romkatv / powerlevel10k

A Zsh theme
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Spacing between git status icons is too condensed #1865

Closed csalvato closed 2 years ago

csalvato commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your work on such an amazing tool!

I am just setting up powerlevel10k and struggling to get my git status spacing to look presentable.

here is what I am seeing:

Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 17 49 59

I'd like there to be just a bit more space between the icons and the numbers, but I can't figure out the best way to do that.

Below is the git status section of my .p10k file.

Any advice on how I can get this looking a little better? Thank you!

#####################################[ vcs: git status ]######################################
  # Version control system colors.

  # Branch icon. Set this parameter to '\uF126 ' for the popular Powerline branch icon.
  typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BRANCH_ICON='\uF126 '

  # Untracked files icon. It's really a question mark, your font isn't broken.
  # Change the value of this parameter to show a different icon.

  # Formatter for Git status.
  # Example output: master wip ⇣42⇡42 *42 merge ~42 +42 !42 ?42.
  # You can edit the function to customize how Git status looks.
  # VCS_STATUS_* parameters are set by gitstatus plugin. See reference:
  function my_git_formatter() {
    emulate -L zsh

    if [[ -n $P9K_CONTENT ]]; then
      # If P9K_CONTENT is not empty, use it. It's either "loading" or from vcs_info (not from
      # gitstatus plugin). VCS_STATUS_* parameters are not available in this case.
      typeset -g my_git_format=$P9K_CONTENT

    # Styling for different parts of Git status.
    local       meta='%7F' # white foreground
    local      clean='%0F' # black foreground
    local   modified='%0F' # black foreground
    local  untracked='%0F' # black foreground
    local conflicted='%1F' # red foreground

    local res

    if [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH ]]; then
      local branch=${(V)VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH}
      # If local branch name is at most 32 characters long, show it in full.
      # Otherwise show the first 12 … the last 12.
      # Tip: To always show local branch name in full without truncation, delete the next line.
      (( $#branch > 32 )) && branch[13,-13]="…"  # <-- this line

    if [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_TAG
          # Show tag only if not on a branch.
          # Tip: To always show tag, delete the next line.
          && -z $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH  # <-- this line
        ]]; then
      local tag=${(V)VCS_STATUS_TAG}
      # If tag name is at most 32 characters long, show it in full.
      # Otherwise show the first 12 … the last 12.
      # Tip: To always show tag name in full without truncation, delete the next line.
      (( $#tag > 32 )) && tag[13,-13]="…"  # <-- this line

    # Display the current Git commit if there is no branch and no tag.
    # Tip: To always display the current Git commit, delete the next line.
    [[ -z $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH && -z $VCS_STATUS_TAG ]] &&  # <-- this line

    # Show tracking branch name if it differs from local branch.

    # Display "wip" if the latest commit's summary contains "wip" or "WIP".
    if [[ $VCS_STATUS_COMMIT_SUMMARY == (|*[^[:alnum:]])(wip|WIP)(|[^[:alnum:]]*) ]]; then
      res+=" ${modified}wip"

    # ⇣42 if behind the remote.
    # ⇡42 if ahead of the remote; no leading space if also behind the remote: ⇣42⇡42.
    # ⇠42 if behind the push remote.
    # ⇢42 if ahead of the push remote; no leading space if also behind: ⇠42⇢42.
    # *42 if have stashes.
    (( VCS_STATUS_STASHES        )) && res+=" ${clean}*${VCS_STATUS_STASHES}"
    # 'merge' if the repo is in an unusual state.
    [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_ACTION     ]] && res+=" ${conflicted}${VCS_STATUS_ACTION}"
    # ~42 if have merge conflicts.
    (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_CONFLICTED )) && res+=" ${conflicted}~${VCS_STATUS_NUM_CONFLICTED}"
    # +42 if have staged changes.
    (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_STAGED     )) && res+=" ${modified}+${VCS_STATUS_NUM_STAGED}"
    # !42 if have unstaged changes.
    (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNSTAGED   )) && res+=" ${modified}!${VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNSTAGED}"
    # ?42 if have untracked files. It's really a question mark, your font isn't broken.
    # See POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON above if you want to use a different icon.
    # Remove the next line if you don't want to see untracked files at all.
    # "─" if the number of unstaged files is unknown. This can happen due to
    # POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY (see below) being set to a non-negative number lower
    # than the number of files in the Git index, or due to bash.showDirtyState being set to false
    # in the repository config. The number of staged and untracked files may also be unknown
    # in this case.
    (( VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED == -1 )) && res+=" ${modified}─"

    typeset -g my_git_format=$res
  functions -M my_git_formatter 2>/dev/null

  # Don't count the number of unstaged, untracked and conflicted files in Git repositories with
  # more than this many files in the index. Negative value means infinity.
  # If you are working in Git repositories with tens of millions of files and seeing performance
  # sagging, try setting POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY to a number lower than the output
  # of `git ls-files | wc -l`. Alternatively, add `bash.showDirtyState = false` to the repository's
  # config: `git config bash.showDirtyState false`.

  # Don't show Git status in prompt for repositories whose workdir matches this pattern.
  # For example, if set to '~', the Git repository at $HOME/.git will be ignored.
  # Multiple patterns can be combined with '|': '~(|/foo)|/bar/baz/*'.

  # Disable the default Git status formatting.
  # Install our own Git status formatter.
  typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${$((my_git_formatter()))+${my_git_format}}'
  # Enable counters for staged, unstaged, etc.

  # Custom icon.
  # Custom prefix.
  # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_PREFIX='on '

  # Show status of repositories of these types. You can add svn and/or hg if you are
  # using them. If you do, your prompt may become slow even when your current directory
  # isn't in an svn or hg reposotiry.
  typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BACKENDS=(git)
romkatv commented 2 years ago

You can try this:


Alternatively, you can manually add spaces after certain icons:


Note that the default (ASCII) symbols are much more readable than their circled variants and they don't suffer from whitespace issues.

csalvato commented 2 years ago

Thanks @romkatv, that's what I was looking for.

Note that the default (ASCII) symbols are much more readable than their circled variants and they don't suffer from whitespace issues.

I tried that but found them to be too slim to read. The icons are actually easier for me 😅

Also, is there someplace where users like me can just see all of the POWERLEVEL9k options listed with a short description? I looked in a few places for this but couldn't find a comprehensive list... 🤔

romkatv commented 2 years ago

I tried that but found them to be too slim to read.

If it's difficult to read regular ASCII symbols with the font you've chosen, it's a really good idea to change it or increase font. Almost all information in your terminal will be conveyed through ASCII.

is there someplace where users like me can just see all of the POWERLEVEL9k options listed with a short description?

All options that I consider useful and reasonable are documented in ~/.p10k.zsh. You are using some options that are outside of this set. There is no other documentation for options.

csalvato commented 2 years ago

If it's difficult to read regular ASCII symbols with the font you've chosen, it's a really good idea to change it or increase font. Almost all information in your terminal will be conveyed through ASCII.

I am using MesloLGS NF as recommended in the README. Is there a different font you recommend?

romkatv commented 2 years ago

I am using MesloLGS NF as recommended in the README. Is there a different font you recommend?

This is the font I recommend. To my eyes all ASCII glyphs in it are easily readable. If to you they aren't, you'll need to look for a different font.

hellt commented 5 months ago

Hi @romkatv I have been using the raw p10k configure-generated prompt with no icons (as per my selection).

Then I decided to add a git icon next to my branch, but I struggle to find a way to add a space between the branch name and the git icon.

Here is what I have:

# The branch icon.
typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BRANCH_ICON='\uf418 '

which renders as


there is not whitespace between the icon and the branch name and I can't quite figure out why.