ronaldoussoren / modulegraph2

Modulegraph2 is a library for creating and introspecting the dependency graph between Python modules.
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add_script raising AttributeError #11

Closed Legorooj closed 4 years ago

Legorooj commented 4 years ago

@ronaldoussoren first of all, thanks for writing this library. Secondly, I'm a core developer of PyInstaller. I'm in the process of migrating modulegraph2 into PyInstaller to replace our heavily modded copy of the original modulegraph. However, in the process, I came across a rather major error which I'm honestly surprised has occured. ModuleGraph.add_script doesn't work - it errors out:

(venv) D:\PyInstaller>ipython
Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 21:26:53) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)]
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In [1]: from PyInstaller.lib import modulegraph

In [2]: graph = modulegraph.ModuleGraph()

In [3]: graph.add_script('')
AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-ec75154bffb4> in <module>
----> 1 graph.add_script('')

D:\PyInstaller\PyInstaller\lib\modulegraph\ in add_script(self, script_path)
    167         node = self._load_script(script_path)
    168         self.add_root(node)
--> 169         self._run_stack()
    170         return node

D:\PyInstaller\PyInstaller\lib\modulegraph\ in _run_stack(self)
    362         while self._work_stack:
    363             func, args = self._work_stack.pop()
--> 364             func(*args)
    366     def _implied_references(

D:\PyInstaller\PyInstaller\lib\modulegraph\ in _process_namelist(self, importing_module, imported_module, import_info)
    814           import_info: Information about the import
    815         """
--> 816         assert isinstance(importing_module, (Module, Package))
    817         if import_info.star_import:
    818             if isinstance(imported_module, (Package, Module)):


I traced a bit more detail on this issue: _process_namelist is called when running the workstack, and importing_module is an instance of Script, in this case referring to the script I added to the graph.

The exact folder structure I'm using can be found at I'm not sure what else to add here, so please let me know if there's any info I can provide that I haven't already.

(I should note that this copy of the graph I'm running with this error has been modded slightly, though I can say for certain that the mod's I've made shouldn't affect add_script. None of the mods actually change how modulegraph works; they add features on top of it.)

Legorooj commented 4 years ago

Update: I ran this with vanilla modulegraph2, and after removing a type hint which imported PyInstaller(?) I managed to reproduce this using the exact command set in a fresh virtual environment. (Replacing PyInstaller.lib.modulegraph with modulegraph2 of course.)

ronaldoussoren commented 4 years ago

If pushed a fix for this particular problem to the repo.

W.r.t. the update: A slightly clear message would be appreciated, what type hint that imported PyInstaller?

BTW. Note that modulegraph2 is a complete rewrite, you'll likely encounter more problems. The semantics are also slightly different from the old version as it uses the actual importlib machinery to load modules/extensions instead of reproducing it in the graph builder.

Legorooj commented 4 years ago

@ronaldoussoren thanks! I can't find this type hint now though for some reason (maybe I added it myself idk). If I come across it again I'll let you know.