ronibandini / XiaoRoundInternetHour

Swatch Internet time with Xiao Round Display .beats
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Issues when compiling (TFT_eSPI library) #1

Open andriandreo opened 2 weeks ago

andriandreo commented 2 weeks ago

Hola! Excelente proyecto, muy curioso. Lo encontré por curiosidad pues estaba teniendo problemas a la hora de compilar el ejemplo de HardwareTest de la Wiki para el XIAO Round Display de Seeed Studio y tenía mucha curiosidad.

I will proceed in English in case this is still useful to somebody. I'm using the Arduino IDE and the issue is I cannot compile either this project or the HardwareTest from the XIAO Round Display Wiki.

I'm stuck getting some short of error quite similar to the user in this issue (somehow the library is trying to say to the compiler that the processor is RP2040 instead of the chosen nRF52840 that would act as a Generic one).

My question is whether you can confirm this project is still compilable with the current version of the required libraries and/or which were the versions you used for them back when you developed it (especially for the TFT_eSPI since apparently is the one causing troubles here).

Muchas gracias!

ronibandini commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks Andriandreo. I have used and

andriandreo commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, just like in the Wiki, right?

Could you please provide whether you used the mbed-enabled or NON-mbed version when selecting the Seeed XIAO BLE - nRF52840 board in Arduino?
