rongakowang / DeepSimHO

[NeurIPS 2023] DeepSimHO: Stable Pose Estimation for Hand-Object Interaction via Physics Simulation
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Installation issue on WSL #4

Closed void2eye closed 4 months ago

void2eye commented 5 months ago

Will this project run on wsl, my six can't fully install dependencies and there are a lot of package conflicts after pip check

pip check
ml-dtypes 0.2.0 has requirement numpy>1.20, but you have numpy 1.19.2.
flask 3.0.3 has requirement click>=8.1.3, but you have click 7.1.2.
flask 3.0.3 has requirement Jinja2>=3.1.2, but you have jinja2 2.11.3.
flask 3.0.3 has requirement Werkzeug>=3.0.0, but you have werkzeug 1.0.1.

Then I run my check script

import pkg_resources

def parse_requirements(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()
    requirements = []
    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        if line and not line.startswith('#'):
    return requirements

def get_installed_packages():
    installed_packages = {pkg.key: pkg.version for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set}
    return installed_packages

def main():
    requirements = parse_requirements('requirements.txt')
    installed_packages = get_installed_packages()

    missing_packages = []
    version_mismatched_packages = []

    for req in requirements:
        if '@' in req:
        if '==' in req:
            pkg_name, pkg_version = req.split('==')
            pkg_name = req
            pkg_version = None

        installed_version = installed_packages.get(pkg_name.lower())
        if installed_version is None:
        elif pkg_version and installed_version != pkg_version:
            version_mismatched_packages.append((pkg_name, pkg_version, installed_version))

    if missing_packages:
        print("Missing packages:")
        for pkg in missing_packages:
            print(f"- {pkg}")

    if version_mismatched_packages:
        print("\nVersion mismatched packages:")
        for pkg_name, required_version, installed_version in version_mismatched_packages:
            print(f"- {pkg_name}: required {required_version}, installed {installed_version}")

    if not missing_packages and not version_mismatched_packages:
        print("All packages are installed and match the required versions.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Version mismatched packages:
- six: required  1.15.0, installed 1.15.0

Reinstalling these related packages didn't help

void2eye commented 5 months ago

my wsl is Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

rongakowang commented 5 months ago


I haven't tested on WSL, but in general your package conflicts above should not block the installation. Latest numpy may have problems, but the exact version of other packages you show above should not matter.

How about just fix the numpy version and re-install others via pip?