ronaldoussoren / altgraph

altgraph is a fork of graphlib: a graph (network) package for constructing graphs, BFS and DFS traversals, topological sort, shortest paths, etc. with graphviz output. altgraph includes some additional usage of Python 2.3+ features and enhancements related to modulegraph and macholib.
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Switch from setuptools to flit #12

Open ronaldoussoren opened 4 years ago

ronaldoussoren commented 4 years ago

altgraph currently uses setuptools, use flit instead.

Doing this is easy enough, but requires dropping python 2 support and I don't know when I'll do that.

flying-sheep commented 1 year ago

Python 2 is already unsupported, so now is a good time.

jgarte commented 11 months ago

Hi, why would it be good to use flit instead of setuptools? 🦆

flying-sheep commented 11 months ago

Simplicity. Setuptools is old, and therefore has a lot of competing ways to do things, outdated tutorials, slowness, verbose logging and so on.

Build backends like Flit, Hatch, PDM, … are much less bespoke, built for pyproject.toml exclusively, and therefore faster and easier to learn.

One could also use pyproject.toml to configure setuptools and have some of the advantages, but if you run into problems, “how to do X with setuptools” will yield less helpful responses because of all the history.