romkatv / zsh-bench

Benchmark for interactive Zsh
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completion module is optional in prezto and zim #16

Closed ericbn closed 2 years ago

ericbn commented 2 years ago

So it can be disabled if you want a more barebones set up, like the other "+" configurations.

romkatv commented 2 years ago

I see what you did there but where do we draw the line? At the limit we can disable everything and the config degenerates into a plain DIY. Besides, is this representative of what real users of prezto and zim would do? I think the current version is more representative and more in line with what prezto and zim want their users to do.

ericbn commented 2 years ago

I was just trying to get their configs closer to the other configs too, for a fairer comparison between the different benchmarks.

Nothing is stopping zplug users from using the zimfw/completion module if they want to, as well as nothing is forcing Zim users to use it, just to give an example.

I'm just thinking of having more similar configurations, where that's possible. Will "real users" really just use the bare bones configurations of "diy++" or "powerlevel10k"? I was not thinking in terms of questions like these, just is terms of comparable configurations.

romkatv commented 2 years ago

Will "real users" really just use the bare bones configurations of "diy++" or "powerlevel10k"? I was not thinking in terms of questions like these, just is terms of comparable configurations.

Configs such as "powerlevel10k", "compsys" or "zsh-syntax-highlighting" measure the performance of the respective features in isolation.

"diy++", "zim+" and other configs in this category match real life configs that enable tmux, completions, syntax highlighting, autosuggestions and powerlevel10k. If a zim user wanted to enable these features, "zim+" is how they would likely do it. These configs don't go out of their way trying to disable built-in features or to replace them with manual code. For example, "ohmyzsh+" doesn't disable the built-in libs even though this can be done and it does speed things up.

If you want "zim+" to be changed, you'll need to change zim -- either its code or documentation.

ericbn commented 2 years ago

I see the approach zsh-bench is taking, and it seems like it's comparing the times of different things. For example, it's comparing plugin managers using different sets of plugins: zinit, zplug and zcomet with zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions and romkatv/powerlevel10k, and zim with those plus zimfw/completion.

I can update Zim's documentation to make it clearer that it can be used solely as a plugin manager.

romkatv commented 2 years ago

I see the approach zsh-bench is taking, and it seems like it's comparing the times of different things.

This section compares different configs that provide at least these features: tmux, compsys, syntax highlighting, auto suggestions, and git prompt.

ericbn commented 2 years ago

Sure, I see all boxes are checked, and they mean the same thing for all configurations, except for "compsys". Some are just calling compinit, others are setting many zstyles in addition to that.

romkatv commented 2 years ago

Sure, I see all boxes are checked, and they mean the same thing for all configurations, except for "compsys".

"compsys" checkbox means the same thing in all configs. Its meaning is documented here:

Some are just calling compinit, others are setting many zstyles in addition to that.

All premade configs do things that aren't reflected by the capability checkboxes. This is mentioned in the docs:

romkatv commented 2 years ago

Closing as WAI.