Closed kurktchiev closed 3 years ago
I am getting around this by disabling the integrated tmux but that kinda robs me of all the cool new stuff you have been working on.
Which features don't work if you do this?
I guess let me rephrase, the cool new tmux pop up window integrations, cmd line always on bottom obviously do not work and they feel better usability wise than the standard mode of v4.
They should work. If they don’t work for you, please describe in detail what you are doing. Omit everything that’s not relevant to demonstrate the issue.
I did, if I can only open one window and cannot use v5 under my workflow then it doesn’t work as described in the issue since whatever is happening seems to be happening because of the tmux nesting
I need detailed instructions that, when followed, show that prompt doesn’t start at the bottom when it should.
Follow the instructions I already posted. Observe nothing working
-B On Sep 18, 2021, 08:28 -0400, Roman Perepelitsa @.***>, wrote:
I need detailed instructions that, when followed, show that prompt doesn’t start at the bottom when it should. — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.
Can you post zshrc that I can use to reproduce this?
# Personal Zsh configuration file. It is strongly recommended to keep all
# shell customization and configuration (including exported environment
# variables such as PATH) in this file or in files source by it.
# Documentation:
# Periodic auto-update on Zsh startup: 'ask' or 'no'.
# You can manually run `z4h update` to update everything.
zstyle ':z4h:' auto-update 'ask'
# Ask whether to auto-update this often; has no effect if auto-update is 'no'.
zstyle ':z4h:' auto-update-days '28'
# Automaticaly wrap TTY with a transparent tmux ('integrated'), or start a
# full-fledged tmux ('system'), or disable features that require tmux ('no').
zstyle ':z4h:' start-tmux 'no'
# Move prompt to the bottom when zsh starts up so that it's always in the
# same position. Has no effect if start-tmux is 'no'.
zstyle ':z4h:' prompt-at-bottom 'yes'
# Keyboard type: 'mac' or 'pc'.
zstyle ':z4h:bindkey' keyboard 'mac'
# Right-arrow key accepts one character ('partial-accept') from
# command autosuggestions or the whole thing ('accept')?
zstyle ':z4h:autosuggestions' forward-char 'accept'
# Recursively traverse directories when TAB-completing files.
zstyle ':z4h:fzf-complete' recurse-dirs 'yes'
# Enable ('yes') or disable ('no') automatic teleportation of z4h over
# ssh when connecting to these hosts.
zstyle ':z4h:ssh:example-hostname1' enable 'yes'
zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*.example-hostname2' enable 'no'
# The default value if none of the overrides above match the hostname.
zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*' enable 'no'
# Send these files over to the remote host when connecting over ssh to the
# enabled hosts.
#zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*' send-extra-files '~/.nanorc' '~/.env.zsh'
# Clone additional Git repositories from GitHub.
# This doesn't do anything apart from cloning the repository and keeping it
# up-to-date. Cloned files can be used after `z4h init`. This is just an
# example. If you don't plan to use Oh My Zsh, delete this line.
#z4h install ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh || return
# Install or update core components (fzf, zsh-autosuggestions, etc.) and
# initialize Zsh. After this point console I/O is unavailable until Zsh
# is fully initialized. Everything that requires user interaction or can
# perform network I/O must be done above. Everything else is best done below.
z4h init || return
# Extend PATH.
path=(~/bin $path)
# Export environment variables.
export GPG_TTY=$TTY
# Source additional local files if they exist.
# z4h source ~/.env.zsh
# Use additional Git repositories pulled in with `z4h install`.
# This is just an example that you should delete. It does nothing useful.
# z4h source $Z4H/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/lib/diagnostics.zsh
# z4h source $Z4H/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/plugins/emoji-clock/emoji-clock.plugin.zsh
# fpath+=($Z4H/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/plugins/supervisor)
# Define key bindings.
z4h bindkey undo Ctrl+/ # undo the last command line change
z4h bindkey redo Alt+/ # redo the last undone command line change
z4h bindkey z4h-cd-back Shift+Left # cd into the previous directory
z4h bindkey z4h-cd-forward Shift+Right # cd into the next directory
z4h bindkey z4h-cd-up Shift+Up # cd into the parent directory
z4h bindkey z4h-cd-down Shift+Down # cd into a child directory
# Autoload functions.
autoload -Uz zmv
# Define functions and completions.
function md() { [[ $# == 1 ]] && mkdir -p -- "$1" && cd -- "$1" }
compdef _directories md
# Define named directories: ~w <=> Windows home directory on WSL.
[[ -z $z4h_win_home ]] || hash -d w=$z4h_win_home
# Define aliases.
alias tree='tree -a -I .git'
# Add flags to existing aliases.
alias ls="${aliases[ls]:-ls} -A"
# Set shell options:
setopt glob_dots # no special treatment for file names with a leading dot
setopt no_auto_menu # require an extra TAB press to open the completion menu
z4h source ~/.zshrc.boris.zsh
my extensions
# Extend PATH.
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
path=(/usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin ~/.local/bin $GOROOT/bin $GOPATH/bin $path)
# This is a bit dumb, but only way to get around the fact there is system ruby and brew ruby
if (( $+commands[gem] )); then
export MYGEMS=$(gem env gemdir)
path=($MYGEMS/bin $path)
# Add Get Mesh Istio binary
export GETMESH_HOME="$HOME/.getmesh"
# If on a remote host do this
# if [[ -n $Z4H_SSH ]]; then
# zstyle ...
# else
# zstyle ...
# fi
# Set color on tabs
function tab_color() {
echo -ne "\033]6;1;bg;red;brightness;$1\a"
echo -ne "\033]6;1;bg;green;brightness;$2\a"
echo -ne "\033]6;1;bg;blue;brightness;$3\a"
function tab_color_reset() {
echo -ne "\033]6;1;bg;*;default\a"
trap - INT EXIT
# Use this to see if True Colors are supported in the terminal
function term_color_support() {
emulate -L zsh -o prompt_percent -o ksh_arrays
autoload -Uz zmathfunc && zmathfunc
local bg fg
local -i i r g b
for i in {0..$((COLUMNS-1))}; do
b='i * 255 / COLUMNS'
r='255 - b'
g='255 - abs(r - b)'
printf -v bg '%02x' $r $g $b
print -nP "%K{#$bg} "
# Spits out a a nice color list and number so you can use for "themeing"
function color_table() {
for i in {0..255}; do print -Pn "%K{$i} %k%F{$i}${(l:3::0:)i}%f " ${${(M)$((i%6)):#3}:+$'\n'}; done
# Auto retry
function auto-retry()
while [ $? -ne 0 ]; do
"$@" || (sleep 1;false)
# define a function that does clean SSH so we dont pass through z4h
function cssh() { command ssh "$@" }
# Auto retry an ssh connection
function rssh()
# Check we've got command line arguments
if [ -z "$*" ]; then
echo "Need to specify ssh options"
exit 1
auto-retry ssh "$@"
function rcssh()
# Check we've got command line arguments
if [ -z "$*" ]; then
echo "Need to specify ssh options"
exit 1
auto-retry cssh "$@"
# Define a title setting function
function settitle_hostname() {
echo -ne "\033k"$(hostname -s)"\007"
function settitle_vpn_text() {
echo -ne "\033k"$@"\007"
# Send command to be executed in the pane below
# function tsb() {
# args=$@
# tmux send-keys -t bottom "$args" C-m
# }
# Create a VPN creator for TMUX
# note that you want to work it as: tvpn "some vpn string #tag"
# where #tag will be used to name the newly created pane/split
function tvpn() {
name=$(awk '{print $NF}' <<< "$@")
if tmux list-windows | grep -qw "vpns"; then
tmux split-pane -t vpns -v -p 80 $@
tmux setw -t vpns pane-border-status bottom
tmux setw -t vpns pane-border-format "$name"
tmux new-window -n vpns $@
tmux setw -t vpns pane-border-status bottom
tmux setw -t vpns pane-border-format "$name"
# Setup history file pull
# imports on shell start
() {
local hist
for hist in ~/.zsh_history*~$HISTFILE(N); do
fc -RI $hist
# callable function to import history on demand
update_history() {
local hist
for hist in ~/.zsh_history*~$HISTFILE(N); do
fc -RI $hist
function z4h-ssh-configure() {
(( z4h_ssh_enable )) || return 0
local file
for file in $ZDOTDIR/.zsh_history.*:$z4h_ssh_host(N); do
(( $+z4h_ssh_send_files[$file] )) && continue
# Create the control-master dir if it doesnt exist
[[ -e ~/.ssh/control-master ]] || zf_mkdir -p -m 700 ~/.ssh/control-master
# Setup LSD if installed, else setup vanilla LS
if (( $+commands[lsd] )); then
# Setup LSD if installed, else setup vanilla LS
alias ls='lsd --date "+%m-%d-%Y |%H:%M:%S|"'
alias l='ls -l'
alias ll='ls -aL'
alias lt='ls -aLtr'
alias la='ls -la'
alias lat='ls -latr'
alias ls="ls -G"
alias l='ls -l'
alias la='ls -la'
alias ll='ls -la'
# Setup LS_COLORS based on
# you need brew install coreutils and then gdircolors -b $file in order to "upgrade" to latest
# nice breakdown of values for further tweaking
# Default value when using the Monokai color scheme in iTerm:
# LS_COLORS=fi=00:mi=00:mh=00:ln=01;36:or=01;31:di=01;34:ow=04;01;34:st=34:tw=04;34:pi=01;33:so=01;33:do=01;33:bd=01;33:cd=01;33:su=01;35:sg=01;35:ca=01;35:ex=01;32:no=38;5;248
export LS_COLORS='bd=38;5;68:ca=38;5;17:cd=38;5;113;1:di=1;34:do=38;5;127:ex=38;5;208;1:pi=38;5;126:fi=0:ln=target:mh=38;5;222;1:no=0:or=48;5;196;38;5;232;1:ow=38;5;220;1:sg=48;5;3;38;5;0:su=38;5;220;1;3;100;1:so=38;5;197:st=38;5;86;48;5;234:tw=48;5;235;38;5;139;3:*LS_COLORS=48;5;89;38;5;197;1;3;4;7:*README=38;5;220;1:*README.rst=38;5;220;1:*;5;220;1:*LICENSE=38;5;220;1:*COPYING=38;5;220;1:*INSTALL=38;5;220;1:*COPYRIGHT=38;5;220;1:*AUTHORS=38;5;220;1:*HISTORY=38;5;220;1:*CONTRIBUTORS=38;5;220;1:*PATENTS=38;5;220;1:*VERSION=38;5;220;1:*NOTICE=38;5;220;1:*CHANGES=38;5;220;1:*.log=38;5;190:*.txt=38;5;253:*.etx=38;5;184:*.info=38;5;184:*.markdown=38;5;184:*.md=38;5;184:*.mkd=38;5;184:*.nfo=38;5;184:*.pod=38;5;184:*.rst=38;5;184:*.tex=38;5;184:*.textile=38;5;184:*.bib=38;5;178:*.json=38;5;178:*.jsonl=38;5;178:*.jsonnet=38;5;178:*.libsonnet=38;5;142:*.ndjson=38;5;178:*.msg=38;5;178:*.pgn=38;5;178:*.rss=38;5;178:*.xml=38;5;178:*.fxml=38;5;178:*.toml=38;5;178:*.yaml=38;5;178:*.yml=38;5;178:*.RData=38;5;178:*.rdata=38;5;178:*.xsd=38;5;178:*.dtd=38;5;178:*.sgml=38;5;178:*.rng=38;5;178:*.rnc=38;5;178:*.cbr=38;5;141:*.cbz=38;5;141:*.chm=38;5;141:*.djvu=38;5;141:*.pdf=38;5;141:*.PDF=38;5;141:*.mobi=38;5;141:*.epub=38;5;141:*.docm=38;5;111;4:*.doc=38;5;111:*.docx=38;5;111:*.odb=38;5;111:*.odt=38;5;111:*.rtf=38;5;111:*.odp=38;5;166:*.pps=38;5;166:*.ppt=38;5;166:*.pptx=38;5;166:*.ppts=38;5;166:*.pptxm=38;5;166;4:*.pptsm=38;5;166;4:*.csv=38;5;78:*.tsv=38;5;78:*.ods=38;5;112:*.xla=38;5;76:*.xls=38;5;112:*.xlsx=38;5;112:*.xlsxm=38;5;112;4:*.xltm=38;5;73;4:*.xltx=38;5;73:*.pages=38;5;111:*.numbers=38;5;112:*.key=38;5;166:*config=1:*cfg=1:*conf=1:*rc=1:*authorized_keys=1:*known_hosts=1:*.ini=1:*.plist=1:*.viminfo=1:*.pcf=1:*.psf=1:*.hidden-color-scheme=1:*.hidden-tmTheme=1:*.last-run=1:*.merged-ca-bundle=1:*.sublime-build=1:*.sublime-commands=1:*.sublime-keymap=1:*.sublime-settings=1:*.sublime-snippet=1:*.sublime-project=1:*.sublime-workspace=1:*.tmTheme=1:*.user-ca-bundle=1:*.epf=1:*.git=38;5;197:*.gitignore=38;5;240:*.gitattributes=38;5;240:*.gitmodules=38;5;240:*.awk=38;5;172:*.bash=38;5;172:*.bat=38;5;172:*.BAT=38;5;172:*.sed=38;5;172:*.sh=38;5;172:*.zsh=38;5;172:*.vim=38;5;172:*.kak=38;5;172:*.ahk=38;5;41:*.py=38;5;41:*.ipynb=38;5;41:*.rb=38;5;41:*.gemspec=38;5;41:*.pl=38;5;208:*.PL=38;5;160:*.t=38;5;114:*.msql=38;5;222:*.mysql=38;5;222:*.pgsql=38;5;222:*.sql=38;5;222:*.tcl=38;5;64;1:*.r=38;5;49:*.R=38;5;49:*.gs=38;5;81:*.clj=38;5;41:*.cljs=38;5;41:*.cljc=38;5;41:*.cljw=38;5;41:*.scala=38;5;41:*.sc=38;5;41:*.dart=38;5;51:*.asm=38;5;81:*.cl=38;5;81:*.lisp=38;5;81:*.rkt=38;5;81:*.lua=38;5;81:*.moon=38;5;81:*.c=38;5;81:*.C=38;5;81:*.h=38;5;110:*.H=38;5;110:*.tcc=38;5;110:*.c++=38;5;81:*.h++=38;5;110:*.hpp=38;5;110:*.hxx=38;5;110:*.ii=38;5;110:*.M=38;5;110:*.m=38;5;110:*.cc=38;5;81:*.cs=38;5;81:*.cp=38;5;81:*.cpp=38;5;81:*.cxx=38;5;81:*.cr=38;5;81:*.go=38;5;81:*.f=38;5;81:*.F=38;5;81:*.for=38;5;81:*.ftn=38;5;81:*.f90=38;5;81:*.F90=38;5;81:*.f95=38;5;81:*.F95=38;5;81:*.f03=38;5;81:*.F03=38;5;81:*.f08=38;5;81:*.F08=38;5;81:*.nim=38;5;81:*.nimble=38;5;81:*.s=38;5;110:*.S=38;5;110:*.rs=38;5;81:*.scpt=38;5;219:*.swift=38;5;219:*.sx=38;5;81:*.vala=38;5;81:*.vapi=38;5;81:*.hi=38;5;110:*.hs=38;5;81:*.lhs=38;5;81:*.agda=38;5;81:*.lagda=38;5;81:*.lagda.tex=38;5;81:*.lagda.rst=38;5;81:*;5;81:*.agdai=38;5;110:*.zig=38;5;81:*.v=38;5;81:*.pyc=38;5;240:*.tf=38;5;168:*.tfstate=38;5;168:*.tfvars=38;5;168:*.css=38;5;125;1:*.less=38;5;125;1:*.sass=38;5;125;1:*.scss=38;5;125;1:*.htm=38;5;125;1:*.html=38;5;125;1:*.jhtm=38;5;125;1:*.mht=38;5;125;1:*.eml=38;5;125;1:*.mustache=38;5;125;1:*.coffee=38;5;074;1:*.java=38;5;074;1:*.js=38;5;074;1:*.mjs=38;5;074;1:*.jsm=38;5;074;1:*.jsp=38;5;074;1:*.php=38;5;81:*.ctp=38;5;81:*.twig=38;5;81:*.vb=38;5;81:*.vba=38;5;81:*.vbs=38;5;81:*Dockerfile=38;5;155:*.dockerignore=38;5;240:*Makefile=38;5;155:*MANIFEST=38;5;243:*pm_to_blib=38;5;240:*.nix=38;5;155:*.dhall=38;5;178:*.rake=38;5;155:*.am=38;5;242:*.in=38;5;242:*.hin=38;5;242:*.scan=38;5;242:*.m4=38;5;242:*.old=38;5;242:*.out=38;5;242:*.SKIP=38;5;244:*.diff=48;5;197;38;5;232:*.patch=48;5;197;38;5;232;1:*.bmp=38;5;97:*.dicom=38;5;97:*.tiff=38;5;97:*.tif=38;5;97:*.TIFF=38;5;97:*.cdr=38;5;97:*.flif=38;5;97:*.gif=38;5;97:*.icns=38;5;97:*.ico=38;5;97:*.jpeg=38;5;97:*.JPG=38;5;97:*.jpg=38;5;97:*.nth=38;5;97:*.png=38;5;97:*.psd=38;5;97:*.pxd=38;5;97:*.pxm=38;5;97:*.xpm=38;5;97:*.webp=38;5;97:*.ai=38;5;99:*.eps=38;5;99:*.epsf=38;5;99:*.drw=38;5;99:*.ps=38;5;99:*.svg=38;5;99:*.avi=38;5;114:*.divx=38;5;114:*.IFO=38;5;114:*.m2v=38;5;114:*.m4v=38;5;114:*.mkv=38;5;114:*.MOV=38;5;114:*.mov=38;5;114:*.mp4=38;5;114:*.mpeg=38;5;114:*.mpg=38;5;114:*.ogm=38;5;114:*.rmvb=38;5;114:*.sample=38;5;114:*.wmv=38;5;114:*.3g2=38;5;115:*.3gp=38;5;115:*.gp3=38;5;115:*.webm=38;5;115:*.gp4=38;5;115:*.asf=38;5;115:*.flv=38;5;115:*.ts=38;5;115:*.ogv=38;5;115:*.f4v=38;5;115:*.VOB=38;5;115;1:*.vob=38;5;115;1:*.ass=38;5;117:*.srt=38;5;117:*.ssa=38;5;117:*.sub=38;5;117:*.sup=38;5;117:*.vtt=38;5;117:*.3ga=38;5;137;1:*.S3M=38;5;137;1:*.aac=38;5;137;1:*.amr=38;5;137;1:*.au=38;5;137;1:*.caf=38;5;137;1:*.dat=38;5;137;1:*.dts=38;5;137;1:*.fcm=38;5;137;1:*.m4a=38;5;137;1:*.mod=38;5;137;1:*.mp3=38;5;137;1:*.mp4a=38;5;137;1:*.oga=38;5;137;1:*.ogg=38;5;137;1:*.opus=38;5;137;1:*.s3m=38;5;137;1:*.sid=38;5;137;1:*.wma=38;5;137;1:*.ape=38;5;136;1:*.aiff=38;5;136;1:*.cda=38;5;136;1:*.flac=38;5;136;1:*.alac=38;5;136;1:*.mid=38;5;136;1:*.midi=38;5;136;1:*.pcm=38;5;136;1:*.wav=38;5;136;1:*.wv=38;5;136;1:*.wvc=38;5;136;1:*.afm=38;5;66:*.fon=38;5;66:*.fnt=38;5;66:*.pfb=38;5;66:*.pfm=38;5;66:*.ttf=38;5;66:*.otf=38;5;66:*.woff=38;5;66:*.woff2=38;5;66:*.PFA=38;5;66:*.pfa=38;5;66:*.7z=38;5;40:*.a=38;5;40:*.arj=38;5;40:*.bz2=38;5;40:*.cpio=38;5;40:*.gz=38;5;40:*.lrz=38;5;40:*.lz=38;5;40:*.lzma=38;5;40:*.lzo=38;5;40:*.rar=38;5;40:*.s7z=38;5;40:*.sz=38;5;40:*.tar=38;5;40:*.tgz=38;5;40:*.warc=38;5;40:*.WARC=38;5;40:*.xz=38;5;40:*.z=38;5;40:*.zip=38;5;40:*.zipx=38;5;40:*.zoo=38;5;40:*.zpaq=38;5;40:*.zst=38;5;40:*.zstd=38;5;40:*.zz=38;5;40:*.apk=38;5;215:*.ipa=38;5;215:*.deb=38;5;215:*.rpm=38;5;215:*.jad=38;5;215:*.jar=38;5;215:*.cab=38;5;215:*.pak=38;5;215:*.pk3=38;5;215:*.vdf=38;5;215:*.vpk=38;5;215:*.bsp=38;5;215:*.dmg=38;5;215:*.r[0-9]{0,2}=38;5;239:*.zx[0-9]{0,2}=38;5;239:*.z[0-9]{0,2}=38;5;239:*.part=38;5;239:*.iso=38;5;124:*.bin=38;5;124:*.nrg=38;5;124:*.qcow=38;5;124:*.sparseimage=38;5;124:*.toast=38;5;124:*.vcd=38;5;124:*.vmdk=38;5;124:*.accdb=38;5;60:*.accde=38;5;60:*.accdr=38;5;60:*.accdt=38;5;60:*.db=38;5;60:*.fmp12=38;5;60:*.fp7=38;5;60:*.localstorage=38;5;60:*.mdb=38;5;60:*.mde=38;5;60:*.sqlite=38;5;60:*.typelib=38;5;60:*.nc=38;5;60:*.pacnew=38;5;33:*.un~=38;5;241:*.orig=38;5;241:*.BUP=38;5;241:*.bak=38;5;241:*.o=38;5;241:*core=38;5;241:*.mdump=38;5;241:*.rlib=38;5;241:*.dll=38;5;241:*.swp=38;5;244:*.swo=38;5;244:*.tmp=38;5;244:*.sassc=38;5;244:*.pid=38;5;248:*.state=38;5;248:*lockfile=38;5;248:*lock=38;5;248:*.err=38;5;160;1:*.error=38;5;160;1:*.stderr=38;5;160;1:*.aria2=38;5;241:*.dump=38;5;241:*.stackdump=38;5;241:*.zcompdump=38;5;241:*.zwc=38;5;241:*.pcap=38;5;29:*.cap=38;5;29:*.dmp=38;5;29:*.DS_Store=38;5;239:*.localized=38;5;239:*.CFUserTextEncoding=38;5;239:*.allow=38;5;112:*.deny=38;5;196:*.service=38;5;45:*@.service=38;5;45:*.socket=38;5;45:*.swap=38;5;45:*.device=38;5;45:*.mount=38;5;45:*.automount=38;5;45:*.target=38;5;45:*.path=38;5;45:*.timer=38;5;45:*.snapshot=38;5;45:*.application=38;5;116:*.cue=38;5;116:*.description=38;5;116:*.directory=38;5;116:*.m3u=38;5;116:*.m3u8=38;5;116:*.md5=38;5;116:*.properties=38;5;116:*.sfv=38;5;116:*.theme=38;5;116:*.torrent=38;5;116:*.urlview=38;5;116:*.webloc=38;5;116:*.lnk=38;5;39:*CodeResources=38;5;239:*PkgInfo=38;5;239:*.nib=38;5;57:*.car=38;5;57:*.dylib=38;5;241:*.entitlements=1:*.pbxproj=1:*.strings=1:*.storyboard=38;5;196:*.xcconfig=1:*.xcsettings=1:*.xcuserstate=1:*.xcworkspacedata=1:*.xib=38;5;208:*.asc=38;5;192;3:*.bfe=38;5;192;3:*.enc=38;5;192;3:*.gpg=38;5;192;3:*.signature=38;5;192;3:*.sig=38;5;192;3:*.p12=38;5;192;3:*.pem=38;5;192;3:*.pgp=38;5;192;3:*.p7s=38;5;192;3:*id_dsa=38;5;192;3:*id_rsa=38;5;192;3:*id_ecdsa=38;5;192;3:*id_ed25519=38;5;192;3:*.32x=38;5;213:*.cdi=38;5;213:*.fm2=38;5;213:*.rom=38;5;213:*.sav=38;5;213:*.st=38;5;213:*.a00=38;5;213:*.a52=38;5;213:*.A64=38;5;213:*.a64=38;5;213:*.a78=38;5;213:*.adf=38;5;213:*.atr=38;5;213:*.gb=38;5;213:*.gba=38;5;213:*.gbc=38;5;213:*.gel=38;5;213:*.gg=38;5;213:*.ggl=38;5;213:*.ipk=38;5;213:*.j64=38;5;213:*.nds=38;5;213:*.nes=38;5;213:*.sms=38;5;213:*.8xp=38;5;121:*.8eu=38;5;121:*.82p=38;5;121:*.83p=38;5;121:*.8xe=38;5;121:*.stl=38;5;216:*.dwg=38;5;216:*.ply=38;5;216:*.wrl=38;5;216:*.pot=38;5;7:*.pcb=38;5;7:*.mm=38;5;7:*.gbr=38;5;7:*.scm=38;5;7:*.xcf=38;5;7:*.spl=38;5;7:*.Rproj=38;5;11:*.sis=38;5;7:*.1p=38;5;7:*.3p=38;5;7:*.cnc=38;5;7:*.def=38;5;7:*.ex=38;5;7:*.example=38;5;7:*.feature=38;5;7:*.ger=38;5;7:*.ics=38;5;7:*.map=38;5;7:*.mf=38;5;7:*.mfasl=38;5;7:*.mi=38;5;7:*.mtx=38;5;7:*.pc=38;5;7:*.pi=38;5;7:*.plt=38;5;7:*.pm=38;5;7:*.rdf=38;5;7:*.ru=38;5;7:*.sch=38;5;7:*.sty=38;5;7:*.sug=38;5;7:*.tdy=38;5;7:*.tfm=38;5;7:*.tfnt=38;5;7:*.tg=38;5;7:*.vcard=38;5;7:*.vcf=38;5;7:*.xln=38;5;7:*.iml=38;5;166:';
# Get external IP
alias whatsmyip="curl"
# Use Bat instead of cat if available and pass in some options to make things more readable
if (( $+commands[bat] )); then
alias cat="bat -p --wrap character"
export MANPAGER="sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"
# if vmux ( is installed, set it up
if (( $+commands[vmux] && $+commands[nvim] )); then
export VMUX_EDITOR=nvim
export VMUX_REALEDITOR_NVIM=/usr/local/bin/nvim
export VMUX_GLOBAL=1
alias nvim="vmux"
# Skin tmux-panes if its around
if (( $+commands[xpanes] )); then
# Send these files over to the remote host when using `z4h ssh`.
zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*' send-extra-files '~/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh' '~/.nanorc' '~/.nano' '~/.zshrc.boris.zsh' '~/.local/share/*' '~/.local/kubectl-aliases.zsh'
zstyle -e ':z4h:ssh:*' retrieve-history 'reply=($ZDOTDIR/.zsh_history.${(%):-%m}:$z4h_ssh_host)'
zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*' ssh-command command ssh
# Make tab completion use ~/.ssh/config when invoking ssh
zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:argument-1:' tag-order hosts users
zstyle ':completion:*:scp:argument-rest:' tag-order hosts files users
zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp):*:hosts' hosts
# Change the tab title to the ~/.ssh/config equivalent
# zstyle ':z4h:term-title:ssh' precmd ${${${Z4H_SSH##*:}//\%/%%}:-%m}
# zstyle ':z4h:term-title:ssh' preexec ${${${Z4H_SSH##*:}//\%/%%}:-%m}
# dont engage the z4h ssh wrapper for specific host
zstyle ':z4h:ssh:zeus' enable 'no'
zstyle ':z4h:ssh:router' enable 'no'
zstyle ':z4h:ssh:*' enable 'yes'
# Source additional local files if they exist.
# Enable iTerm integration if we are indeed running iTerm
if [ "$LC_TERMINAL" = "iTerm2" ]; then
zstyle ':z4h:' iterm2-integration yes
# Export environment variables.
export EDITOR=${${commands[nano]:t}:-vi}
export PAGER=less
export LESS="--mouse"
# Install zsh-substring-search
#z4h install -f zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search || return
#z4h source $Z4H/zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh
#bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up
#bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down
z4h source /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/
z4h source /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/
z4h source ~/.local/share/completions/dctl
z4h source <(stern --completion=zsh)
z4h source <(flux completion zsh)
z4h source <(k3d completion zsh)
z4h source <(eksctl completion zsh)
#z4h source <(istioctl completion zsh)
# Add rapture
eval "$( command rapture shell-init )"
# Source the k aliasing for kubectl
z4h source ~/.local/kubectl-aliases.zsh
This config is rather long. Can you reproduce this issue with a smaller zshrc? Start with the stock zshrc from v5 and make as few changes as you can. Ideally, only change the line with “start-tmux”.
None of my extended configs really affects z4h, I am taking the stock zshrc and everything else i am adding is functions to extend my environment, not configure z4h. So taking the stock zshrc and trying to next tmux still breaks.
-B On Sep 18, 2021, 17:07 -0400, Roman Perepelitsa @.***>, wrote:
This config is rather long. Can you reproduce this issue with a smaller zshrc? Start with the stock zshrc from v5 and make as few changes as you can. Ideally, only change the line with “start-tmux”. — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.
If I understand correctly, you are saying that prompt does not start at the bottom of the terminal in some cases when zsh is running under tmux and prompt-at-bottom
is set to yes
. I would really like to have instructions that I can follow to see this for myself. In the absence of such instructions I've tried the following:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install tmux
curl -fsSLo ~/.zshenv
curl -fsSLo ~/.zshrc
from integrated
to no
sed -i.bak -e '/start-tmux/ s/integrated/no/' ~/.zshrc
, .p10k-8color.zsh
and .p10k-ascii-8color.zsh
cat >~/.p10k.zsh >~/.p10k-8color.zsh >~/.p10k-ascii-8color.zsh <<END
exec zsh
tmux -CC
Here's what I've got:
There are two iTerm2 windows on the screenshot. The one in the back is where I typed tmux -CC
. The one in the front opened upon execution of that command. Note that prompt is at the bottom in the front window. Thus, my attempt to reproduce the issue has failed.
What am I doing wrong?
repeat what you did but leave start-tmux to yes
is not a valid value for start-tmux
. I assume you mean 'integrated'
. This is technically valid but shouldn't be used if you intend to use tmux manually. Since you do, you shouldn't set start-tmux
to integrated
Do you experience any issues if you set start-tmux
to no
? If so, provide detailed instructions that I can follow.
# Automaticaly wrap TTY with a transparent tmux ('integrated'), or start a
# full-fledged tmux ('system'), or disable features that require tmux ('no').
zstyle ':z4h:' start-tmux 'integrated'
# Move prompt to the bottom when zsh starts up so that it's always in the
# same position. Has no effect if start-tmux is 'no'.
zstyle ':z4h:' prompt-at-bottom 'yes'
Please explain how this block of documentation is supposed to be interpreted? The way I read it, prompt-at-bottom has no effect if start-tmux is set to 'no'. Also, since i have no idea what "features that require tmux" are and am guessing based on snippets of comments in the files, I am trying to find a way to turn the feature on and integrate it in my workflow.
Might I suggest you create an issue template, with the information you want people to supply you from the start in the format you want and understand rather than the current status quo?
Please explain how this block of documentation is supposed to be interpreted?
These comments are incorrect.
z4h can automatically start tmux when it's not already running in tmux. That's what start-tmux
specifies. If you set it to no
, it won't start tmux. system
will start plain tmux
, which will use your tmux config. command tmux [args]..
is similar to system
but allows you to specify custom arguments. intergrated
will start a special instance of tmux that's almost invisible -- it doesn't respect any special key combinations that tmux normally respects, doesn't respond to manual tmux
commands, etc.
There are features in z4h that only work when zsh is running in tmux. Prompt at the bottom is one of them. As far as these features are concerned, it doesn't matter how tmux was started as long as it was started.
I am trying to find a way to turn the feature on and integrate it in my workflow.
My very first comment on this issue gave you the answer. Unfortunately, you replied that this doesn't work and then repeated this multiple times.
Does it or does it not work if you set start-tmux
to no
? If it does not, describe what you do, what you expect and what you observe.
Might I suggest you create an issue template
If you are implying that it would have caused less frustration on this issue, I doubt it.
Here is how I normally run z4h (v3 and v4):
tmux -CC
session in iTerm, this does not read .tmux.conf, but I do have it present on the systemtmux
(no -CC) in that window, this uses the local .tmux.confWhen I try to do the above with v5 and its internal tmux enabled, I hit a deadstop at step 2. My local
tmux -CC
just never fires up and it indefinitely sits there until i go and dokillall tmux
I am getting around this by disabling the integrated tmux but that kinda robs me of all the cool new stuff you have been working on.
Additional info - I am using
to "manage" my local tmux, but ultimately it just still fires uptmux -CC
and then fires off a few window create commands to restore my session. Here is the config for the local host if it mattersHere is my tmux.conf thats present on both the local and remote box: