v2.0 - ScaleCube Services provides a low latency Reactive Microservices library for serverless service registry and discovery based on gossip protocol and without single point-of-failure or bottlenecks.
if (returnType.isAssignableFrom(Void.TYPE)) {
throw new IllegalMethodDefinitionWeDontSupportThisException();
You can define:
Mono<Void> funcVoidReactive();
You should not be allowed to define:
void funcNonReactive();
Motivation: it's hard to combine plain void functions, let's define convention that our service definitions has to be pure functions, i.e. must return somerhinhg , even if it's Mono. Why do that? For caring about api clients, about their ability to combine.
You can define:
You should not be allowed to define:
Motivation: it's hard to combine plain void functions, let's define convention that our service definitions has to be pure functions, i.e. must return somerhinhg , even if it's Mono. Why do that? For caring about api clients, about their ability to combine.