ronhks / panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt

MQTT transfer layer for Panasonic Smart Cloud platform for manage the Aquarea device
MIT License
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Clarify documentation wrt setting values #4

Open svillar opened 1 year ago

svillar commented 1 year ago

The current documentation is a bit confusing with regard to how to set operation modes. I have doubts with some topics

  1. in the Read values section we have /heat/operation/set That looks like a topic to set a value instead of a topic to read a value from. Actually after subscribing to that topic I get nothing (contrary to subscribing to /heat/operation where I do get values). So what is it used for?
  2. in the Change values section, there is no payload specification for any topic except /water/temp/set. I've verified that an empty payload does indeed change the values. Perhaps that should be added in the documentation.
  3. Related to the previous comment, what about having just /heat/operation to read values and /heat/operation/set to set values (the payload would the 0/1 to disable/enable, or whatever other pair like off/on...)
  4. Last but not least, what does imply setting an operating mode on? For example for water, if I set /water/operation/on does it simply enable the hot water system (which will eventually kick in when needed), or does it actually start to warm the water?
ronhks commented 1 year ago

Actually I have a huge load, i will answer later (approx end of August/September).