rondevera / twig

Your personal Git branch assistant.
MIT License
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`twig $property` causes accidental property setting #22

Open ljharb opened 11 years ago

ljharb commented 11 years ago

When I try a git shortcut (in my gitconfig) like co for checkout, there are a few problems:

This issue is that I think twig foo to set property "foo" is too implicit - twig set foo would be much clearer, and would allow for helpful error messages and extensions in the root namespace.

rondevera commented 11 years ago

Since reading and writing branch properties are two of the core functions of Twig, this usage most likely won't change. For each issue here:

ljharb commented 11 years ago

A twig-config-opt-in setting to issue a prompt would work well. I use twig for reading properties exponentially more often than setting them, so that wouldn't be troublesome for me.