ronh3 / poopDeck

Seafaring package for Achaea
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1.0 alias issues #27

Open Ryzant opened 1 month ago

Ryzant commented 1 month ago

the followin aliases dont seem to work for me. Mudlet seems to accept the command but nothing happens. I've removed the package. downloaded a fresh package. then reinstalled an below they still didnt seem to work. Clear Rigging - crig Douse - dou(rms)- all 3 doesnt work Ship Rescue - sres Set Weapon - seaweapon - all 3 weapons

Also observed that the follow alias aren't on poopfull and poopsail or poopmonster firc - fire chainshot showon - Turn shipwarning on mainn - maintain none scomm on - Turn on comm screen wind - invoke windboost dous - fill douse the SAILS with a bucket

I'm weeks late on the testing because I only noticed that you put the 1.0 packge back on today. I haven't tried the autofire yet. I've only tested the aliases.

I appreciate you creating and improving poopDeck!

Ryzant commented 1 month ago

I have since redownloaed the 1.0 package and still getting same issues. Additionally, not sure if you'd prefer me to create a separate issues but just a couple of issues related to seamonsters. 1.) The timer isn't working for me. killed a few sea monsters and the timer has not shown up since downloading. 2.) Out of range. During the 1 time I was captain of a sea monster hunt, the pink Out of Range message stays in the prompt even after I've killed a monster.