romkatv / powerlevel10k

A Zsh theme
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Configure not asking if i can see these icons #2676

Closed glensc closed 1 month ago

glensc commented 1 month ago

it asks only spacing, but it don't see them correctly. so I pressed Y and it finishes with a prompt with squares.


  1. it should ask can I see them
  2. offer some alternatives how to fix

also, if I press N, then at some point it also shows the icons, but with squares

romkatv commented 1 month ago

it asks only spacing

Is this the very first screen that you see when running p10k configure? If not, how do the preceding screens look like and what are your answers to the questions they ask?

What font are you using?

glensc commented 1 month ago

font: dunno. something default that came with Kitty (font not configured in Kitty)

kitty.conf ``` font_size 15.0 url_excluded_characters \n copy_on_select yes select_by_word_characters @-./_~?&=%+#:! mouse_map cmd+left release grabbed,ungrabbed mouse_handle_click link enable_audio_bell no include Solarized8 Dark.conf map alt+c send_text normal,application,kitty \ec map alt+l send_text normal,application,kitty \el map alt+p send_text normal,application,kitty \ep map alt+1 send_text normal,application,kitty \e1 map alt+2 send_text normal,application,kitty \e2 map alt+3 send_text normal,application,kitty \e3 map alt+4 send_text normal,application,kitty \e4 map alt+5 send_text normal,application,kitty \e5 map alt+6 send_text normal,application,kitty \e6 map alt+7 send_text normal,application,kitty \e7 map alt+8 send_text normal,application,kitty \e8 map alt+9 send_text normal,application,kitty \e9 map alt+\ send_text normal,application,kitty \e\ map § send_text normal,application,kitty ` map ± send_text normal,application,kitty ~ map cmd+d new_window_with_cwd map shift+page_up scroll_page_up map shift+page_down scroll_page_down map cmd+right next_tab map cmd+left previous_tab include current-theme.conf ```
romkatv commented 1 month ago

Please answer all questions I've asked.

Also, as a quick solution you can try the recommended font:

glensc commented 1 month ago

screens. no. i'll share them one by one

  1. Answer: y
  1. Answer y
  1. Answer: n image

  1. Answer y
  1. Answer: 1
  1. Answer: q
romkatv commented 1 month ago

Thanks! Apparently, Kitty does something weird with its default font. Please try the recommended font.

glensc commented 1 month ago

On another laptop (macOS 14) works fine. With the same Kitty config (The bug report is on macOS 10.15.7)

romkatv commented 1 month ago

Interesting. I've no idea what could be the cause. Do try the recommended font.

glensc commented 1 month ago

From, I can find list fonts command, not sure if that's useful:

❯ kitty +list-fonts
Andale Mono
    Andale Mono Regular

Apple Braille
    Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot
    Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot
    Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot
    Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot
    Apple Braille Regular

Apple Color Emoji
    Apple Color Emoji Regular

    Courier Bold
    Courier Bold Oblique
    Courier Oblique
    Courier Regular

Courier New
    Courier New Bold
    Courier New Bold Italic
    Courier New Italic
    Courier New Regular

GB18030 Bitmap
    GB18030 Bitmap Regular

    Menlo Bold
    Menlo Bold Italic
    Menlo Italic
    Menlo Regular

    Monaco Regular

PT Mono
    PT Mono Bold
    PT Mono Regular

Symbols Nerd Font
    Symbols Nerd Font Regular

Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    Symbols Nerd Font Mono Regular

I seem to have Nerd installed, maybe some older variant...

romkatv commented 1 month ago

Why not try the recommended font? Seriously, just try it.

glensc commented 1 month ago

@romkatv Patience. I have never said I will not try it! Working in parallel on font setup.

romkatv commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I ran out of patience.

glensc commented 1 month ago


glensc commented 1 month ago

However, the bug report included second part:

but I understand it also needs to identify what is the cause.

glensc commented 1 month ago

Currently unable to figure out why kitty doesn't reload config with new font, certainly not a reason to run out of patience if my test is not complete.

romkatv commented 1 month ago

There you go:

glensc commented 1 month ago

Seems my first dump of kitty config was inaccurate:

at the time, Kitty was running with this line enabled additionally:

symbol_map U+23FB-U+23FE,U+2665,U+26A1,U+2B58,U+E000-U+E00A,U+E0A0-U+E0A3,U+E0B0-U+E0C8,U+E0CA,U+E0CC-U+E0D2,U+E0D4,U+E200-U+E2A9,U+E300-U+E3E3,U+E5FA-U+E634,U+E700-U+E7C5,U+EA60-U+EBEB,U+F000-U+F2E0,U+F300-U+F32F,U+F400-U+F4A9,U+F500-U+F8FF Symbols Nerd Font Mono

however, after was able to reload Kitty with recommended font and result was success, tested also reverted font change, also success.

so I to conclude that running older version of Kitty caused the problem, forcefully quitting Kitty and ensuring new process is started I can see needed fonts with original config.

niderhoff commented 2 weeks ago

See kitty documentation:

If you are trying to use a font patched with Nerd Fonts symbols, don’t do that as patching destroys fonts. There is no need, simply install the standalone Symbols Nerd Font Mono (the file from the Nerd Fonts releases page). kitty should pick up symbols from it automatically, and you can tell it to do so explicitly in case it doesn’t with the symbol_map directive: (...)

symbol_map overwrites the icons using icons from Symbols Nerd Font instead.

romkatv commented 2 weeks ago

patching destroys fonts
