romstad / Chess.jl

Julia chess programming library.
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pickbookmove() potentially broken? #22

Closed slenderq closed 2 years ago

slenderq commented 2 years ago

Hi there, noticed that the pickbookmove() function broke in my code after this commit: (I noticed this issue after updating the package)

My exact call is: move = pickbookmove(board, "my-book.obk") and the error I now get is ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching pickbookmove(::Board, ::String) Closest candidates are: pickbookmove(::Board; bookfile, minscore, mingamecount) at /home/vscode/.julia/packages/Chess/86E71/src/book.jl:665

Did something change about how this function is called? I can't seem to find any working examples/documentation on if the way to use this function has changed.


romstad commented 2 years ago


Sorry about not responding earlier to this one. The book name is now a named parameter. You'll have to do pickbookmove(board, bookfile="my-book.obk") instead.

Obviously this is a breaking change and should have been reflected in the library version number. My mistake.

slenderq commented 2 years ago

Ah no worries, thanks for the fix!