave up debugging this issue because I suspected that Amazon's corp software is the culprit here and finding a workaround via remote debugging sessions will take too much time and effort. When you showed up, I was almost certain that Amazon-issued Mac is what makes the code fail. On the plus side this gave me hope that either of you might be tech-savvy and know some zsh and POSIX.
Using the homebrew zsh (5.7.1), it fails intermittently, about 1 out of 5 times. Interestingly, the failures of the code above is independent of the failure of the gitstatus initialization of the prompt (which also fails about 1 out of 5 times).
I wrote the self-contained ZSH snippet above in the hope that it will also exhibits the same issue. It's great that it does! If this snippet fails in the same way as gitstatus, you should see that read
inside the background process times out with an error when using zsh 5.7.1. With 5.3 it also returns due to timeout but without an error.
Can you debug this code and find a workaround that makes it work with zsh 5.7.1? I don't have any special knowledge that you don't have, for this code is self-contained. I can answer your questions if you have any. The first thing I would recommend is removing as much code as you can. For example, that lock file is likely unnecessary. Perhaps double-fork is not needed either. Maybe one pipe is enough to trigger the bug, etc. I'll copy your workaround over to gitstatus if you succeed.
Thank you for your help so far. I’ll look further into this in my spare time.
Here are a few things to try to save you time on debugging.
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace no_monitor
zmodload zsh/system
local lock_file req_fifo resp_fifo
local -i lock_fd=-1 daemon_pid=-1 req_fd=-1 resp_fd=-1
lock_file=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/lock.XXXXXXXXXX)
zsystem flock -f lock_fd $lock_file
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
resp_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/resp_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
mkfifo $resp_fifo
local cmd=$'
echo $$
read -t1 -rd "\x1e" msg
echo -nE "${msg}\x1e"'
cmd="cd /; zsh -dfxeuc ${(q)cmd} &!"
zsh -dfmxeuc $cmd <$req_fifo >$resp_fifo 3<$lock_file &!
sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd $req_fifo
sysopen -r -o cloexec -u resp_fd $resp_fifo
read -u $resp_fd daemon_pid
rm -f $req_fifo $resp_fifo $lock_file
function on-resp-hook() {}
zle -F $resp_fd on-resp-hook
local reply IFS=''
echo -nE $'hello\x1f\x1e' >&$req_fd
read -t1 -rd $'\x1e' -u $resp_fd reply
[[ $reply == $'hello\x1f' ]]
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( resp_fd > 0 )) && { zle -F $resp_fd; exec {resp_fd}>&- }
(( req_fd > 0 )) && exec {req_fd}>&-
(( lock_fd > 0 )) && zsystem flock -u $lock_fd
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- -$daemon_pid &>/dev/null
(( $+functions[on-resp-hook] )) && unfunction on-resp-hook
rm -f $lock_file $req_fifo $resp_fifo
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace no_monitor
zmodload zsh/system
local req_fifo
local -i daemon_pid=-1 req_fd=-1
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
local cmd=$'read -t1 -rd "\x1e" msg && [[ $msg == "hello\x1f" ]]'
zsh -dfxeuc $cmd <$req_fifo &
sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd $req_fifo
rm -f $req_fifo
echo -nE $'hello\x1f\x1e' >&$req_fd
wait $daemon_pid
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( req_fd > 0 )) && exec {req_fd}>&-
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- $daemon_pid &>/dev/null
rm -f $req_fifo
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace no_monitor
local req_fifo
local -i daemon_pid=-1
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
local cmd=$'read -t1 -rd "\x1e" msg && [[ $msg == "hello\x1f" ]]'
zsh -dfxeuc $cmd <$req_fifo &
echo -nE $'hello\x1f\x1e' >$req_fifo
wait $daemon_pid
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- $daemon_pid &>/dev/null
rm -f $req_fifo
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace no_monitor
local req_fifo
local -i daemon_pid=-1
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
local cmd=$'read -t1 msg && [[ $msg == hello ]]'
zsh -dfxeuc $cmd <$req_fifo &
echo hello >$req_fifo
wait $daemon_pid
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- $daemon_pid &>/dev/null
rm -f $req_fifo
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace no_monitor
local req_fifo
local -i daemon_pid=-1
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
local cmd=$'read -t1 msg <'$req_fifo' && [[ $msg == hello ]]'
zsh -dfxeuc $cmd &
echo hello >$req_fifo
wait $daemon_pid
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- $daemon_pid &>/dev/null
rm -f $req_fifo
This should narrow do the problem quite a bit. Please post the output from the last snippet that doesn't work.
Thank you for your help so far. I’ll look further into this in my spare time.
Did you have a chance to run the snippets I posted in my last comment?
I tried running those snippets today and a week ago and observed some really strange behavior. Last week, 1 and 2 didn’t work, but 3 didn’t. However, going back to 1, that snippet stopped failing, and the problem described in this issue stopped happening.
Today, after restarting my machine, the issue started happening again, and snippet 1 would fail. Again, I tried snippet 3, which works consistently. However, after that, snippet 1 stopped failing.
Do these snippets have any side effects or set some global options? (It doesn’t seem like they do from my reading)
Since (3) seems to work reliably, it might be not too hard to devise a workaround in gitstatus. Please run a few more experiments to narrow down the root cause of broken fifos. Execute these snippets in the specified order and let me know which ones work and which don't. As before, you'll probably need to execute each snippet many times to ensure it works.
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace no_monitor
zmodload zsh/system
local req_fifo
local -i daemon_pid=-1 req_fd=-1
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
local cmd=$'read -t1 -rd "\x1e" msg && [[ $msg == "hello\x1f" ]]'
zsh -dfxeuc $cmd <$req_fifo &
sysopen -w -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd $req_fifo
rm -f $req_fifo
syswrite -o $req_fd $'hello\x1f\x1e'
wait $daemon_pid
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( req_fd > 0 )) && exec {req_fd}>&-
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- $daemon_pid &>/dev/null
rm -f $req_fifo
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace no_monitor
zmodload zsh/system
local req_fifo
local -i daemon_pid=-1 req_fd=-1
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
local cmd=$'read -t1 -rd "\x1e" msg && [[ $msg == "hello\x1f" ]]'
zsh -dfxeuc $cmd <$req_fifo &
sysopen -w -o cloexec -u req_fd $req_fifo
rm -f $req_fifo
echo -nE $'hello\x1f\x1e' >&$req_fd
wait $daemon_pid
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( req_fd > 0 )) && exec {req_fd}>&-
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- $daemon_pid &>/dev/null
rm -f $req_fifo
() {
emulate -L zsh
setopt err_return no_unset xtrace no_monitor
zmodload zsh/system
local req_fifo
local -i daemon_pid=-1 req_fd=-1
req_fifo=$(mktemp -u ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/req_fifo.XXXXXXXXXX)
mkfifo $req_fifo
local cmd=$'read -t1 -rd "\x1e" msg && [[ $msg == "hello\x1f" ]]'
zsh -dfxeuc $cmd <$req_fifo &
exec {req_fd}>$req_fifo
rm -f $req_fifo
echo -nE $'hello\x1f\x1e' >&$req_fd
wait $daemon_pid
echo -E ${(%):-%2FSUCCESS%f}
} always {
unsetopt err_return
(( req_fd > 0 )) && exec {req_fd}>&-
(( daemon_pid > 0 )) && kill -- $daemon_pid &>/dev/null
rm -f $req_fifo
Do these snippets have any side effects or set some global options?
No. These snippets create a fifo and spawn a background zsh. The foreground zsh writes "hello" to the fifo and the background zsh is supposed to read "hello" from it. All snippets are valid and supposed to work on any POSIX-compliant system. On your system the background zsh sometimes cannot read anything from the fifo. I believe is caused by bugs in low-level meddling done by the corpware that is meant to protect and audit your machine. It could also be caused by bugs in zsh or libc that only get exposed when your corpware is present.
I just came across this issue as well. I've run 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 several times over. None seem to be successful 100%, but all seem to have a similar success rate (~80% guesstimate).
@pdelre Are you using a corporate macbook from Apple?
Can you confirm that (2) in doesn't work while (3) does?
(3) was much more successful. I thought the first run failed but couldn't reproduce a second failure, so I might have had a copy/paste issue in the first.
I am using a corporate MBP provisioned by my company. We use both a low level system management tool and a virus scanner.
I've attempted the (2.x) versions again and they were all successful. Could be any policy checking has completed since I was first running them.
I am using a corporate MBP provisioned by my company.
And your company isn't Amazon?
Can you ask your corporate IT staff for help? Maybe they can explain what's going on and what I should change to have fifos working the way they are supposed to work? Or maybe they'll suggest some other IPC (unix domain sockets?) that's less upsetting to the surveillance software they deploy?
Otherwise I'm inclined to close this issue and to point fingers at your OS provider. I'm willing to implement a workaround but without my being able to reproduce the problem I'll need someone to tell me which workaround to implement.
And your company isn't Amazon?
I'll touch base with our IT and point some folks here. We use a highly popular Apple Device Management platform but I'm not sure what's published information.
Any updates on this issue, anyone?
@romkatv No luck with our IT and Security teams. They did not find anything in my audit logs that would point to a cause or most likely workaround.
They did not find anything in my audit logs that would point to a cause or most likely workaround.
That's disappointing.
If I understand correctly, snippet 2.1 from doesn't work reliably on the system your IT staff provisions. It uses a total of four programs: zsh
, mktemp
, mkfifo
and rm
. All of these come preinstalled on macOS. Given that this problem is reproducible, it should be possible to provide some insight into the nature of the problem. One way would be to quickly try different variations of this code to try to pinpoint the conditions that trigger the bug. Another is to strace
zsh (or whatever the equivalent is on macOS) and compare traces from a successful and unsuccessful runs of the snippet. Yet another is to attach a debugger to zsh to see where data sent over fifos gets stuck.
If any of you are engineers, perhaps you can give it a try? There is only that much I can do without being able to reproduce this issue myself.
@romkatv I believe I'm tapped out for now. I spent a few hours trying to regularly reproduce the issue to dig into the workarounds. I'm at a point where it isn't reproducing as it was when I first posted and given the IT services involved, I can't force it to happen either.
I'll return if the issue comes up for me again and I can get actionable information.
This happens half the time.. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
GITSTATUS_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG gitstatus_start -s -1 -u -1 -d -1 -c -1 -m -1 POWERLEVEL9K [ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.27758.xtrace.WOBCxZr9jZ (gitstatus_start_impl xtrace):
The content of /var/folders/bx/xdcq47c972j5ypgkgyknzs25gqnnkw/T//gitstatus.27758.daemon-log.ij6ADxvMJZ (gitstatus daemon log):
Your system information:
If you need help, open an issue and attach this whole error message to it: