I just wanted to this module for renaming some of my images. After installing it with PIP and starting it I got the following exception:
MrLeehsMB:~ stefanlehmann$ smart-image-renamer.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/smart-image-renamer.py", line 31, in <module>
from _version import __version__
ImportError: No module named _version
So it seems for me the _version.py is not installed by setup.py. As there is only the version number set maybe it would be better to include it in the module file.
I just wanted to this module for renaming some of my images. After installing it with PIP and starting it I got the following exception:
So it seems for me the _version.py is not installed by setup.py. As there is only the version number set maybe it would be better to include it in the module file. Greetings